pimp discussion. thoughts?

earnthismoney's Avatar
Im sure everybody who has seen a bp or even eccie gal with one...only thing that grinds my gears is when a pimp oversteps his bounds..like answering the phone... (instant hangup..)

A good pimp is never seen or heard..

But to my title pimps are a rare specimen I think

To be able to get a girl to sell puss for you takes the same talent to be a shrink

Only advantage they have over a shrink is 8/10 times they are dealing with
A gal with physical/emotional damage..

I dont bunch all pimps in the same category

There is a seedy side to everyhustle (no tax type)

But some of these gals with pimps consider him their boyfriend/bodygaurd

Just wierd how most pimps are aa..lol

Trying to come up with logic as to why im sure some closed minded traditional texans would spew off some stereotypes of my race but I think its simply because we (not me) indulge in tax free money..

Gotta admit it takes a certain way with words to pull off being a pimp..

I salute all indie gals w/o managment as all parties involved KNOW this is a dirty game

Fuck you to every pimp in the bathroom with the door closed

Fuck you to every pimp or non pimp abusing gods gift to man

Round of applause to the koreans/chinese who provide hobby safehavens for hobbyist off i35 at $.40 hhr $$ hr.

Round of applause for the pimp waiting in the car on outcalls that u never see or hear.
So no abuse or hanging in the bathroom with your game dude. That's so good of you. Your just a take the money and run...type of poster
I have lots of thoughts on this. I recently had some issues with a lady I had seen a lot lately who ended up having a pimp/bf. They pulled a pretty good scam on me in our last rendezvous. I don't understand the one's who support their pimp/bf who inflicts either physical or emotional abuse on them. Even some very attractive ladies are in that boat.
SisterTwister's Avatar
Pimp = POS

A good pimp is never seen or heard.. Originally Posted by earnthismoney

I like this. Well said.
Hehehe...there's a huge difference in having a lame duck boyfriend you support and happen to escort (he's just a mooch), and the real "all or nothing" Pimps who don't give their girls a BFE or Boyfriend experience: no sex/holding hands/babe/hun but ONLY "Daddy" unless she earns a certain amount over a period of time to "earn " her way to his intimacy and for further exploitation disguesed as a higher rank above the rest in the "team".

As a matter of fact, they call us Independent gals "F*ggots" or "renegades" - and they are almost always anti GFE. I never could understand that culture...nevertheless, who am I to judge? I just know I could never be part of that culture or lifestyle.
gentleluv55's Avatar
They are all scumbs and POS!!!
Hos up, pimps down!
SisterTwister's Avatar
No real man would be a pimp.
  • jwood
  • 03-26-2016, 08:09 AM
"Closed minded traditional Texans " I take offense to this.
You know, you can leave Texas any time you like. Jack up pimps. But, a wise man is careful about how he speaks when it comes to Texas and her people.
It seems to me that it's more about control.

I never have/will understand why anyone, a woman or even some men, would be in a relationship where one party controls another. Yes, I was married for a long time so you bet your ass I know I was controlled & I did some controlling but to have someone make you fuck total strangers & take some of the money YOU earned. WTF?

My X sat on her ass (never had a job) why I worked my ass off so my family could have a good life. One day we were reviewing our life insurance with our money manager & she said she wanted to raise my life insurance 3X what it was. Her reason was so that she could continue to have a life without having to work if something had happened to me. The money guy looked at me like WTF & I quickly ended the meeting. I called him the next day to schedule a private meeting so I could get my affairs in order & get a reference on a divorce lawyer. Now days, I find women who are truly independent sexy as hell.

Ladies, you earned your money so don't give it away.
And to the pimps....
If you are so damn good at manipulation, why don't you try making 6 figures in the real world like a job in sales or management? Oh, you're to smart for that so you would rather pray on weak minded women. POS.
SisterTwister's Avatar
I rank pimps just above child molestors and congressmen and a notch below wife beaters on the evolutionary ladder.
KittyLamour's Avatar
My observation is that some women feel they have to have a "man" and can't stand to be alone and the concept of being independent is scary to them. Maybe they have dependencies they cannot manage their own lives with and the pimp is able to give them the stability they would never find on their own.

It's a f'd up scenario, regardless, but this profession has it's darkness though we tend to view it here through rose colored glasses.