Post-birth abortion rights.

This is creepy beyond words:

I say this as someone who thinks abortion should be legal in the first trimester and legal under certain conditions in the second trimester.

This broad cannot answer a straight question about what to do if a child survives a botched late term abortion and is alive and kicking on the table. She says she would "need more information". Nice dodge, you dope.
Kermit Gosnell just snips their spins with a pair of scissors.

He's going to have a great time in prison. I bet he voted for Barack Oassup. LOL
bojulay's Avatar
(Infantcide) The killing of unwanted children, dates back to the oldest
cultures. They just didn't have a safe way of killing a child in the womb,
so they waited until it was born, and many times the sex of the child
is what determined whether they would kill it or not.

Of course we modern civilized people do it the right way, before the
unwanted child is born, what a sad joke of a (Modern) culture.

The ancients committed infanticide on a scale no where near what we
do today.

The people we would call barbaric would look at us and think they were
total amateurs at the practice.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
President Barack Obama stands behind them 1000% and he voted that way in Illinois. A group of English "doctors" also believes in this
Can we still call them doctors after this. More left wing values.
Let some proglibtard come on here and support this BS.

I might just fucking come "UNGLUED" or not...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-29-2013, 05:49 PM
I'm for droning them instead
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-29-2013, 06:10 PM
The shit some of you post, I'm starting to think it might not be such a bad idea!
Does anyone here think we are talking about a healthy, bouncing baby? Does anyone here know a woman who had a late term abortion?

In the extremely rare incidents when a late term abortion is opted for, it is not because a woman simply said "oh dear, I don't think I want this baby who has been kicking me for the last 3 months". It is because the baby is found to have some sort of grave deformity or disability.

Do you really think we should go to heroic measures to save a child who will likely live only a short time anyways? A child who will likely require tubes and IV's, and intensive care, who may suffer pain, and who will likely never have anything approaching a normal life?

Which is the greater horror? A merciful and quick death, or a long drawn out agonizing death? Who are any of us to make that decision for a mother who carried her child almost to term, and now has to face such a situation?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you really want to stand by that statement Stacey?
Yes. Do you have a background in nursing JD? I do.

Late term abortions are very rare, and generally involve circumstances I wouldn't wish on any woman. The circumstances this bill would require medical care in are situations when any attempts to save the life of the baby would be far more cruel than to let the child die a natural and mercifully brief death. You aren't the one who just carried a child nearly to term only to lose so close to delivery. You have no business telling a mother, or the Doctor charged with the care of both mother and child what to do.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Only a doctor who wants to practice medicine, not infanticide, should be offering advice about what to do once the child is born alive. A child born alive is an American citizen, subject to all the rights (life) and responsibilities appurtenant thereto. The baby is the patient, and since the family acted in a manner which indicated they do not have the best interests of the child at heart, they should have no say over what happens to the child once s/he is born alive.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Playing the mother card does not win the argument. You didn't say ALL late term abortion but you do imply the vast majority fall into the class of "for the safety of the mother" and "quality of life" issues. I have to ask how many is rare? 1%, 5%, or 10%. Is there another number? You know I can find instances of healthy babies aborted for another reason than the ones you stated but how many wins the argument? This is Kansas, the late term abortion capital of North America. George Tiller escaped justice because he was able to hide his records and demonize the prosecutor chasing him. At best the records of late term abortion are incomplete.
Part of the OP is about post birth abortions. How do you feel about that? My first post had to do with babies that have survived abortion and some health professionals believing that the babies should be denied health care because they weren't supposed to survive. Can you imagine the police allowing someone to die because a murder case is easier to prosecute than an attempted murder case. What do you think about the Philadelphia doctor on trial for murder because he deliverd healthy babies and then killed them. Yes, they were induced and born. His way of giving an abortion.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-30-2013, 12:10 AM
So do you fuckers think first term abortions are ok? I doubt it. What about it JD, you ok with first tri abortions?

You use this example to ban all abortions, kinda like the people do on the other side that try and ban guns....
SEE3772's Avatar
bojulay's Avatar
So do you fuckers think first term abortions are ok? I doubt it. What about it JD, you ok with first tri abortions?

You use this example to ban all abortions, kinda like the people do on the other side that try and ban guns.... Originally Posted by WTF
What's the difference between a baby and a fetus?
Just a name.

And even if you make the distinction, only the matter of a few months.

Oh and the fact that a baby has rights and a fetus has none.

Same principle used to justify the killing of any undesirables
down through history, The Jews, American Indians, Chinese Immigrants,
just to name a few.

Dehumanize a group or class of people so they have no rights as human
beings, and you can do what you want with them.

We give more rights to animals in this country than unborn children,
think about that.