Wasted Comments

I am curious why so many guys choose to berate and post negative comments about a guys experience with a provider. Many guys like to tell others about how they didn't write enough information in their review. Making a comment about this is one thing, but being a di__ about it is a completly different thing. It's almost like these guys are whiny little pus___s with no life other than the hobby. Then there are the guys that like to bad mouth guys for the amount of money they paid for a service. The ladies set the prices. We are allowed to tip if we so deem. That's our business. I don't berate you for shopping at Walmart while I get custom clothes. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought this site was about letting other hobbyists know the service level and the pricing level set by providers. It's also an avenue for us to get a little extra info on these ladies. Many guys want to get aroused while reading. That's interesting! Many guys want to show how tough they are while commenting. That's ridiculous! Why can't you just stick to the purpose of this service?

That's my rant for today.
Toreador_one's Avatar
Self-righteousness (also called sententiousness) is a feeling of smug moral superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.

Plenty of self-righteous people on the board.

However I learned early on my board years, you have to have a thick skin, and do a lot of ignoring.
carkido45's Avatar
I was one of those guy's that would berate a bad reviewer but then, I started too look at this way at least they tried to write a review.
The money thing well it's there money not mine and a provider is entitled to charge what she feels she's is entitled to for her time and energy.
I tip occasionally and if I feel comfortable doing it that's all that matters.
Having a thick skin is vital too being on review board but then it is just that a review board...so what.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Those same assholes who laugh when you TOFTT with a BP girl and it turns out bad are the same guys who give you a high-five when you find the Gem and then JUMP on the line to see her.

There is a pack mentality here - so many pussies hide behind their computer and are tough guys b/c of the Anonymity that the internet gives them.

If you don't have a life or have a shitty life, then all you may have left is to be a bully....and there are plenty of them in the hobby.

As far as the money thing - a bunch of guys are just jealous they don't have the funds to play with those girls or tip or whatever. So again all they can do is justify their meager lives.

When I see a guy give a BIG tip or pay substantially more than her stated rate, it tells me he wants to be at the top of her list. Most smart girls will change their schedules around to accommodate their good clients including cancelling an appointment to move Mr. Big in when he wants, just like most of us would do.

Seriously, who are you going to help out the most when they call: the guys who pay your invoices immediately or the guys who string you out 90+ days.
TexasGator's Avatar

There is a pack mentality here - so many pussies hide behind their computer and are tough guys b/c of the Anonymity that the internet gives them.

If you don't have a life or have a shitty life, then all you may have left is to be a bully....and there are plenty of them in the hobby. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Htowner's Avatar
Buying custom clothes does not affect others' prices at Walmart. Tipping a provider 30%, does. That is why such comments are made.
The there those who are sugar daddy wanna be's . They can't afford exclusive rights to her, but figure if they prompt her to raise her rate, indirectly or by tipping big, then there would be a smaller circle of suitors which is great for the ego of those who are in.

Just becuase I don't want to tip a specific girl, or pay what I think exceeds value for me, does not mean I don't have the money.
There are others , and they need to get paid too .

Just because you have money for a Bently , it does not make you stupid enough to pay that price for a Hyundai. Sure it is an extreme analogy and that is all there is . Please don't PM me saying why are you calling me a Hyundai. Yes it happens . Every time I make a general comments , someone take it all too personal.

If you like to appreciate one's business, give them repeat business. Don't hike their rates by suggesting it or tipping.
To each his own. I just think too many guys get emotionaly involved after an hour and try to demonstrate that or impress, by pulling their wallet out for the second time. Been there, done that , not judging you.
You will be there soon. Just learn earlier so you don't have to look back and shake your head.
jacksparrow's Avatar
+1 ( just kidding)
it's the internet, you can be anyone or have any power you want ( just like cartoons) it does not mean they are big or strong or that they have special powers, but they get to dream about it. take it this way, you can quickly pick who you would like to be friends with or not.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I don't believe ladies are stupid enough to increase their rate b/c ONE (1) guy gave them a generous tip.

If a lady substantially raises her prices she will, in all likelihood, see a substantial decrease in business. EVENTUALLY she will figure it out and either reset her prices, or post "Specials".

Price has more to do with how much volume a lady wants in a day/week.

I agree with you HTowner, giving a lady repeat business is also MY way of showing my appreciation for her level of service;
Speaking as one who often remarks on the ever-increasing rates some providers seem to have, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I remark on it because its interesting to me to see which providers have increased their rates 25%, 50% and sometimes 100% over the span of a few months based on nothing more than their perceived demand within the market. On the one hand, I can't fault them for cashing in on their sudden and brief notoriety, but on the other hand they are alienating their regular clientele. As the old saying goes, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Would you rather have $300 bucks tonight, or $150 every Friday night for the next year?

I tend to agree with Htowner when there are a handful of hobbyist's trying to affect one providers business model by substantially over-paying. I don't call it tipping, because $20-$40 here and there is not a big deal and isn't likely to affect her perceived value within the market. That's a bottle of wine to a good customer or distributor. A thank you, if you will. But paying $450 on a $250 invoice will affect their perception. And insisting that they are undervaluing themselves will have long-term effects. Put yourself in their shoes. If you have a dozen clients and one of them all-of-a-sudden starts paying double what you're billing, saying "I think this is what your services are worth." What's your reaction going to be? Are you going to say to yourself, "Awwww, what a nice guy. And the other 11 guys must not be as well-off, so I'll keep charging what I do..." Or are you going to think, "Wait a fucking second?! Are the other 11 guys pulling a fast one on me?!?! Why aren't they paying what Client X is paying? Wouldn't I rather have 6 Client X's than 12 Client Ys?" Which is fair, unless of course you're Client Y and the price you've been paying is fair and competitive and there aren't that many Client Xs out there to begin with...

