Do tattoos and piercings turn you on? Or do you think it's dirty...

Lita Raven's Avatar
I know this is an opinion based question, I just want to know what others think about it!! I am a heavily tattooed white woman with blue hair.
5'10 • 150 lbs ... Curvy butt and nice thighs with perky breasts.
I've had guys of all races and backgrounds show intrest in me and I've also had others show complete disgust. I know it's not for everyone but people don't have to be so rude

So what's your opinion?
python54's Avatar
Every generation has something controversial. In my hippie days with long hair down my back driving a VW bus, I was liked or hated. Tattoos, which I prefer to call body art, is todays way of expressing your individuality. The Lemmings of the world would rather you not step out of their box of rules. It rattles them. I say don't think outside the box but get the hell rid of the box and be yourself. There will be lovers or haters but in the end, be happy and proud expressing who you are. I've never followed the "American Dream" and am happy for that. Others look at my lifestyle and think it's odd. Oh well ??

Body art itself is just like going to an art gallery. Some paintings I'll love & other will be "How'd they let this in as art?" lol. Some people won't go into an art gallery as they don't appreciate art.

At age 62....I've learned, be myself, forget society's rules, push the envelope. If it weren't for my generations counterculture days I'd be wearing a suit and wing-tip shoes. You'd be modestly dressed an wondering if it's proper to get you ears pierced!

I looked at your showcase, I'll say I'd need to book a multi hour so you can show me all your at and the stories behind each one. Enjoy being yourself and revel in those that appreciate you. Ignore the haters, they'll always hate something.
i hope you are ready for some of the replies that are about to come your way.. i just really hope that you dont let the negative ones get to you and you dont waste too much energy on people who say negative things to you..

thats how life is. some people like some things, some dont. most that dont just keep their opinions to themselves, but with this internet courage... times have really changed.

all i can answer is that, i got all of my tattoos for myself. i am a wanderlust for myself. i live my life for myself and those who want to be a part of it can be if i also want them to be a part of it.

if they dont, thats great.. there are plenty of others that do. and i will spend my time, energy and love on those that the feeling is mutual.

have a good day.
joesmo888's Avatar
it is a bit much for my taste but you are still sexy to me
Contralto's Avatar
A random tat or two has no effect on me; meaning, they neither distract me nor impress me. Occasionally someone will explain the meaning of one and I'll understand why the bearer has it.

On the whole, when I see more tat than skin I find it takes away from the natural beauty of the lady. I wonder sometimes if body art isn't just a fad. I'm hoping the tatee's are as proud of them in 30 years as they are now. Time will tell.

As for piercings I prefer not to see providers with tongue, genital, or lip piercings.
Lita Raven's Avatar
Python54, Thanks for the positive response. I definitely believe that self expression, as long as it isn't hurting yourself or someone else, is healthy... And it can come in many forms!! To me having a garden in your front yard that you are passionate and proud about is no different than having a collection of art on your skin!! Of course the world as a whole would think that is absurd... I guess I let all the blue hair dye get to me huh 😛
Lita Raven's Avatar
if they dont, thats great.. there are plenty of others that do. and i will spend my time, energy and love on those that the feeling is mutual.

have a good day.
xoxo Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Others opinions do not really hurt my feelings, I usually don't even care to know.. I guess I just got a little curious. And heated internet debates aren't really an interest of mine, I'm more into heated personal encounters!

But your response was worded well, if it's meant to be... It will be
Lita Raven's Avatar
it is a bit much for my taste but you are still sexy to me Originally Posted by joesmo888
Well thanks 😊😊
Lita Raven's Avatar
On the whole, when I see more tat than skin I find it takes away from the natural beauty of the lady. I wonder sometimes if body art isn't just a fad. I'm hoping the tatee's are as proud of them in 30 years as they are now. Time will tell. Originally Posted by Contralto
Although I am heavily tattooed I would have to say I agree with this statement, I often find myself thinking... What the hell will my grandkids think of me? Will they think it's cool or will they be embarrassed of me!! I find most children are attracted to me and all my different colors... Given the chance to know me they usually love me! But that doesn't me they will always agree with what I've chosen to apply to my body.
Contralto's Avatar
Although I am heavily tattooed I would have to say I agree with this statement, I often find myself thinking... What the hell will my grandkids think of me? Will they think it's cool or will they be embarrassed of me!! I find most children are attracted to me and all my different colors... Given the chance to know me they usually love me! But that doesn't me they will always agree with what I've chosen to apply to my body. Originally Posted by Lita Raven
It's an interesting thought but again, I don't think our grandchildren are going to be thinking about tat's within the same context we do. Years ago, tat's were seen as open rebellion, then as acceptable rebellion. Only recently have they become seen as artistic expression. No telling how our future generations will see them. I can't project my way of thinking upon them. However, I will say that 30 years ago the person with a tattoo could find themselves being judged as an individual. I'm proud of our world that this is probably no longer the case. Individual expression is, in my view, valued more. Even though I like my sex partners to be wild and raw I still am greatly aroused by natural beauty, natural breasts, lips, etc. Some tat's can distract from that for me but that doesn't affect my judgment of the individual at all.
Ink is a personal thing, and much more popular than in the past. Hardware where I like to lick, no thanks.
pickupkid's Avatar
I don't mind tattoos as it done tastefully.
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
I love women covered in tattoos, of course I like tattoos in general. My only concern about tats that may have been done in someone's house are the risks involved in contracting hepatitis or other diseases or tattoos getting infected, that's just a personal issue though and I don't knock people who do get non-professional work done. I have lots of tats and plan on getting a lot more. I think tattoos on a lady is absolutely sexy.
python54's Avatar
... What the hell will my grandkids think of me? Will they think it's cool or will they be embarrassed of me!! Originally Posted by Lita Raven

As a kid I remember an elderly uncle of mine who served on a submarine during WWI, He had the anchor, ship and all tattooed. In those days (1960) it was either sailors or bikers. Come to think of it his older brother was a Harley biker in the 1930's and had tats also. Times change and what things represented at the time will have their intentions fade with time. I have no tats but I grew up a San Francisco hippie and it just wasn't part of the culture. I suppose if I found an old pair of bell bottoms, love beads and a Tye-dyed tee I'd get some odd looks! Heck I saw Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin in concert and some young-ins don't know who they are or their impact. I remember leaning against the stage at a Dead concert watching Jerry G and Pigpen play 5 feet away.

Tats are the same doesn't matter what the past or future thinks.....we live in the NOW so do as you see fit.

I'm in the minority as a minimalist. I own a 13 yr old car, no TV and sleep on a small Japanese futon. I just moved 800 miles to Colorado with ALL my possessions in a compact SUV.....people look at me oddly but that OK by me.....I'm happy. Just don't touch my beloved laptop! lol