Provider search

I can't find the provider search feature.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-16-2016, 10:17 PM
Try this one...

Search Providers
Mokoa you are no help.
1 go to a thread
2 on the far right under Main Menu find search for Forums
3 under search for forums you can find search for providers
Hell of a nice place to hide it considering it was at the top of the home page before every thing was changed
Here's another question: if you enter only a location and search, you get nothing back. Is this a bug or a security control?
Type in a name and it will pop up a couple of suggestions. If you choose the suggested name it still can't find any thing. Type in Nicolet Clark and you will get three other names but all return with not found. Perhaps it would have been better to fix the bugs rather than change the whole site.
Not sure what the problem is. It's the 3rd banner from the top of the page, on the left, "Browse Showcases", then "Search Providers".
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-17-2016, 11:26 PM
Mokoa you are no help.
1 go to a thread
2 on the far right under Main Menu find search for Forums
3 under search for forums you can find search for providers
Hell of a nice place to hide it considering it was at the top of the home page before every thing was changed Originally Posted by tucson
Here is the query you posted...

I can't find the provider search feature. Originally Posted by tucson
That was all you posted. Nothing else. No specifics. If you had stated the specifics in the first place you would have received a reply more in line with your particular query.

We are not mind readers here.

Also, the link you were asking about appears just fine at the top every page except the page that lists your PM's.

The second row of links below the banner at the top. Second one from the left is labeled...


It is not hiding anywhere.

What I posted in Post 2 is another link to get you to the same feature.
Since the update, that 2nd bar does not appear on the site when I open it. I have go digging around to find showcases, etc.Also missing is the spot on the right that says...Welcome retone...your last visit was...etc....

Any ideas?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-18-2016, 05:57 PM
Is your browser window wide enough? Try expanding it to the right.
Browser window is open to full screen. The second bar...Browse showcases, provider search, chat, etc.....doesn't exist on my screen anywhere.
Mokoa My page has no resemblance to what you show. Why should some of us get different views. This looks like a glitch in the in the new program.