6-27-2017 Investagative reports link on ?

normalguy21's Avatar

I wonder how many peter puffers work at the dept that made the arrest,s ?
Yet another way to spend the tax payers money to stamp out the worlds oldest profession. I hope ECCIE has lost my true identity.
That's some horseshit right there. Maybe it's their fault for being stupid enough to have a public get together but to charge them with felony pimping? Get the fuck out of here. I wonder how many of the "honorable" police officers on the Seattle PD payroll use prostitutes and review boards on an everyday basis? I bet it's more than you think. Yes, a lot of the girls are forced into it, but a lot, such as the oen example in the video, are doing it on their own free will. I love a lot of things about our country, but the puritanical views on sex isn't one of them.

I wonder how many peter puffers work at the dept that made the arrest,s ? Originally Posted by slickahhughs
GEe.. How many times have we heard of FBI agents, IRS agents and other federal workers TROLLING PORN sites while at work?? YET they want to shut down sites like this, back page, etc??
BUNCH of dickless hypocrites..
ck1942's Avatar
Just wondering I am how many people read this part of the news report????

"Unbeknownst to them, the detective sitting at their table during this series of meet-ups in 2015 was secretly videotaping their conversations as part of an undercover operation"

The arrests were not for "gathering or meeting and greeting" but for alleged discussion and/or promotion of P4P, which in some state jurisdictions could be considered pandering or promoting.

Seattle LEOs and prosecutors, imho, have stretched the meaning (and maybe the intent) of the law.

But unless a defendant has the financial means and the BALLS to be out there in the public courthouse, very unlikely he will beat the rap.