What % Of Your Income "Would You" Spend On "The Hobby"?

Since asking someone how much they make is more or less kind of rude, I will try getting the information I need another way. What % of your income do you spend on "the hobby" a year? I don't mind being upfront. I "bring home" over $70k a year.

The reason I am asking is because I am seeing a lot of prices that are, quite frankly, not only out of my league, but I could just never fathom spending $200+ for 1 hour of sex when I can get good sex for free. I have not seen a provider through this site yet. And I still have questions about meeting someone through a traceable, online source. Despite my cautiousness, this still leads me to think a few things:

1. what would the average salary be of someone who pays $200/hr and sees a provider once a month?

2. is it possible that the providers are putting up a high sticker price to scare off lower income guys? i mean if i were them i'd put a high sticker price out there in hopes to rake in some extra cash (pun intended). but $100/hr is a LOT of money, especially if you can work 2-3 hours a night. Let's say you are fortunate enough to have a steady clientele of 2 customers a day for 5 days. That's 10 customers at $200 a pop that's $2,000 a week, times 52 = $104k a year (more than I make a year in gross salary). Of course your dollars are also tax free (hey, religions have been doing this for centuries).

3. given the above math (if it's correct), would a good gauge for finding the appropriate provider ($$ wise) be to determine if their salary base is close to yours?

Anyway, if this is an inappropriate question, i apologize.
slipknot's Avatar
To answer your subject line question. I spend about half of my income on hookers and whiskey, and the rest I waste.
heh. i take your response as a joke? how do you survive (food, clothing, shelter, bills). lol.
Depending on what you are looking for. A lot of girls that are gfe charge $200 an hr. That said, I make two thirds of what you do and I save elsewhere to spend it hobbying. Providers don't care what you make if you are paying them their rate...and for good service a tip..hope this helps
aznlvr11's Avatar
as much as i can and more than I should.....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-07-2011, 08:06 PM
The hobby may not be for you. 200 for the hour is pretty much a good deal for a good looking girl gfe. There are many reasons one joins this thing if you feel you got it good with what youre hitting now why do it?
good points. i guess i've had "friends with benefits that required non-sexual compensation" before. it's never been about the money. it's been about the trade-off. I think Trey "Da Booty Master" said it well. It's all about what you're getting out of it.

It's kind of funny because it "seems" there are some similarities between being on the "inside" of the pot smokers crowd and hobbying. Sometimes people just pay prices because it's what they've always done. I don't smoke anymore, but back when I was broke and depressed it seemed a good way to pass the time. Anyway, I had scored an oz of some cheap schwag from a co-worker for about $40 (this is 1996 prices). This stuff really lit me up. I invited some of the heavier, hydroponic smokers over as sort of a gesture of good faith for letting me bum hits off them when i'm over at their place. We proceeded to smog out and they were tripping out over how stoned they were getting in such a short period of time (in fact it was that kind of stuff that just creeps up on you). So I ended up telling them how much I paid for it and they freaked out. They actually shunned me after that. It seems that they were so offended that they had been paying $200+ for an oz of hydro that got them less high than what this bag-o-schwag did.

Well, my point being, it's all about what your mind thinks your getting out of it. If you pay $200 or $75 for something and you enjoy yourself enough for a repeat, I guess it was worth it. Who cares if the stuff looks pretty or smells like strawberries.
aznlvr11's Avatar
A variety of great entertainment can be had from $50 on up. Depends on what you want. Nothing wrong with bargain shopping. I will pay more (or less depending on the woman) if that is who I want to see and will continue if I like them.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 12-07-2011, 10:42 PM
houtxgent, here are my answers to your querries:

What % of your income do you spend on "the hobby" a year? 5 to 10%

1. what would the average salary be of someone who pays $200/hr and sees a provider once a month? $40,000

2. is it possible that the providers are putting up a high sticker price to scare off lower income guys? Yes

3. given the above math (if it's correct), would a good gauge for finding the appropriate provider ($$ wise) be to determine if their salary base is close to yours? No
Much more of their time and resources are spent than just that one hour, as in the time preparing, wardrobe, incall, security, phone, website, and the inconvenience of not having a great credit score / verifiable income, and the sacrifice of relationships. That all comes at a cost, and not so minor costs, IMO.
lowdog's Avatar
I spend about 25% of my salary on hookers.
jake.in.houston's Avatar
I spend less than 5%. But, I average about once a month.

One argument is you're not paying for sex, you're paying for them to leave after having sex.
dad, thanks for your candid response.

lowdog, i'm just curious if you've considered or ever gone with a sugar baby? just for conversation sake, let's go with $70k/year salary. if you were to spend 25% of it on companions, then that would be around $17.5k a year. if you grab a college student looking to bank on a sugar daddy, $17.5k a year should cover the basics. let's even say her rate is $200/hr. 4 hrs a month = $800 x 12 = $9600. you have $8.5k left over for cell phone, clothes, dinners, trips. however, you would be living a 70k - 17.5k = $52.5/year lifestyle. and if you're a single man without kids, this is actually doable. heh i wish i made that cash flow when i was younger.

lol jake, good point. not only to leave, but NOT to bother you between visits.
ICU 812's Avatar
If I had a larger income, with a larger amount of disposable (and un-accountable) cash, I would hobby more often.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 12-08-2011, 07:46 PM
The US 2011 median household income is at $55,000 and the Houston median home price is at $150,000.

Hobbying 10% would pay for a typical single family home in 27 years!

Regarding sugarbabes, the HD ones are expecting about $1,000 per week.