Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
I know that both the men and the women have become very frustrated and disappointed with the STATE-OF-THE-HOBBY and relationships between men and women overall.

The root core of the problem that we have is that the women in western SOCIETY no longer have ANY RESPECT for the men at all - ZERO -NADA - ZILCH!

The women have OVER PLAYED there hand so the men now have reached a BREAKING POINT and are lashing out in various ways.
They are simply NOT GOING TO TAKE THE ABUSE anymore!

The SMART men have FINALLY figured out that the system is RIGGED and that society gives ZERO FUCKS about them.
A lot of them are unplugging from the MATRIX and simply going there own way.

That means NO RELATIONSHIPS WITH WOMEN. No girlfriends/No wives/No female friends/No contact with women at work.

That's were we are headed as a SICK and TOXIC society. And this GROUP of men is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY EVERY SINGLE DAY!

The hobby is missing some sort of a standard or code of conduct if you will.

So I wanted to offer an elegant solution that was simple and that we as a group could adopt.

I call it the PLEDGE of Respect.

Ladies if you want to use this image or similar wording in your advertising and you actually mean it your business would SKYROCKET.

Men if you treat the ladies with RESPECT and they RECIPROCATE then that is someone you should endorse and visit regularly.

By pledging to RESPECT yourself first than all others who RESPECT YOU we will ALL make our encounters much more successful and pleasant for all involved.
Bushjumper's Avatar
Sir, at the risk of making myself a target by whomever, I must say I agree with you 100%. Spot on!
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree about 90% But NOT ALL WOMEN, ( been married 4 times )
Also how much of the """The root core of the problem that we have is that the women in western SOCIETY no longer have ANY RESPECT for the men at all - ZERO """
Is media , Hollywood social media ,,, all we men hear daily is just how bad we are , I respect the providers I see a lot for seeing me , no BS just a need.
VG - in the big picture your proposition makes good moral sense.
It is worthy and noble that you expressed your concerns and I say hooray for you!

I, Torre Tames, pledge to hold and practice these traits in my everyday interactions:

CONSIDERATION (if it's wotrh my time considering)

KINDNESS (always at first and with reciprocable results)

HUMANITY (always)

DIGNITY (if earned directly or indirectly)


TOLERANCE (always within reason)

COURTESY (always)

UNDERSTANDING (within reason)

I apologize for the add-ons, it's a dog eat dog world out there.
If you don't keep your dukes up, you might get trampled.

I do like this THREAD ..... A LOT
BTW, shouldn't we keep records of those that pledge and fail?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-09-2019, 11:33 AM
I agree about 90% But NOT ALL WOMEN, ( been married 4 times )
Also how much of the """The root core of the problem that we have is that the women in western SOCIETY no longer have ANY RESPECT for the men at all - ZERO """
Is media , Hollywood social media ,,, all we men hear daily is just how bad we are , I respect the providers I see a lot for seeing me , no BS just a need. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
You ever notice how TV shows and commercials make the man look a air head/dumb/pussy? I notice this many years ago. I know guys in the RW that act like that
  • gc161
  • 03-10-2019, 01:42 AM

The root core of the problem that we have is that the women in western SOCIETY no longer have ANY RESPECT for the men at all - ZERO -NADA - ZILCH!

The women have OVER PLAYED there hand so the men now have reached a BREAKING POINT and are lashing out in various ways.
They are simply NOT GOING TO TAKE THE ABUSE anymore!

The SMART men have FINALLY figured out that the system is RIGGED and that society gives ZERO FUCKS about them.
A lot of them are unplugging from the MATRIX and simply going there own way.

That means NO RELATIONSHIPS WITH WOMEN. No girlfriends/No wives/No female friends/No contact with women at work.

