Is it true that blondes are more popular and more seeked out than their brunette counterparts?

Isabel's Avatar
I hear that gentlemen prefer blonds all the time over a brunette, is it true, gents? be honest....
Boss302's Avatar
This would be the review forum.

Depends on the blond or brunette. Pics would help.
knotty man's Avatar
im guessin by where she posted this....shes a blonde!
Reincarnated's Avatar
No. Most men don't really care.
blond hair, red hair, brown hair, black hair, short hair, long hair whatever! She can be skin bald: if she is nice and genuine and sexy and enjoys what she does... Now THAT girls' hair I love.
runswithscissors's Avatar
I hear that gentlemen prefer blonds all the time over a brunette, is it true, gents? be honest.... Originally Posted by Isabel

Now go back and put white-out on your computer screen and start over in the co-ed section..

Just teasing you!
Boss302's Avatar
Actually I prefer shaved.
aroundaustin's Avatar
Hair color is less important than boobs. For me, they need to be natural.

staff moved to proper forum

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am attracted to blondes that have really nice tans like Marley Monroe, but I have been with a lot more brunettes. I like them all as long as they are good looking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder how many are more Sikh-ed out?
I could care less the color or style .. not important at all to me!! attitude is number 1 for me
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hair color has almost nothing to do with the partners I choose to be with.
Well I am a brunette with blond highlights. I got the best of both worlds.

Marissa Sexy
Since Clariol (and your hair dresser) are so convenient, I'd say that the hair color is the least of my considerations. I'm going with Ralphey Boy, attitude first. Like GoddesMarissa (only as one example). Great answer, cute and fun. Oh, dye your pubes red and everything's covered. Or maybe shave half and dye the other half. Now THAT's got all the bases covered.