I agree with CB too. Its pretty clear that the hobbyists who do these sort of things are trying to garner preferential treatment and I can't fault them for it. Hey, if you've got the money to burn, who am I to judge what you do with it? Speaking only for myself, I make a note of when I see this sort of thing happening, who is doing it and who is being affected. Then I take my business elsewhere.
ratboy jam's Avatar
I don't believe ladies are stupid enough to increase their rate b/c ONE (1) guy gave them a generous tip.

If a lady substantially raises her prices she will, in all likelihood, see a substantial decrease in business. EVENTUALLY she will figure it out and either reset her prices, or post "Specials".

I agree with you HTowner, giving a lady repeat business is also MY way of showing my appreciation for her level of service; Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
The ladies I've seen said for me NOT seeing thema agin was REAL appreciation??
As of rpricce raises...FRANKLY...there are many on here that charge what BETTER ladies do because they think they are in the same "league"...Check yourselves.
While "beauty" is SURELY in he eye of the beholder...I've SEEN some ladies on here that I wouldn't even pick up for FREE get glowing reviews. And some ladies that are downright nasty(dirty/smelly/bad grill/ETC.) that also get glowing reviews. And there "rates" are in line with the TOP SHELF ladies because of the guys not being more price conscious and honest. Whenever the guys see another lady who charges more than they should, services aren't up to par, looks/'tude below par, and STILL give good reviews and meet their "price rates" THAT makes others take chances and the cycle continues...

I agree that the lady you reviewed was HOT(at least the pics) but there is nothing wrong with some to express their OPINIONS of the situation. I've seen MANY guys OVERPAY for SC visits. I used ot WAY OVERPAY for hand-jobs and semi-bj's. Then whenever I was "picked on" by the board members(what used to be ALOT rougher than what you have faced) I took it as FUN and especially learned to NOT pay for, as htowner said, a Hyundai with a luxury car price.

Nobody wrote anything about your mother or sister, so nobody really said anything that you shouldn't just chuckle about. Unless your relatives are hotties and are within my price range(JOKE-KIDDING-F'N with ya')!!

HAve fun and everybody needs to lighten up whenever someone does not praise your every move!!
carkido45's Avatar
Tipping sometimes in my case has been some what ok.
I remember tipping reagan of houston and hannah hearte both because they were sweet and both insisted that I didn't have too but I did anyway.
Now on the other hand I tipped a provider and on the next session she upsold me not cool see yah.
seanes's Avatar
I don't comment at all about what ladies charge or what guys pay/tip. It's their choice.

Long, long ago I used to think about actors, athletes and musicians who also provide an entetainment value and question their pay scale. Then I recalled Econ 101: America is a marketplace, without government intervention supply and demand will balance out. So if someone is williing to pay it then the price is right for that person. If the supplier is happy with the level of demand at that price, then that's their comfort level.

I know provider's that only want to see a limited number of clients in a week and price accordingly. I also know some who want to maximize their income in a short period and therefore price to keep a steady flow of clients throughout the day.

Case in Point: for the old timers who remember Mary's Health on Bellaire: $35/Hr Massage. Split was $25 to the house, $10 plus tips to the girls. I have visited three of the girls who retired to China after less than two years of work there. Granted they worked 12 hour days, 7 days a week, 365 a year, saw from 4 to 12 clients a day and paid no taxes. In under two years their take home ranged from $180K to $400K. But now they are comfortably retired, out of the hobby and running their own businesses.

Hell if I was starting out as an escort, I'd initially set my prices high enough to limit my services until my body became comfortable with the demands. Then I'd adjust the rates to maximize income in the shortest period of time to score enough to have my investments income take care of my day to day needs. Then adjust the rates again to get only as much sex or income as I wanted. For the regulars whose company I really enjoyed, I'd grandfather or discount them.

Always remember, it's a business even when friendships develop. When it goes beyond friendship, that's whatever the two are comfortable with.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
In the hobby world, we each set the amount we pay. IF you give a lady a tip, MOST will expect the same tip for the each and session thereafter. IF you don't tip, I will bet the service level the next time will be substantially lower, with a bad attitude.

Correspondingly, MOST of us understand the concept of being grandfathered in. WE pay a provider a certain amount and really don't care if she raises her rates....we continue to pay the same amount, year after year. Even if you don't see a provider often, WE continue to make the same donation.

So, Enddy, I think the ladies understand getting $150 every Friday night for a year with guys they have seen before is a good deal, but will continue to ASK for much higher rates from new guys.

And Rat- I am with you as well Bro - there are many ladies, IMHO, worth the price they charge and MANY MANY more who don't have the quality of service or attitude but still belleve they are the BEST.

Its their bodies they should charge whatever they want;
Its my money I will pay what I want.
Toreador_one's Avatar
The truth of the matter is that there is a lot mote tipping going on that does not make it in the reviews, in many cases probably for the same reason the original poster stated, someone is going to bitch and moan because of the tipping practice and the reviewer may just as well not say anything about it.

However, one thing is to tip 10 or even 20% over the paid rate, another thing is to tip 30-40% or more, so I am with HTowner on that, but hell is their money.
pyramider's Avatar
Geez, just tip what you want. There is not a required tip scale. Just go with the flow

Now when will fucktards stop trying to extrapolate a providers' income? Its just plain idiocy. If the phone ain't ringing, she is not generating all that money.