Andrew Sullivan blogging of RNC is a must-read

He writes for New York magazine noe:

He is dead-on correct that allowing the mother of the Benghazi victim to speak was a vile decision by Trump. Grieving people don't make - or rarely make - rational arguments. This was all about emotion and feeling and NOT about reason and critical thinking.

How would the GOP have reacted if the Democrats had allowed the mothers of dead soldiers to speak at the DNC and blame Bush for their sons' deaths?

There hasn't been a single substantive policy argument made in two days of the RNC. No serious statesmen. Just reality show personalities and celebrities saying that like Trump for completely irrelevant reasons.

What a complete fiasco.
He writes for New York magazine noe:

He is dead-on correct that allowing the mother of the Benghazi victim to speak was a vile decision by Trump. Grieving people don't make - or rarely make - rational arguments. This was all about emotion and feeling and NOT about reason and critical thinking.

How would the GOP have reacted if the Democrats had allowed the mothers of dead soldiers to speak at the DNC and blame Bush for their sons' deaths?

There hasn't been a single substantive policy argument made in two days of the RNC. No serious statesmen. Just reality show personalities and celebrities saying that like Trump for completely irrelevant reasons.

What a complete fiasco. Originally Posted by Revenant

Vote for hilLIARy the 0zombie Queen, we don't give a fuck... ir·rel·e·vant...

That Moment When Ted Cruz Doused Himself With Gasoline and Lit the Match On Stage (video)…

It’s called self immolation. July 20th 2016 will go down in Cruz family history as that moment when Ted Cruz detonated his career suicide belt and created the #NeverCruz movement.

Forget the non endorsement, that’s not the issue. Senator Cruz had a remarkable opportunity, he blew it. Cruz accepted an invitation to speak to the GOP convention then insulted the audience. Cruz couldn’t rise above his own brutal ego and petty selfishness. The arrogance simply went too far, he humiliated himself in front of millions.

Watch and see for yourself:

so long Canuk...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That Moment When Ted Cruz Doused Himself With Gasoline and Lit the Match On Stage (video)…

so long Canuk...
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I disagree with the notion that Ted C. humiliated himself with the speech.

He gave a very good speech.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cruz proved that he cares more about his prospects for 2020 than he does for the health of the country. What little respect I had for him flew out the window with that speech. He's classless, and cares only about becoming President. He's a Hillary-class hypocrite.

Now, Mike Pence gave one hell of a speech. Very impressive! And Donald Trump was the epitome of class. I may not have to hold my nose quite as hard if I end up voting for him.
gfejunkie's Avatar
He is dead-on correct that allowing the mother of the Benghazi victim to speak was a vile decision by Trump. Grieving people don't make - or rarely make - rational arguments. This was all about emotion and feeling and NOT about reason and critical thinking. Originally Posted by Revenant
You ain't seen nothing yet! Wait 'till next week when you'll see an endless parade of human debris including, I understand, the mothers of Michael Brown and other black men who were killed while in the commission of crimes. A vile decision indeed.

Sorry, dude. I disagree. The grieving mothers of American heroes deserve center stage anywhere. The mothers of dead criminals? Uh, no.
You ain't seen nothing yet! Wait 'till next week when you'll see an endless parade of human debris including, I understand, the mothers of Michael Brown and other black men who were killed while in the commission of crimes. A vile decision indeed.

Sorry, dude. I disagree. The grieving mothers of American heroes deserve center stage anywhere. The mothers of dead criminals? Uh, no. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I didn't way anything about the mothers of dead criminals. I asked how the GOP would have reacted if the Dems had used the mothers of dead soldiers from Iraq against the GOP - either Bush or Romney or McCain. In fact, they could still try it with Trump, who is doubling down on more wars.

I doubt you will see Michael Brown's mother or any other BLM activists get anywhere near the podium. Hillary can't allow that in a close election - and the Democrats know it.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I doubt you will see Michael Brown's mother or any other BLM activists get anywhere near the podium. Hillary can't allow that in a close election - and the Democrats know it. Originally Posted by Revenant
You hide and watch. That's a demographic she can scarcely afford to overlook.

She has to keep George Soros happy.
He writes for New York magazine noe:

He is dead-on correct that allowing the mother of the Benghazi victim to speak was a vile decision by Trump. Grieving people don't make - or rarely make - rational arguments. This was all about emotion and feeling and NOT about reason and critical thinking.

How would the GOP have reacted if the Democrats had allowed the mothers of dead soldiers to speak at the DNC and blame Bush for their sons' deaths?

There hasn't been a single substantive policy argument made in two days of the RNC. No serious statesmen. Just reality show personalities and celebrities saying that like Trump for completely irrelevant reasons.

What a complete fiasco. Originally Posted by Revenant
I have to agree with you. The speakers hardly mention Trump at all; they mostly bash Hillary Clinton and Obama.

See this article:
I didn't way anything about the mothers of dead criminals. I asked how the GOP would have reacted if the Dems had used the mothers of dead soldiers from Iraq against the GOP - either Bush or Romney or McCain. In fact, they could still try it with Trump, who is doubling down on more wars.

I doubt you will see Michael Brown's mother or any other BLM activists get anywhere near the podium. Hillary can't allow that in a close election - and the Democrats know it. Originally Posted by Revenant
the philly police union has condemned the list of planned speakers at hillary's convention

"Philadelphia’s police union is blasting Hillary Clinton for inviting relatives of victims of police shootings to speak at the Democratic National Convention next week, but failing to include relatives of slain police officers.
John McNesby, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, said the union was “shocked and saddened” by the planned choice of speakers at the convention, which opens Monday in Philadelphia.
“The Fraternal Order of Police is insulted and will not soon forget that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton are excluding the widows and other family members of police officers killed in the line of duty who were victims of explicit and not implied racism,” Mr. McNesby said in a statement
He said it’s “sad that to win an election Mrs. Clinton must pander to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are outside protecting the political institutions of this country.

Mrs. Clinton, you should be ashamed of yourself, if that is possible.”