The Case For Bush

BELLINGHAM, Wash. (CBS Seattle) — One doctor is calling for the end to the “war on pubic hair.”

Family physician Emily Gibson made headlines recently for her public assertion that modern women should shy away from the practice of bikini waxing – which she referred to as the “war on pubic hair” – as the practice increases risk of various infections.

“The amount of time, energy, money and emotion both genders spend on abolishing hair from their genitals is astronomical,” said Gibson in an article on “The genital hair removal industry, including medical professionals who advertise their specialty services to those seeking the ‘clean and bare’ look, is exponentially growing.”

Hair removal in the United States reportedly cost Americans a whopping $2.1 billion. And not long ago, photographs of young female celebrities leaving little to the imagination were seen on a near-daily basis, the exposed nature of the pictures showing just how prevalent the trend of pubic hair removal has become.

Gibson, who also serves as the medical director of the health center at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash., additionally noted the negative health implications of the practice while explaining the biological purpose of pubic hair.

“Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury … [its] removal naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds,” she noted.

The risk also extends to sexually transmitted diseases.

Said Gibson, “Some clinicians are finding that freshly shaved pubic areas and genitals are also more vulnerable to herpes infections due to the microscopic wounds being exposed to virus carried by mouth or genitals. It follows that there may be vulnerability to spread of other [sexually transmitted infections] as well.”

I'm in my 50's and prefer an au naturel look. Age related I guess. Real women have bush!
TheWanderer's Avatar
I'm with you. It seems like society is split about 50/50 on the topic though.
However, bush seems to have become a fetish these days. There are more websites dedicated to au natural than there are shaved.
I just wish more women saw the beauty in it.
What's that line from American Wedding?

" You know son, back in my day pubic hair was not such a big deal "
I heard this on the radio the other day, all women have bushes, most just choose to tame them! ;p
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I knew there was a reason I've kept all my 'Stop the War' tie-dyed t-shirts since the 70's!!!
I don't mind a landing strip, but wild bush is just gross. I'm sorry, but it needs to be trimmed for hygiene reasons ... The hair traps fluid and bacteria that lead to nasty smells. And I hate sticking my nose into a stinky bush.

I've done it before. It's now a deal breaker for me. If there's a full bush I won't go near it.

And as for the good doctor's assertion about the purpose of the bush to be as a cushion ... well, she's just wrong. It's only REAL purpose is to signify sexual maturity. That way, back when we all walked around naked and grunted, we could tell on sight who was ready to breed. That's it. It's not safety gear.
  • Stag
  • 08-16-2012, 09:18 AM
Can I just say that this goes for us male types, too. I can only guess how many times our lovely ladies on this site have said that they prefer their men shaved. I get it. Nobody likes flossing during doing the dirty. And ladies, I can understand that this is your workplace, and you want workplace conditions that are as pleasant as possible. Believe me, if I hadn’t read it here on Eccie how important it is to you, I NEVER NEVER NEVER would have put a sharp object anywhere near my nether regions.

(By the way, what’s the number one way to get rid of unwanted pubic hair? Spitting vigorously.)

But seriously, this obsession with hairlessness is counterproductive, especially for a guy whose 6th grade football nickname was “Gorilla.” (Nobody in my grade school knew what a Sasquatch was.)

Think about the risks involved for us married men. (1) Every time I trim up down there, if the Mrs. Stag notices (that’s rare, because she prefers not to see me naked), it makes her suspicious. I try to tell her that the pubes irritate me when I work out, but then she looks at my shape generally and knows right away how little I actually work out. So accommodating the tastes of our lovely providers dramatically increases the chances that I might get caught, and there’s no bigger deterrence to hobby activities. (2) As the article says, every shave (whether on a wrinkled old face, or a wrinkled old joy bag) creates micro-abrasions that are a potential source of infection. Based on extensive scholarly research (by which I mean I Googled it) I determined that I need to shave two days or more before play time to protect both parties. The risk of catching something might be the one bigger deterrent than getting caught. (Unless you’ve seen my wife when she’s thoroughly pissed off over something she caught me doing.) And maybe the worst: (3) Any time you put a cutting utensil near crinkly and sensitive skin, you’re just BEGGING for a tragic accident. I’ve had it happen. It bleeds a LOT with a very tiny little nick. And that’s hard to explain to the Mrs. Stag..

So, I would be very happy to see that “bare as a baby” trend reverse itself, in favor of leaving everything au natural, except maybe trimmed down to a half inch or so.

Whadda ya say, ladies?
I believe this should be a topic for the Obama/Romney debates.
aRandyOne's Avatar
For the folks that shave everything off I ask you this (particularly the men) do you shave your underarms?
Many guys that claim that they shave their pubes off because it is "more hygienic" completely forget their underarms.

Can you guess my preference on the bush war?
This whole argument may be right in there with backwards parking...but I like trimmed bush...or a wild assed commando bush...shaped like a heart bush...Hitler 'stache bush...anything but a George Bush.

Ya'll seen Kathy Griffin's vayjay waxing routine? Yow!