Make no mistake, if the House doesn't stop the Internet Sales Tax legislation, Obama will sign it into law.................

See the roll call vote..................

Cruz voted "No"....................

If the Senate and the house passes it it is the will of the people right? Why shouldn't he sign it ? Silly shit.
Because it is a tax on the middle class; that is why shithead.

But he will sign it................
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 03:50 PM
Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said the measure is critical to local governments, which are seeing their sales tax bases eroding while their costs of operations are rising.

Those local businesses are responsible for funding schools, roads, law enforcement, fire protection, snow removal and public utilities, he said.

"This makes a huge difference to states, counties and municipalities," said Enzi. "(To) people who are protecting the Internet, I sometimes say, 'It's pretty hard to flush your toilet on the Internet.' "
  • 05-07-2013, 03:57 PM
it call leveling the playing field for brick and mortal store....while collecting revenue ... Johnny Idea ... like it vote for it dont then dont ..i dont care
IMHO It is called, destroying the competition of the fascist economic system the federal government wants. Kill the small businessman and everyone is under the boot of big business and big government. Oh yes, and of course, the toil of the American worker belongs to our government officials so they can all line their own pockets.

I'm not exactly sure where "the origination clause" of the constitution fits in here but, it does state, that all bills for raising revenue shall start "in the House", then why did it start in the Senate and go to the House?????
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 04:34 PM
IMHO It is called, destroying the competition of the fascist economic system the federal government wants. Kill the small businessman and everyone is under the boot of big business and big government. Oh yes, and of course, the toil of the American worker belongs to our government officials so they can all line their own pockets.

I'm not exactly sure where "the origination clause" of the constitution fits in here but, it does state, that all bills for raising revenue shall start "in the House", then why did it start in the Senate and go to the House????? Originally Posted by Cherie
spending bills start in the house, the internet tax bill has to go through the house to get to the prez ... the rest of your bullshit post falls into place because you haven't a clue what youre yammering about
Yep; it is all about raising taxes, has nothing to do with "leveling the playing field"..............more taxation on the working and middle class of America....................... ...

Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said the measure is critical to local governments, which are seeing their sales tax bases eroding while their costs of operations are rising.

Those local businesses are responsible for funding schools, roads, law enforcement, fire protection, snow removal and public utilities, he said.

"This makes a huge difference to states, counties and municipalities," said Enzi. "(To) people who are protecting the Internet, I sometimes say, 'It's pretty hard to flush your toilet on the Internet.' " Originally Posted by CJ7
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 04:56 PM
Yep; it is all about raising taxes, has nothing to do with "leveling the playing field"..............more taxation on the working and middle class of America....................... ... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
and youre for middle class business men and women paying for schools, roads, law enforcement, fire protection, snow removal and public utilities, etc, out of their profit margin?

ergo; youre against small business

good to know
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-07-2013, 05:09 PM
No CJ, it's another motherfucking money grab, by these cocksucker politicians. Aren't you fucking people tired of working hard, and being forced to turn over a majority of what you rightfully earn?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 05:14 PM
No CJ, it's another motherfucking money grab, by these cocksucker politicians. Aren't you fucking people tired of working hard, and being forced to turn over a majority of what you rightfully earn? Originally Posted by seedman55

that's the point seed, mom and pop stores pay out the ass for city services and the cost comes out of their profit margin, not a tax base
So now the mom and pops will have to pay even more..........dumbfuck.

This law is aimed at the very "mom + pop" businesses that you think are over taxed; the big retailers are the ones pushing this tax....NOT the mom and pop business.
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 05:18 PM
So now the mom and pops will have to pay even more..........dumbfuck. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
not out of their profit, dumfuck

higher taxes mean less disposable income to be spent in the mom and pop business that you love. The cost of compliance on the mom and pop businesses will be enormous.
Yep; it is all about raising taxes, has nothing to do with "leveling the playing field"............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually, it does.

Remember this thread on the same issue?


(You should, since you started it just a couple of weeks ago.)

Note the question I posed here:


You never answered it. It's pretty simply, really. Why do you support giving specific competitive advantages to one class of merchants (internet sellers) while denying them to another?