
Hey! Anyone looking for a roommate at the beginning of august?
Or have any information on affordable apartments?
Starting to apply for jobs in Dallas for August
And seriously considering a big move!!

Or if you have any type of incall/lease to be taken over hollller at me!

(I work full time regular job, hobby rarely.)
So financially a roommate would be ideal!

Message me if you have any advice or info. I'm in my early 20's!
Crzytxn's Avatar
Depends upon what you call affordable. Where I live, in Las Colinas. One bedroom apartments start at about $1100 plus electric. And can run in excess of $2500.
Unfortunately most of the affordable apartments, are sub standard . In less than desirable neighborhoods. The metroplex is undergoing an influx of large corporations moving folks into the area. That all need housing. Add that to the fact that fewer people can purchase a home anymore. Makes for a competitive and expensive rental market.
I don't have any info, as far as a roommate though. Sorry....

I mean it's def a long shot for sure. So expensive!!
Guess I might be staying a West TX girl. Thanks for the info
  • grean
  • 05-15-2017, 10:27 AM
Most apartments in North Dallas and all dfw for single bedrooms are around 700 to 800 and in decent areas and especially affordable if you get a 3rd or even 4th floor pad.

Yes, you can find ones more expensive. There are plenty that are nice and affordable.
Don't forget about Ft. Worth. Less expensive side of the metroplex and friendlier people.