Whats wrong with African American Clients

I have a question why providers don't like to see african american clients.
Jmho but I would focus my attention on providers that do instead of wasting time and energy on those who don't.

Try the search function for your answer.
For the record: I have a crush on mssppislm.
Isabel's Avatar
My guess is... because they all have huge penis, and some are... rude and demanding?
BlAck dudes I thought were famous for having huge anacondas so maybe they don't like them that big?
For the record: I have a crush on mssppislm. Originally Posted by anova444
@ Anova444!


Disdain Things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best Revenge.

Keep in mind generally providers do not choose clientèle based race,ethnicity or physical appearance . But rather his ability to be a gentleman and well mannered in her presence.

Too bad your not in the NBA or NFL you would be home free !
iso_women's Avatar
I think the short answer is "Personal Preference." I am not attacted to AA women. I can only think of two I have ever seen that I thought to myself "I'd like to do her."
Disdain Things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best Revenge.

Keep in mind most "providers" do not choose clientèle based race,ethnicity or physical appearance . But rather his ability to be a gentleman and well mannered in her presence.

Too bad your not in the NBA or NFL you would be home free lol!

Well said. Another reason for me to crush on you.
I have a question why providers don't like to see african american clients. Originally Posted by myown21
Only SOME providers don't like AA clients.

Forget them. Pretend they don't even exist. Go take your business and your MONEY to providers who will appreciate you.

But, hey, there are all sorts of providers out there.

I know of one who literally only sees lawyers and men in finance. That's it. She won't see scientists, engineers, doctors, mechanics, or whatever. Only lawyers and men in finance.

Well, guess what? Most providers don't have such occupational restrictions. So guys who aren't lawyers or in finance can just take their business and $$$$$ elsewhere.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
I think the reason this topic keeps being brought up, is a very rude question. If we pay for a provider's time, and the provider needs the money, why the discrimination? Basically we are looking for more psychology behind the discrimination than just "personl preference". This is about the fourth topic like this, and no provider is brave enough to give the rationale, be it racism, bad treatment, financial concerns, or penis size. Going back to the question, if once a provider has the funds, should she be able to discriminate, if funds are in fact the reason. Just BSing here.
Gabriella4u's Avatar
Just adding my 2 cents...

I've ALWAYS had great experiences with African American men....
H O W E V E R ...
The ones I have seen...are
Encormous.. "\some/most".
Stamina to last for days...
Quite capable of 2-3 pops
Energetic as hell!!! LOL
"SOME" want to get too personal and want to date me on a personal level (probably because I'm black).
I would NEVER turn someone away due to race, H O W E V ER, I would not want to see more than 2 a day...it could be bad for business! LOL
By the way...they are NOT all "rude and demanding" (at least with my experiences) that charactistic could occur (and has) in any race!

Just my personal experience...
I have a question why providers don't like to see african american clients. Originally Posted by myown21
...This is about the fourth topic like this, and no provider is brave enough to give the rationale, be it racism, bad treatment, financial concerns, or penis size. Going back to the question, if once a provider has the funds, should she be able to discriminate, if funds are in fact the reason. Just BSing here. Originally Posted by Txn5inThick
You want a provider brave enough to tell you the truth? OK, you asked for it.

In New Orleans, I was one of the few agency girls who WOULD see black clients, and that includes black girls. RACISM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT; most white girls could be talked into it if the guy seemed nice, but most of the black escorts I knew wouldn't see black clients under any circumstances. The reason, as stated by a black escort who was one of my top girls, was that black men are "too cheap, too rough and too full of themselves". Obviously, not all black men are like that; I had a number of black regulars who were none of those things. But it's a fact that many black men dislike paying escorts, so when they DO pay for it they seem to have the attitude that they're going to "get their money's worth" by trying to talk the price down and the services up. And their negative attitude affects their treatment of the girl.

Don't shoot the messenger; you wanted an honest answer, and you got one. Unfortunately, it's human nature to judge a whole group by the behavior of its worst examples.

Oh, and for the record: That thing about black men having bigger penises is a load of crap. There's no statistical support for it, and ten years of experience tells me those statistics are correct. The only reason guys believe that is because black men's penises shrink less when flaccid than white men's ones do.
Racism and all that jazz has nothing to do with it.....

I personally made the choice after 2 seperate incidents.....
1. Had a session with a black client in KC that decided to leave and then return to bang on my hotel room door with a fake badge while sending me texts that he was a KCMO detective and that unless I slipped the donation back under the door then I would go to jail. He would leave and then return to bang on my door while still sending me texts. This lasted for over an hour.
2. I was contacted by a black client from STL who upon arrival had loaded his envelope full of legal notebook paper instead of the normal donation. Obviously an attempt to get something for nothing.
Both were very negative experiences. So for those very reasons I choose to be very selective when deciding whom I visit with. Im sure other girls may have had negative experiences with men of all races, but for me thats been my experience.
My guess is... because they all have huge penis, and some are... rude and demanding? Originally Posted by Isabel
As a white man, I can verify that we all have small penises and none of us are rude or demanding. There are no bad white clients.
Ok good honest answer I respect that, and I know some men of other races ain't all good