2nd time at Blossom. First kinda sucked.

blazerslam's Avatar
Those translator apps really work? if that's the case, this will change things.
I had the same experience Monday had an appointment to see Emily but got a different lady all in all worked out well .
DFK? Now that was a good session if they end up doing a DFK.
blazerslam's Avatar
Yeah man! Really good session! Hoping to go back sometime this month. Altereric - the translator app works really well. I told her what I wanted while getting the FBSM and we talked for like 20min straight.

She invited me to drinks one day when she was off, but I wasn't really into it as I think those "drinks" would cost me a little more lol

Dont want to sound big-headed but I think she found me attractive. Im half Filipino so that might be it.

Why would I lie ya know? that's why I really think I hit the spot and made her cum hard, that DFK at the end.