Failure is it's own reward...if you're a democrat or from Chicago

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Penny Pritzker has been nominated by Obama to be the new Commerce Secretary. What are her qualifications? Oh, fraud, ruining people's lives, ripping off the government, and being an Obama money person from the beginning. She and her family still owe millions in payments to people that they stole from and they are billionaires but can't afford or won't to pay back what they owe. Instead they got a bailout and now she gets a job managing our nation's business interests. Does this scare anyone?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
At least the money is going to a good Jewish family!!!

But, seriously, it is disgusting that people give money to Obama, or any other politician, then they get a government job as a reward. I think it sucks but it happens all the time. It is like the people who brag about getting a "who's who" award and putting it on their wall after they paid for the thing. Just another example of the decline of anyone wanting a public good instead of a private boondoggle.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-21-2013, 02:31 PM
Penny Pritzker has been nominated by Obama to be the new Commerce Secretary. What are her qualifications? Oh, fraud, ruining people's lives, ripping off the government, and being an Obama money person from the beginning. She and her family still owe millions in payments to people that they stole from and they are billionaires but can't afford or won't to pay back what they owe. Instead they got a bailout and now she gets a job managing our nation's business interests. Does this scare anyone? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

where was Bush during all of this bank fraud, and ripping off the government. in Crawford, asleep ????

Pritizker made millions in the sub-prime lending scam; a flim flam that cost taxpayers billions....................

But she is a Democrat; so she gets the Obama stamp of approval...................... .
Bush pushed for reforms of Fannie/Freddie years before the meltdown happened; but his efforts were thwarted by the Democrats................


where was Bush during all of this bank fraud, and ripping off the government. in Crawford, asleep ????

Originally Posted by CJ7
Penny Pritzker has been nominated by Obama to be the new Commerce Secretary. What are her qualifications? Oh, fraud, ruining people's lives, ripping off the government, and being an Obama money person from the beginning. She and her family still owe millions in payments to people that they stole from and they are billionaires but can't afford or won't to pay back what they owe. Instead they got a bailout and now she gets a job managing our nation's business interests. Does this scare anyone? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Not me I have lived through worse.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-21-2013, 04:22 PM
Bush pushed for reforms of Fannie/Freddie years before the meltdown happened; but his efforts were thwarted by the Democrats................

FACT JACK ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
after he requested fannie and Freddie grant 5 million minority home loans

Randy4Candy's Avatar
...or a delusional kommunity kollege kustodial engineer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do you know she's from a nice family?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
where was Bush during all of this bank fraud, and ripping off the government. in Crawford, asleep ????

Originally Posted by CJ7
So, this makes her nomination a good decision? Explain that, please.
Goes back all the way to Billy Sol Estes if you are a bud of the pres you get a place at the trough.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Blame Bush again ehhh.

Remember that was Chicago, That town
is almost as isolated politically as North
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How do you know she's from a nice family? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They make significant contributions to Israel.
Blame Bush again ehhh.

Remember that was Chicago, That town
is almost as isolated politically as North
Korea. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Bush was involved with Billy also????