I made the dumbest of mistakes

LadyAnastasia's Avatar
This is not a an alert,it should be but the guy was not from this site. Lets also add in that this is a funny but horrible mistake.

get ready for a long read...

Originally met the guy on SeekingArrangements, our first meeting was over coffee and everything went well and I was compensated for that alone. We set a more intimate visit up and that went amazing. He actually paid double my rate.

It was convenient as he lived in my apt complex too...small world.

Yesterday he text me early morning and said "Hey my sugar babies are over, wanna join us?" He mentioned one sugar baby was once jenny@relax.

also asked me to pick up a nice bottle of whiskey for our party and says he will add that to my donation. our previous visits always went well so why not?

I come in and am expecting a few chicks. I walk in and am nicely greeted by one. Then suddenly a toddler comes running at me, and im already freaked out. THAT WAS NOT ALL! An older lady and a guy are also walking around. I ask him who the fuck were all these people and why was there a baby here. he says jenny brought her boyfriend and her mom insisted on coming along and naturally that leads to the baby being there. The other girl is taking a shower. He did tell me that they were all leaving and they did 20 min later.

We do our thing, and he says that the other SB is just a few min out so i put my tank and shorts on but left my bra on the floor. As soon as this young lady gets here there is a knock on the door. its jenny and her mom saying they left a few things. they scatter across the apt taking all kinds of stuff.

Me, young sb go off to the room. as were done he says he is going to the store bc the other girls finished off the water bottles. I go for my bra and its gone....that crazy b took my bra! lol im actually laughing and not pissed bc im assuming it was a mistake. As he is trying to go out the door he realizes he cant find his keys, goes outside and says his truck is gone along with his keys.

5 min later another knock is at the door and its jennys bf this time bringing back the keys saying he just had to run an errand. wtf like your just cool with a guy taking your truck? he also couldnt find his wallet. He called the bank immediately and cancelled his card...of coarse before taking care of me.

He said he would go to the bank and have it to me by 930 am and I had grown to trust him. I figured he only lived a few buildings away so where is he gonna run to?

well we can all figure what happened. he ghosted on me. not answering the door, when i was banging away at the door his upstairs neighbor came outside and said he got a text from him saying he was gonna call the cops.

moral of the story is, no matter how much you THINK you can trust someone...DONT. We ALL have been scammed in the hobby at some point. Its never happened to me and it took 10 years to do so. Maybe it was a friendly reminder for no money, no honey.

i was out on time, i was there from 11-4.
$40 for the nice whiskey that all the girls drank and my cute new bra.

I could have left earlier but it was almost like watching jerry springer or when you wanna see how cool the car crash aftermath looked like. I was scammed to the extreme.

It was my dumb and I know that, but it was so funny, entertaining and horrifying all at the same time. Lesson learned. Funny part was sunday I just saw the hustlers movie, go figure I watched a movie about scammers and then got scammed.

hope yall got as much entertainment as I did from this fucking train wreck.
WTF did I just read ? LoL
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
yea...my point exactly. its like a train wreck you cant look away from.
U should produce a fucking movie!!
I normally don’t read shyt this long lol
But hey man I’m just glad u got out safe and atleast has some clothes to leave out in
But Yea that sucks and you guys live in same complex . Wow
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Thanks babe. I went through the motions of being angry, hopeful, flaming pissed and now im laughing my ass off.
Maybe the toddler took your bra
All you really can do is laugh now. Life is short and if you can't fix it then dismiss it. Glad your good.
I read the whole thing and it sounds like one of those interesting bizarre life experiences that you tell your friends and laugh about later in life. So when you think of it that way, it wasn't much of a mistake at all. Plus, you did receive money from him for the past sessions (he even paid double for one of the past sessions) and you hopefully enjoyed some of the whisky too during that 11-4 session at his place. Yes he did rip you off but not completely.

Plus, we all learned a life lesson because of your experience. That we can't fully trust someone...even if he seems friendly or is tall & handsome or whatever, some people can do a complete 180 on us as this guy did to you.

Glad you made it out safe & sound.
Entertaining! Funny and disturbing at the same time. I guess the good news is that you were compensated for the M&G and got double rate for your one intimate encounter so all was not lost.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Pleas don't go back ..
The Things we learn a log the way !!
mtabsw's Avatar
I certainly can't throw any rocks - I have the T-Shirt - "Bad ideas make for great stories"

Sorry it happened to you, we've never met but I like your attitude, and seems folks like you should be the last ones someone fucks over.

You are now tied btw for the "Best Fucked Over Thread Ever" with mrredcat43 and his rental car adventures. I can't seem to find it, and his account is disabled, but somehow he managed to make a horrible experience into a funny funny funny post.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-17-2019, 04:13 PM
That's probably the longest post I've actually read on here. Very entertaining to read and I was just like WTF????
VictoriaSweets69's Avatar
Wow sorry that happened to you. But that seemed like alot of unfortunate events happening.
Fanasty's Avatar
The first sign was the child the next sign was inconsistent behavior you should of been left that situation, glad your okay girl
TheOracle's Avatar
Is it possible that he may have had intentions on getting the money to you and just hasn't been able to & maybe you jumped the gun in coming to his house and banging on his door and he got nervous? This is assuming his wallet was really taken and he really had to cancel his cards. It just seems like if he actually intended to scam you it's counterproductive to pay you just to sit and have coffee and then pay double your rate for a session. I can't remember the last time I heard of a scamming victim coming out that well. This guy might be the worst scammer ever. Lol.