The Still Somewhat Taboo Subject of Female Masturbation

CG2014's Avatar
When it comes to masturbation it’s well acknowledged and generally accepted that men are habitual wankers by nature.

But when it comes to the art of female masturbation it has always been throughout history somewhat of a taboo and shrouded subject, even today in the year 2019.

Little, if any exposure is given to the open discussion of females pleasuring themselves, when, where, how often and by what techniques, methods of stimulation, what toys they use, or the fantasies they imagine all seem to be a closely guarded secret.

I am sure us guys would to read all about what women do, how often and equally as important what is racing through their mind as they bring themselves to orgasm.

Women seem to be lagging behind men in terms of openness about this subject.

When I was a teenager I didn't know ANYBODY who admitted to masturbating. It was openly derided as something shameful. Over the years, it became more or less accepted that men almost all did it, but it still isn't something that's easy to talk about openly, at least not for my generation.

Nowadays, I don't know any women my age who openly admit to masturbating, but I think younger women are more open about it. Attitudes are changing.

Years ago, on a episode of Friends, Rachel and Monica were talking about Chandler getting caught in the act and Rachel said something like 'Yeah, they do that'. She had a sort of distasteful look on her face. I remember thinking, so do you, ladies!

Then there was this famous episode of Seinfeld where Jerry, George and Kramer hold a contest on who can hold out longer without masturbating.

Elaine wants in too and they tell her that it's easy for women not to masturbate.

I’m sure this is a discussion that will open the eyes of of many of us guys and certainly help us learn a thing or two about this otherwise still somewhat taboo subject regarding women.

I don’t think the majority of women consider masterbation a taboo. They just don’t talk about it as openly and they don’t necessarily masterbate or “fantasize” about a male or female in order to get off.

I absolutely love it when a woman rubs one out.
pmdelites's Avatar
like fumonday wrote, they do it! maybe not as much as some guys. and dont tell their guy friends, but i bet they tell their girlfriends.

just websearch it.

are you talking about the masturbating habits/techniques/fantasies of providers (incl sttrippers, SB, and seeking arrangrment kinda wonen) or non-providers??
cos chance of getting non-providers to discuss here in this thread are slim to none.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 03-11-2019, 09:04 PM
Dildos are a billon dollar longer taboo. They come in Turbo V8,V6, electric and Diesel engines...pretty colors, shapes, curves...and glitter.
The maturity of the porn I watch is female masturbation.

If ladies like Aprill, Tiatetate, Allegra Hope, and Egyptian Jasmine, Stephanie Taylor ...offered videos I’d be a monthly subscriber.

Women are liberated....hear Her ROAR
CG2014's Avatar

are you talking about the masturbating habits/techniques/fantasies of providers (incl sttrippers, SB, and seeking arrangrment kinda wonen) or non-providers?? Originally Posted by pmdelites
Regardless whether they are providers, non providers, strippers, SB, SA ladies, etc., etc.,:

they are all women and I am talking about all of them.
I think it’s also important to note that it’s hard for us to compete against the machines. Just as providers and in many cases warp our reality of sexual norms these damn machines can desensitize women and make it hard for them cum with a natural cock.

If you can’t beat them why not join them? I’m ok getting mine while she gets her freak on with the toys
At some point in the early stages of dating, I would ask a woman if they masturbated. Some would say yes and some would say no. If she said no, she was either lying or a prude and I moved on.
Samhyde's Avatar
If a woman talks about her masturbation habits on this board, show gets accused of threAD.

So, I can see why they would be hesitant to broach the subject here.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Almost all the woman I know have a "BOB" ( Battery operated Boyfriend ) even if they no longer use it,,,,,
CG2014's Avatar
Ladies, have any of you ever masturbated while fantasizing about a guy you were just friends with?


Have any of you ladies ever had a guy who you were just friends with walked in on you while you were masturbating?
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-12-2019, 09:12 AM
While it's not something that comes up often in mixed company, when I have had private conversations with women and the topic has come up, I've never known a woman to deny masturbating.

This topic seems a bit strange, especially considering, as has been brought up, the enormity of the sex toy business (which is 90% for women and dudes who like being pegged).
All women masterbate. Dunno why this still surprises some people.

And I don’t think it’s that taboo anymore. I’ve heard tons of girlfriends friends talk about it. I’ve seen many of them text my girlfriend in the morning to tell them they were doing it last night or when they woke up.

Newsflash. Women love orgasms too.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Wow, not a lot of ladies have jumped on your thread

Dildos are a billon dollar longer taboo. They come in Turbo V8,V6, electric and Diesel engines...pretty colors, shapes, curves...and glitter. Originally Posted by 8701
Actually, most of these items are aides in the bedroon. They're not just for masterbation. Since we ladies typically need a little more time to get fully aroused, it helps to speed up the process. Just slip a little vibration here or there before and or during ... it helps couples cum together, which is always better. Don't you agree? Take care of your partner so you know she got hers!

That was the great thing about 50 Shades, it kinda took the taboo out of toys, got more couples in the stores and talking about sex.

Anyway, I'd say I rub with my Hitachi at least once a week, sometimes twice and I try to get 2 or 3 O's. Yes, I have thought of a special gent and yes I do watch porn.
Errrr. Those damn Hitschi’s!!! I’ve been expected to perform at the Hitachi level for years. But then I became my best friend when the woman squirts.
CG2014's Avatar
I know women in my real world life who do not talk about Masturbation even when I ask them.

I remember asking one of them one day (she is in her late 30's) and she said that's not something adults talk about.

I was like what?

I would think that's something adults DO talk about.