Common Law Marrage

Have a Friend going through this and the topic came up in another conversation.

In Texas, the requiremnts of Common Law Marrage are:
1. Both parties agree they are married
2. They present themselves to the general public as married
3. They live together

Without all three, there is no common law marrage

In reguard to #3, while you can be considered Common Law married after a single day living together, the state requires you live together at least 2 years before either party gain any rights

And if you meet the requiremnts for Common Law Marrage, you have to get a divorce to end the marrage, just like any other marrage
pmdelites's Avatar
#1 and #2 are correct. think back to the old west.

if daisy and johnny really wanted to get married, but it was gonna be weeks before the circuit preacher/judge made it back to their little hamlet, they declare to their community that they were married - by common law.
then, when the preacher/judge came to town, he performed a civil ceremony.

3. They live together
Without all three, there is no common law marrage

In regard to #3, while you can be considered Common Law married after a single day living together, the state requires you live together at least 2 years before either party gain any rights." Originally Posted by OBSG
what i read in the 2nd link was...
"Texas law states that a common law marriage may be proved by evidence that the couple:
“agreed to be married”; and
“after the agreement they lived together in this state as husband and wife”; and they
“represented to others that they were married”

"... While there is no time limit on the amount of a time a couple lives together, the law does require that a couple cohabitate for two years. Should the couple break up before two years and live apart, it would be assumed that the couple did not enter into an agreement to be married. ..."

i guess that is the "right" mentioned by OBSG, marital rights.

in short, if both consider themselves married to each other (and are not married to someone else at the same time), publicly declare their marriage, and live together,
they're married.
The Queen Sophie's Avatar
I think you have to share a bank account also
Courts in general are hostile to common law marriages. Things can get messy really fast especially if another spouse or affair is discovered. Probate courts try to divine the couple’s intention through external evidence. Exception: the law hates bastards more than common law marriage, and will bend over backwards to legitimize a child. Tip: Texas Law used to have a simple process to “formalize” such unions before a county clerk. Also, Texas car titles and housing ownership can get complicated. Texas law automatically recognized surviving spouse as having a life estate in homestead regardless of what will or any other document says, mortgage still required to be paid. Expensive way to travel for couple and especially for offspring/heirs/other women involved. Lawyer’s paradise.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think you have to share a bank account also Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie
No. You can be common law married even if no one has a bank account.
I think you have to share a bank account also Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie
No, read the links. Even in a conventional marrage,no shared bank account is required
Courts in general are hostile to common law marriages. Things can get messy really fast especially if another spouse or affair is discovered. Probate courts try to divine the couple’s intention through external evidence. Exception: the law hates bastards more than common law marriage, and will bend over backwards to legitimize a child. Tip: Texas Law used to have a simple process to “formalize” such unions before a county clerk. Also, Texas car titles and housing ownership can get complicated. Texas law automatically recognized surviving spouse as having a life estate in homestead regardless of what will or any other document says, mortgage still required to be paid. Expensive way to travel for couple and especially for offspring/heirs/other women involved. Lawyer’s paradise. Originally Posted by joebobbriggs
A couple can file a form with the state to formalize the arrangement and establishes a firm date for the establishment of a common law marriage.

Note that the only real difference between a conventional marriage and a CL one is the lack of a license and official performing a ceremony. Once the CL marriage is established, it's just as real as a conventional one.
bobbyb1234's Avatar
I always thought if you stick the who-who-dilly into the cha-cha and she leaves a toothbrush in your bathroom, you're married. I might be wrong though.
Fanasty's Avatar
It’s sad, because if there are kids ,regardless if there biologically yours, involved the court can put you on spousal and child support.
Pangolier's Avatar
Have a Friend going through this and the topic came up in another conversation.

In Texas, the requiremnts of Common Law Marrage are:
1. Both parties agree they are married
2. They present themselves to the general public as married
3. They live together

Without all three, there is no common law marrage

In reguard to #3, while you can be considered Common Law married after a single day living together, the state requires you live together at least 2 years before either party gain any rights

And if you meet the requiremnts for Common Law Marrage, you have to get a divorce to end the marrage, just like any other marrage Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing

How would you ever prove it? One party could claim in court that they never "agreed" they were married. You'd have to track down witnesses to tell the court "Hey, those 2 both told me at the supermarket that they were married" If one person's name is on the lease or deed, just kick the other person out if they aren't paying rent. Don't set yourself up for failure; avoid steering in the direction of these kinds of scenarios.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Anything can happen in a family law court. Usually not in the best interests of the man, unless your lawyer catches her lawyer lying to the judge and acting in bad faith. haha.

If your ready to risk half or all in a settlement dive in.
I always thought if you stick the who-who-dilly into the cha-cha and she leaves a toothbrush in your bathroom, you're married. I might be wrong though. Originally Posted by bobbyb1234
No, your thinking of is she now living there. Don6know the right term. That issue is when is she a guest you can kick out without notice v becoming a resident and having to go through a legal process to get her out of the house
All she's gotta do is leave stuff in your house, like clothes and a toothbrush. Watched the cops haul a guy to jail after a gal called 911 and claimed domestic abuse. When they got there, he let the cops in his house, hoping they'd kick her out. He told them he was trying to get her to leave and she threw a drunk fit. She said she lived there. They said prove it. She showed them her girlie bathroom stuff on the counter and clothes in the closet. She got to stay and they hauled him out of his house and took him to jail.
All she's gotta do is leave stuff in your house, like clothes and a toothbrush. Watched the cops haul a guy to jail after a gal called 911 and claimed domestic abuse. When they got there, he let the cops in his house, hoping they'd kick her out. He told them he was trying to get her to leave and she threw a drunk fit. She said she lived there. They said prove it. She showed them her girlie bathroom stuff on the counter and clothes in the closet. She got to stay and they hauled him out of his house and took him to jail. Originally Posted by Billogoods
It can indeed be tough to get her out.

But keep in mind, this does NOT make it a common law marriage. Two different issues
pmdelites's Avatar
All she's gotta do is leave stuff in your house, like clothes and a toothbrush. Watched the cops haul a guy to jail after a gal called 911 and claimed domestic abuse. When they got there, he let the cops in his house, hoping they'd kick her out. He told them he was trying to get her to leave and she threw a drunk fit. She said she lived there. They said prove it. She showed them her girlie bathroom stuff on the counter and clothes in the closet. She got to stay and they hauled him out of his house and took him to jail. Originally Posted by Billogoods
what a bunch of gullible cops, imho.

was this a real case or something a friend told you that her cousin's mother-in-law might have read? :^}