Just walk in as opposed to knocking.

harleyrider64's Avatar
I wondered if anyone else is slightly uncomfortable with this. PM/text what ever, arrive at apt/hotel incall, receive room number with instructions to "just walk in". Is there any peticular reason for this? Seems pretty easy for a door number to get transposed. 214 vs 241, 331 vs 311, etc, etc. I do not mind saying that if it is my first time at that location, the "just walk in" is uncomfortable to say the least for the first few seconds. I know if a strange man just "walks in" my door unknown, not invited, and unannounced, the follow seconds could be very dicey.

Your thoughts?
lips in the hills's Avatar
Doesn't bother me, but only 3 providers that I've seen asked this. It is less conspicuous to onlookers if you look like you belong there. And the neighbors don't hear constant door knocking.
I hate knocking on a door at a hotel, just feel weird about it. I would much rather walk right in like I own the place.
The providers don't like the attention that constant knocks on the door might attract from neighbors. I still feel a bit weird about it, so usually knock gently before opening the door. Which is probably the worst of all possible approaches.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Oh no do not just walk in ever I don't like it no no no.....There is only one person who has permission to do this but even then I get a text saying on way up....

This is one of the main reasons I ask for a text/call/pm whatever when you arrive that way I can be at the door and ready to open it without you knocking the timing looks like you are just walking in like you belong here
I rarely, if ever, do incalls. I'm also one who likes to have "regular" providers so we both can gain confidence and trust in each other or as least as much as you can in the hobby. I will only repeat with provider if she drives herself, by the way. This allows them to just walk in at my place. It is less conspicuous so I understand why some providers would prefer it.
I've had hobbyists tell me to do this, at hotels or their homes and I'm *always* scared shitless that I'm going to end up at the wrong door because of a transposed number!
I prefer men do this but they always find it weird. Looks way more natural imo.

My biggest thing is leaving the room tho! Please pull the door shut behind u and dont look left and right frantically , who on earth naturally looks liks that unless up to something lol.
Nikki - This is why I like to attempt to establish some mutual respect and trust as a repeat client. I have read some stories by guys who have been accosted on the way out so I can see why they'd be a little skiddish on a first visit.

Oh and remind me, why I have I not seen YOU yet?
fun2come's Avatar
Well I guess I am just so PW'ed, I just ALWAYS do what they (pimp/handler/BF/GF/provider) tell me:
Park in THAT spot. DON'T Knock. Place donation HERE. GO Shower. Get in BED. What do we have here, are you F*CKING kidding me, now what am I supposed to do with THAT?

At least I didn't KNOCK ... her up.
fun2come's Avatar
I prefer men do this but they always find it weird. Looks way more natural imo.

My biggest thing is leaving the room tho! Please pull the door shut behind u and dont look left and right frantically , who on earth naturally looks liks that unless up to something lol. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
leaving with a big grin and smile, is that suspicious as well????
Hahaha I get that ppl gey nervous and no f2c I dont think looking joyful is suspicious but when ppl exit and look like they are dodging snippers its ridiculous lol.

If u look like your movements should have the mission impossible theme song in the background you are doing too much lol.
Tatonka's Avatar
Doesn't bother me, but only 3 providers that I've seen asked this. It is less conspicuous to onlookers if you look like you belong there. And the neighbors don't hear constant door knocking. Originally Posted by lips in the hills
Guest121917-1's Avatar
If I have seen the guy several times I just have them walk in. I dont want the attention being drawn to myself with all the knocking.
Now if I havent seen the person. I double lock and look throw the peep hole before I open my door.
knotty man's Avatar
i like the idea of just walkin in. it looks more natural and brings less attention to me as well as to the lady and the room she is staying in. i usually ask also before i go to her room where the elevators are or which direction to go once inside ,if shes on the ground floor, that way i can walk in looking as if i belong there