That's were we are headed as a SICK and TOXIC society. And this GROUP of men is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
These men need grief counseling. They're not smart because they banish women from their life. Western women are dope as fuck. I wouldn't have it any other way.
mrredcat43's Avatar
VG, who hurt you?
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
VG - in the big picture your proposition makes good moral sense.
It is worthy and noble that you expressed your concerns and I say hooray for you!

I, Torre Tames, pledge to hold and practice these traits in my everyday interactions:

CONSIDERATION (if it's wotrh my time considering)

KINDNESS (always at first and with reciprocable results)

HUMANITY (always)

DIGNITY (if earned directly or indirectly)


TOLERANCE (always within reason)

COURTESY (always)

UNDERSTANDING (within reason)

I apologize for the add-ons, it's a dog eat dog world out there.
If you don't keep your dukes up, you might get trampled.

I do like this THREAD ..... A LOT
BTW, shouldn't we keep records of those that pledge and fail? Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Just a big shout out to TT for doing the right thing. Positive Karma and Much Success are headed your way.

You set a wonderful example for all the younger ladies that are desperately in need of a positive role model.

Thank you for leading by example and stepping up to the plate - RESPECT!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The OP sounds pretty jaded to speak in such absolutes about men and women. I'm guessing he never got his dream job: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1...post1056895562
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
VG, who hurt you? Originally Posted by mrredcat43

The women above authored the book below - SOURCE: BRETT KAVANAUGH

The OP sounds pretty jaded to speak in such absolutes about men and women. I'm guessing he never got his dream job: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1...post1056895562 Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
These men need grief counseling. They're not smart because they banish women from their life. Western women are dope as fuck. I wouldn't have it any other way. Originally Posted by gc161

Its available on AMAZON...Makes a great present for your current SNOWFLAKE!

If you really want to VOMIT make sure you read the Amazon review comments - PURE GOLD!

LINK HERE - https://www.amazon.com/How-Destroy-M...r=1-1-fkmrnull
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
VG, who hurt you? Originally Posted by mrredcat43
The OP sounds pretty jaded to speak in such absolutes about men and women. I'm guessing he never got his dream job: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1...post1056895562 Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
These men need grief counseling. They're not smart because they banish women from their life. Western women are dope as fuck. I wouldn't have it any other way. Originally Posted by gc161
TheWanderer's Avatar
I really wonder sometimes why we always seem to be at war with each other.
All men ever do is think about women and all women do is think about men, (lesbians and gay men excluded and they have a right to think about whoever they wish).
If you separated us on different continents, the 1st trip we would plan would be to visit the other continent.
I agree with Vanilla Gorilla as I have gone through periods where I just went my own way, no girls allowed.

Of course I came back, I always do.
Well. Theres a small part that comes from all the media. All this rap music that makes kids act like grown ups and all the violent games. So kids are trained to be very violent since they are beautiful kids by the time they are teens they all trained like a tough machine. Fights in high school. Bullys you name it. Kids doing dope. Lol. I remembered when i used to play sega genesis games. Now all u see is bloody games. Not mention shootings in las vegas. The world has gotten very cold. I believe manners have gone down the hill. I remembered when people used to smile and greet on the malls. Now people just see you with a what the heck you looking at. You want some come get some. Lol. I missed the good old days. Im old school.and still respect my elderly.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ I fail to see what rap, drugs and violence have anything to do with the OP's topic...this world is what you make of it. You can be a wallflower and hope people notice you and cry to yourself when they don't, or you can be sociable, confident and respectful and people will notice you and react in kind.
CG2014's Avatar
Who the fuck is this Joseph Costello guy with this video?

Girls don't want nice guys for sex.

They are attracted to Bad Boys for sex.

The only time they want a nice guy around is when they need a spider or a rat or a raccoon (Yes! A raccoon! I am speaking from personal experience) in their apartment taken care of; or when they need help to move a damn couch; or when they just want money with no intimacy in return.

Then when they get that money from nice guys, they give you the BS "you are really sweet, you are a good friend, you are really a nice guy but you are not going to get any sex from me" speech.
