If The Tables Were Turned and The Men were Providers

I always wondered??How would you advertise yourself?

Would you lie about your looks, age ... just to book more calls??? hehehe. Or be real with yourself and your customers.

What would you like to project to the Ladies and why.Real photos or Pro??
Pro photos for me...I need all the airbrushing I can get! (but they will be REAL)
Bianca.... There would be a lot of Skinny Men... I'd have to give up Photography... I'd be in need of a little air brushing also... Make that "Hair Brushing" ....
NeedingMore's Avatar
I think there's an element of let down when you see someone after seeing their pro photos. I would stay with good (pro or non pro) non airbrushed photos. Airbrushing is good for fantasies, but who wouldn't want to return a product if it's not as advertised? I guess an alternative is showing both...I'm all about truth in advertising.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
it's me or it's free!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Maybe I should be a provider?! Nope, it would never work. Because my pimp would not like me eating up all the profits. .
Rcoop361's Avatar
I think there's an element of let down when you see someone after seeing their pro photos. I would stay with good (pro or non pro) non airbrushed photos. Airbrushing is good for fantasies, but who wouldn't want to return a product if it's not as advertised? I guess an alternative is showing both...I'm all about truth in advertising. Originally Posted by NeedingMore
it's me or it's free! Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
using both of the above for appearance (although a little camera shy) and using my reviews for service abilities, LOL
gptxman's Avatar
In the swinging world where I have pictures and info about me posted it is all honest and the pictures are keep up to date (none older than 6 months since we can change in looks so fast). I see no reason that I would do anything any different if I was posting ads like you girls do.

Real is always best since you can't fake who you are when you meet. From what I see the girls that fake it or post heavily air brushed photos always get called out on it. Besides I would think it is better for you to have a guy come to see you because he likes you and not a different girl he saw on the web.
Guest062512's Avatar
I'd keep myself in a heckuva lot better shape, for one thing, so the photos wouldn't need so much touch up. I'd have a little surgery to enhance this or that. Oh... and I'd buy stock in cialis and Viagra and just for men hair products.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I would use real photos because I would hate to get that "look."
You know, that look of disappointment.
But I would also be down at the dock waiting for the fleet of female sailors to come in.
CenterLock's Avatar
I'd just list myself "Retired" and let people wonder... Perhaps an airbrushed photo of Sean Connery as my avatar.
Jasser's Avatar
I would advertise that I'm lactating, but then list myself as BFE light, so no sucking on the nipples.

I would airbrush the shit out of my pics until I looked like a painting.

Seriously though, I couldn't do what you ladies do. I could, but I would have to very selective and probably get horrible reviews. I couldn't give the illusion of passion to any lady that walked through the door.

As for your other questions, I wouldn't lie about my age and I would use real photos, not pro. I hate photos, in this hobby, that are more artistic than realistic. I want to see what you look like every day.
SweetBee, you know you'd get a discount...
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I would be YMMV
GDLMAN's Avatar
I would starve to death