Mueller Report-Volume ll - Obstruction of justice.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Lewandowski caught in lies at House hearing

The trump loyalist May have committed perjury today at the House Hearing on Obstruction of Justice committed by the squatter in Chief. I’m betting Hannity doesn’t allow his viewers to see this video.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
"If it's not in the report, where I've been coached as to how to answer and weasel out of the inquiry, then I don't remember."

winn dixie's Avatar
fake news
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Lewandowski caught in lies at House hearing

The trump loyalist May have committed perjury today at the House Hearing on Obstruction of Justice committed by the squatter in Chief. I’m betting Hannity doesn’t allow his viewers to see this video. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
"If it's not in the report, where I've been coached as to how to answer and weasel out of the inquiry, then I don't remember."

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

let me help you two out here ....

When does Comey, Hillary, Brennan, Obama, Susan Rice, and a whole host of Dim criminals get charged?
"If it's not in the report, where I've been coached as to how to answer and weasel out of the inquiry, then I don't remember."

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That's rule number one in how to handle vindictive "Gotcha" type questions. Basically Lewandowski isn't participating and he doesn't really have to.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
fake news Originally Posted by winn dixie

It's unedited video.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's rule number one in how to handle vindictive "Gotcha" type questions. Basically Lewandowski isn't participating and he doesn't really have to. Originally Posted by Levianon17
But he was caught. He's running for Senate and needs the press. He fucked up because every answer for the public will be scrutinized as: "He doesn't care if we know he lies to us, and he wants to represent us? Maybe he should start with a House seat in a couple years."

Would it be better if he took the fifth? Or would that look like he was hiding something?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
When does Comey, Hillary, Brennan, Obama, Susan Rice, and a whole host of Dim criminals get charged? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Let me help you out there.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let me help you out there.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

being a post thief is no way to go through life, hoodkat.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Same goes for being a gun nut. You still have a puny pale pecker.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Same goes for being a gun nut. You still have a puny pale pecker.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

better than a dead pecker

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
But he was caught. He's running for Senate and needs the press. He fucked up because every answer for the public will be scrutinized as: "He doesn't care if we know he lies to us, and he wants to represent us? Maybe he should start with a House seat in a couple years."

Would it be better if he took the fifth? Or would that look like he was hiding something? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Are you talking about democrats like Richard Blumenthal or Claire Mcaskill?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When does Comey, Hillary, Brennan, Obama, Susan Rice, and a whole host of Dim criminals get charged? Originally Posted by gnadfly
When the GOP controls the courts.


OK, when the GOP controls the DOJ.


OK, when people give a frog’s fat ass!


OK, when they charge them with a crime.


eccieuser9500's Avatar
Lewandowski 'very, very close' to announcing Senate decision

Amid his hourslong testimony, Lewandowski tweeted out a link to a website he said was “launched to help a potential senate run,” encouraging his followers to “Sign up now!” The formal beginning of that campaign could begin in just two weeks, he told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday.