Just for fun, I added it up. Holy Sh*t!!!

I've hobbied for roughly 10 years. I recently had a long drive and decided to pass the time by adding up hobby expenditures over those years. I like many started with AMPs and FBSM but soon found myself experiencing a wide variety of services.

Needless to say, 10 years in the hobby adds up. I was a little shocked. Not in a "that's the cost of a college education" kind of way, but more of a " that's alot of orgasms " kind of way.

Stats in a nutshell:

10 years in hobby
370+ sessions
$200 per session average (my best guess when you including $120 amp visits)

Total $74,000

Would love to hear estimates from others. I'm not sure if that's high, low, or average.
LovingKayla's Avatar

Yup. I know. Incredible isn't it?
Jasser's Avatar
I've spent more than that on my wife in 7 years and haven't had near as many orgasms. That's what is incredible.
I've spent more than that on my wife in 7 years and haven't had near as many orgasms. That's what is incredible. Originally Posted by Jasser
Great point Jasser.
BTW, both of you girls were part of that 370+.
WOW... that's alot of sex... NICE GOING.. keep up the great "O's".
How'd you keep count? I can hardly remember who I've seen the past 3 months, much less 10 years. I actually don't want to try, ignorance is bliss.

Here's a question. Whatever that amount is for everybody, would you trade in the memories and experiences for the money if you could? You get a check for $75K (or whatever it is), but any memory you have of the events is gone forever, like it never happened. Would you pull the trigger?
The Bizz, If I took that check for 75K, I'd just have to turn around and spend it again in the hobby, to recover my memory!!
Lol I agree with grnhrn.... I think I'm up to about 3-4k in hobbying bills lol not even close to TWisterspinner!
Lol, do you set aside hobby money each month as if it was to pay your mortgage?
I always wonder if its scheduled fun for budget purposes or spontanious spending.
and I bet you wasted the rest of it!
How I remembered and kept track is a good question. I seem to remember specific things about certain providers. Maybe a tat or what she was wearing. Or maybe what a particular body part looked like. I don't remember names, but I might remember a girl with a perfect body that has big 80's style hair. Alot of that total are providers I've seen on and off for the entire 10 years so its easier to come up with an estimate.

Also, if you break it down by ethnicity or area of town, you start to remember things.

BTW, if I got that 74k back, I'm pretty sure I would go on the biggest doubles bender in history.
$75K for my memory? Sounds like a deal, in a few years it will all be gone anyway.

I doubt I am at the $75K range, but I would guess easily $25K over the last 10 years.

Would I want to forget it? Some pieces yes, but the majority of that money was well spent on 4 ladies. (And I think they would agree, except they wish I was still able to spend at that rate with them.)