Planning for retirement..

I would like suggestions as what to be doing to plan for retirement. I have some idea's as what I need to do. I would like to hear from others that have retired from working regular jobs etc.

Bob Soldios's Avatar
I think in general, even with the very different nature of your work, most of the same guidelines should hold true. A big question up front is this :

Are you retiring from this career to pursue another career, or retiring to get out of the workforce?

That's a big first step because it determines if you need to be planning for no new income, or planning on changes in your income.
Well before I make final decisions I need to make sure I have some things in place so I don't fall on my face and end up coming back here.

I will hopefully soon have my disability, but as some know that's not much at all to live on.
Imagine That's Avatar
THT, If you would just move down here, I am sure there would be enough Hobbyist that would help you, to suppliment your disability.

Imagine That
THT, If you would just move down here, I am sure there would be enough Hobbyist that would help you, to suppliment your disability.

Imagine That Originally Posted by Imagine That
I've done very well in the DFW area most time's I have been down. It's just to expensive to move and live down there with my 14 horses(new one just born 2 days ago) and donkey, plus my dogs etc.

My rent for a 2bdrm on 20 acres is only 400 a month, then all my other bills still add's up to A LOT less than most rent around DFW.

If I could bring myself to share a incall with someone I'd be down on a regular basis but I'm much more private and prefer not many knowing any of my business.

Hugs, kisses, licks and nibbles...