rke324's Avatar
I'm curious as to how many SP's and clients are using smartphones as there hobby phone. Personally, I'm not going to invest in, #1, a smartphone, and #2, service for it which includes a data pkg. for internet / email access.
I bring this up because I have had more than one appointment screwed up in this past year because of a missed or unanswered email. Seeing as I do not have internet / email access with the phone I use, the only way I can access my email is on my laptop. That being said, I am not on my laptop 24 / 7 waiting and looking for email. Given the available options of actually calling and speaking with, sending text msg. or sending email, the option of sending email would seem to be the least effective way to communicate if a quick and timely response is needed. (quick and timely meaning within an hour or two)
What say you ?
Highwayman64's Avatar
I'm curious as to how many SP's and clients are using smartphones as there hobby phone. Personally, I'm not going to invest in, #1, a smartphone, and #2, service for it which includes a data pkg. for internet / email access.
I bring this up because I have had more than one appointment screwed up in this past year because of a missed or unanswered email. Seeing as I do not have internet / email access with the phone I use, the only way I can access my email is on my laptop. That being said, I am not on my laptop 24 / 7 waiting and looking for email. Given the available options of actually calling and speaking with, sending text msg. or sending email, the option of sending email would seem to be the least effective way to communicate if a quick and timely response is needed. (quick and timely meaning within an hour or two)
What say you ? Originally Posted by rke324
I tend to agree with you on this.....although I use a smartphone so emails hit quickly for me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
call speaking with text ok later. Never meet bcd till after call or meeting in a public place.
PM and email ok only for the very beginning to screening each other.
I only think about after screening each other in public meet now.
(Frankie Fine would be only exemption of in public first at this time if I was looking for new to me)

Paulie girl would say I'm being a old fart not embracing technology if he could. And would bust my balls on my ways if he was not banned LOL
Don't laugh, but my hobby phone is an old dumb flip phone. It has served me faithfully and cheaply for that one purpose for many years. So I definitely prefer text, especially for last-minute exchanges just before the appointment.

For prebooking and other exchanges setting up the appointment, I actually prefer email, using whatever device I happen to be working on.

If a provider insists on using email exclusively even up to the appointed time, I can (reluctantly) use my work phone to get on the web to access my hobby email.

Are you able to explain how Google Phone or other VOIP's work and if they would be helpful to have with a smartphone?

I don't quite understand how to use them and how they would ring.
Green, I don't use Google Voice. I'm sure there are experts here who can help you.

I merely use my work smartphone to get on the web to access any of the email providers (Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.).

Are you able to explain how Google Phone or other VOIP's work and if they would be helpful to have with a smartphone?

I don't quite understand how to use them and how they would ring. Originally Posted by green305
Its really easy green305, you will figure it out no problem.
rke324's Avatar
Don't laugh, but my hobby phone is an old dumb flip phone. It has served me faithfully and cheaply for that one purpose for many years. So I definitely prefer text, especially for last-minute exchanges just before the appointment. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
If they laugh @ you Jack, they can laugh @ me too. My hobby phone is my old flip phone I used for a work phone. It's like a Timex watch. It takes a lickin and keeps on tickin. I've beat the hell out of it and have never (knock on wood) had a problem with it.

For prebooking and other exchanges setting up the appointment, I actually prefer email, using whatever device I happen to be working on. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Again, I agree to a point. You can't expect to email me late at night (10 PM or later) the night before a visit to confirm the appointment and then only give me less than 2 hrs. to respond.

If a provider insists on using email exclusively even up to the appointed time, I can (reluctantly) use my work phone to get on the web to access my hobby email. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Not an option for me. I would have to use my laptop and find an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot. That is nothing shy of being a royal P.I.T.A. especially when they have direct and instant contact via texting.
Use them all. Found email and pm good for screening and feeling each other out. Then if things progress well, move to hobby phone for either call or text. Don't have a smart phone, don't need it. Just use a cheap hobby phone you have to buy the minutes, for call or text which works best for last minute stuff. It's also linked to Google Voice which works great and greatly extends the hobby phone minutes since GV is free. Also used Skype in the past which works great for calls to Canada but now found GV works better.
prograde's Avatar
I know what the OP means because the problem was on my end. Emails don't always come through instantly. On a smartphone they can take an hour or more to get there.

I was setting up an appointment through smartphone email, had a time the next day set and was waiting for the location and... it never came. She texted me the next morning asking if we were still on, said she emailed the location the day before. Looked through my email folders and it was in the Spam folder!

I felt like a real dumbass.

A question for the vets on always speaking on the phone first, do you do this after screening and before setting an appointment? It seems like most just want to set everything up through email and that's it until the appointment.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
A question for the vets on always speaking on the phone first, do you do this after screening and before setting an appointment? It seems like most just want to set everything up through email and that's it until the appointment. Originally Posted by prograde
depends on the provider.
If she likes PM and or email first, that chat screening of each other is next.
I she likes first contact call first, well that is the screening.

Now before some say she taint screening with first contact over the phone.
oh crap sorry, can't give that infor out.
Emails don't always come through instantly. On a smartphone they can take an hour or more to get there. Originally Posted by prograde
I have the same concern, especially if a provider insists on giving me the room number through email after I arrive at the incall venue.
prograde's Avatar
depends on the provider.
If she likes PM and or email first, that chat screening of each other is next.
I she likes first contact call first, well that is the screening.

Now before some say she taint screening with first contact over the phone.
oh crap sorry, can't give that infor out. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I see what you mean (i think, lol). Send my info with references then set up first appointment on the phone or after first phone conversation. Like i said, though, most vp's are content with just email. I see how the phone convo is good for establishing rapport.
prograde's Avatar
I have the same concern, especially if a provider insists on giving me the room number through email after I arrive at the incall venue. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Yeah, your email can fuck it up, i always give my number for texting any last minute problems on either side.
I've always used my smartphone. I use email/pm to set appts. My number us blocked too, but I let the ladies know this ahead of time when we talk. Had literally a couple ladies that had problems with this. Oh well!