Hey Super Mod...WTF?

malwoody's Avatar
"I have let this discussion go on long enough. The fact that the OP posted this because she was arrested has nothing to do with the discussion that went on here. I have pulled the posts relating to the off-topic subject and closed this thread. If you want to have that kind of discussion, go start a thread in the Sandbox."

Why delete some posts and leave others in? Why not delete the first post that addressed the people of color issue? You leave the post that brought the subject up in and delete the posts that responded. WTF man....so now you decide who get's to post and who does not and while you pulled the posts relating to the "off-topic subject" , you negelected to pull the very post that brought up the off-topic subject to begin with.

Getting a little carried away there aren't you??
My 2 cents.....

OK, that thread had begun to drift from original post....so perhaps closing it might have been an option.

But to delete posts, which contain no nuclear, off limit comments??? I don't believe anything was said that resulted in points or warnings??

Isn't the Owners' policy of this site NOT to delete postings, especially when there is nothing that obviously cross the lines or rules of this site....especially when all those postings had merely drifted away from the subject of thread????

Perhaps some of the deleted postings were not in "good taste"....but if that becomes the rule of land, then the Mods thru out this site would be extremely busy. And my gut tells me the Owners, and I assume most Mods, would not want to cross that road.
I removed all the posts that referred to the term "colored people", including the first one that had referred to that term. If you want to discuss that topic in reference to Leawood, discuss it here, not in the alert forum. It was wrong for JRL to bring it up in the first place.

If those inidividuals wish to repost their thoughts in this thread or start a new one in here (the Sandbox), they are welcome to do so. A discussion like that has no place in the alert forum.

BTW - the term "people of color" is not derogatory. However, some may believe that "colored people" is derogatory. That is why that term is not appropriate for any forum but the Sandbox - I am going to fall on the side of caution in removing or editing posts containing that term outside of the Sandbox. There are other terms that are racially charged that have no place in any forum.
Totally agree with ya, Fritz....I also find that term to be totally distasteful. That's why I posted what I did in that thread, as a reaction to JRL's post....plus sometimes leaving a post like that, gives people insight into a person's thought process???

Just seems deleting of posts, rather than merely closing the thread was a bit much, and contary to Owners' policies...you know the old "slippery slope" thought process.

But at end of the day, if deleting those posts, is the major issue for any of us, I guess we can all chalk up today as a good one!!!
malwoody's Avatar
I removed all the posts that referred to the term "colored people", including the first one that had referred to that term. If you want to discuss that topic in reference to Leawood, discuss it here, not in the alert forum. It was wrong for JRL to bring it up in the first place.

If those inidividuals wish to repost their thoughts in this thread or start a new one in here (the Sandbox), they are welcome to do so. A discussion like that has no place in the alert forum.

BTW - the term "people of color" is not derogatory. However, some may believe that "colored people" is derogatory. That is why that term is not appropriate for any forum but the Sandbox - I am going to fall on the side of caution in removing or editing posts containing that term outside of the Sandbox. There are other terms that are racially charged that have no place in any forum. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Then why not move the thread to the sandbox yourself....super mod...

You don't seem to have any trouble moving other threads around...why not move instead of deleting?
growler's Avatar
Hallmarks of a good moderator.......low key approach, consistency, unbiased.
malwoody's Avatar
I removed all the posts that referred to the term "colored people", including the first one that had referred to that term. If you want to discuss that topic in reference to Leawood, discuss it here, not in the alert forum. It was wrong for JRL to bring it up in the first place.

If those inidividuals wish to repost their thoughts in this thread or start a new one in here (the Sandbox), they are welcome to do so. A discussion like that has no place in the alert forum.

BTW - the term "people of color" is not derogatory. However, some may believe that "colored people" is derogatory. That is why that term is not appropriate for any forum but the Sandbox - I am going to fall on the side of caution in removing or editing posts containing that term outside of the Sandbox. There are other terms that are racially charged that have no place in any forum. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Yes it's true that you did remove all of the threads containing "colored people" and yet you also removed threads such as my own that contained no such derogetory terms...My question is still why remove some and not others. What prompted you to pick & choose and I still have not heard why the thread was not moved to the sandbox when you seem to have no problem doing it with other threads. What's with the bias?

I for one would appreciate an explanation.
ElumEno's Avatar
BTW - the term "people of color" is not derogatory. However, some may believe that "colored people" is derogatory..... Originally Posted by fritz3552
Sorry but "people of color" can be just as derogatory as "colored people"! it is all in the context.
Just because YOU think it is derogatory does not make it so... I never liked either one... what am I? CLEAR???

And in my opinion, you deleting whole posts is not Moderating... It is straight out censorship, which has no place on a SHMB!
aspenxtremes's Avatar
I always found that phrase funny to being with. If anyone remembered anything from art class they would know that black is not a color, it's the absence of color, white is all the colors together, so actually white people are colored.
I always found that phrase funny to being with. If anyone remembered anything from art class they would know that black is not a color, it's the absence of color, white is all the colors together, so actually white people are colored. Originally Posted by aspenxtremes
Actually, it could be argued the other way around. If you take a box of Crayolas and use each one on top of the other on a white piece of paper, it turns close to black. But the white light shone through a prism displays the spectrum of colors.

And, Elam, only Larry Bird is clear.
ElumEno's Avatar
And, Elam, only Larry Bird is clear. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Thank You Fritz... I have not laughed this hard in a long time.
aspenxtremes's Avatar
Actually, it could be argued the other way around. If you take a box of Crayolas and use each one on top of the other on a white piece of paper, it turns close to black. But the white light shone through a prism displays the spectrum of colors.

And, Elam, only Larry Bird is clear. Originally Posted by fritz3552

Yep from the chemist perspective on making dyes and pigments in which case they argue white is the absence...so if you combine them both, everyone is "colored"..
JRLawrence's Avatar
"I have let this discussion go on long enough. The fact that the OP posted this because she was arrested has nothing to do with the discussion that went on here. I have pulled the posts relating to the off-topic subject and closed this thread. If you want to have that kind of discussion, go start a thread in the Sandbox."

Why delete some posts and leave others in? Why not delete the first post that addressed the people of color issue? You leave the post that brought the subject up in and delete the posts that responded. WTF man....so now you decide who get's to post and who does not and while you pulled the posts relating to the "off-topic subject" , you negelected to pull the very post that brought up the off-topic subject to begin with.

Getting a little carried away there aren't you?? Originally Posted by malwoody
Perhaps this is my fault.

Just a little background. So, you standout in Leawood; and yet, you wonder why you got the attention from LE.

Fast response by the LE is nothing like KCMO. A high bail, well what did one expect? They have sent a message, is anyone listening? If you don't like it, they don't care and you will not change things.

I was in the civil rights marches in the 60's. Change what you can and understand the things you can not change.


malwoody's Avatar
I log on here today and right away I see two threads that super mod has moved and yet he could not move the Leawood thread...no instead he deletes posts, closes said thread and then gives us some bs about color etc all the while deleting posts that make no mention of the term he called offensive..

I'm starting to think maybe I should re-visit the sh and get this bs cleared up.

I would appreciate any input on this matter
Actually, it was JRs fault for using the inappropriate language in the Alert forum rather than bringing the discussion here. But, after re-evaluating the situation in the last couple of days, I went ahead and moved the thread here and re-opened it for continued discussion.