Kamala announces failed economic policiies

I tried to watch Kamala's speech, but it is all failed economic policies that will cause more inflation in the housing industry, put more regulation on business which means inflation and reduction of supply. Just the same old Marxist bullpucky that always fails.
"Marxist" again. With nothing to back up that conclusion. Nor the predictions you make about her proposed policies. No facts, no expertise, no good arguments.
"Marxist" again. With nothing to back up that conclusion. Nor the predictions you make about her proposed policies. No facts, no expertise, no good arguments. Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt

Well, when the Washington Post says the same thing I said.

I lived through the Nixon's Wage and Price controls which was a disaster.

What I said used to be common knowledge and common sense with economic policies.
Kamala is clueless.
I tried to watch Kamala's speech, but it is all failed economic policies that will cause more inflation in the housing industry, put more regulation on business which means inflation and reduction of supply. Just the same old Marxist bullpucky that always fails. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Her housing proposal is about immigration. Cheap affordable housing for immigrants. She has to appeal to people coming here who have no emotional ties to this country and who are desperate. She doesn't give a shit about the average American citizen. She wouldn't care if you live in a tent.
Well, when the Washington Post says the same thing I said.

I lived through the Nixon's Wage and Price controls which was a disaster.

What I said used to be common knowledge and common sense with economic policies. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Elaborate on what the Post says, please. I'm not going to create an account on their POS site.

Meanwhile, let's not forget that Nixon was a Republican. And NO ONE believes in wage and price controls any more, so they are irrelevant in discussing her policies.

And saying things like "common knowledge" and "common sense" are meaningless. Tell me something real. Without insulting me, please. Try discussing a topic for once. I am not a "Marxist."
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy that analyzes the history of humanity and the effects of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development. It was developed in the mid-19th century by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and is named after Marx. Marxism has many interpretations, including theories of class division, the role of labor, and social change.

Basic definition.

in a nutshell, funds will not be invested, unless the investor will realize a return on investment. Any obstacles (political socialism) will simply cause an investor to decline to invest.
Thus, who will build "affordable housing", Why would farmers and transport send foodstuff to cities? Why would any type of energy production occur unless those that do that receive a good buck.

The democratic version of socialism is to buy votes regardless of how much damage they do to the American economy.

I'm not selling the dirt we have in Canada nor West Kansas.
Elaborate on what the Post says, please. I'm not going to create an account on their POS site.

Meanwhile, let's not forget that Nixon was a Republican. And NO ONE believes in wage and price controls any more, so they are irrelevant in discussing her policies.

And saying things like "common knowledge" and "common sense" are meaningless. Tell me something real. Without insulting me, please. Try discussing a topic for once. I am not a "Marxist." Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt

When you bring up something as stupid as a political party of Nixon, you won't believe a thing I say anyway.,

But if you are serious about learning some real economics look up Milton Friedman and read his book.
... Tell me something real. Without insulting me, please. Try discussing a topic for once. I am not a "Marxist."... Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt
Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy that analyzes the history of humanity and the effects of capitalism.... Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
WTH is this? I didn't ask for the definition of Marxism. Or Socialist ideology. All of that just makes me unwilling to read the rest of your post. You could try again. But please skip the lessons on economics and ideology.

When you bring up something as stupid as a political party of Nixon, you won't believe a thing I say anyway., Originally Posted by farmstud60
You never miss a chance to insult. And saying that I "won't believe a thing" you say is a cop out. it would seem that you cannot do what I suggested you do, i.e. say something meaningful to back up your views and predictions about Harris' economic policy statements. You chose to deflect instead.

But if you are serious about learning some real economics look up Milton Friedman and read his book. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I didn't ask you for a lesson in economic theory either.

If you are still interested, please elaborate on your views and predictions about Harris' policy statements with something MEANINGFUL, not just smears and vague, inflammatory statements. Insults not needed either. That's getting really old.

Or we can just let this die. Fine by me. This thread maybe isn't worth it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Harris needs to walk back a lot of that price gouging bullshit rhetoric. How do you even monitor that? What prices should be charged? What if I can afford the best ham and cheese or only the worst of both and/or something in between? Anyway, let the market decide the price of my ham and cheese.

There is a huge disparity in the difference in the quality of these two basic goods which is why I used them as examples. How can the government even price that disparity in those two items? It can't to make the suppliers happy who provide it because every step of the way before it reaches my fridge, everyone from the farmer, processing plant to the store all have margins to achieve so which one do you screw over?

This kind of liberal shit is taking it too far. You don't create a problem to try to fix a problem when the market (supply and demand) will set the prices naturally/organically. No government interference is necessary... if government wants to interfere with prices, just make sure to keep it only in the healthcare industry IMO.
Thus, who will build "affordable housing", Why would farmers and transport send foodstuff to cities? Why would any type of energy production occur unless those that do that receive a good buck.

The democratic version of socialism is to buy votes regardless of how much damage they do to the American economy.

. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter;
why would they?

Joe Stalin, a real champion of the “socialist utopian collective”, had a simple solution to this problem.

Do what we say, or you will be put against the wall.

Millions died.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
One of my favorite sayings is that history always repeats.
Applicable to politics, wars, economies (local and worldwide), etc.

Amusingly, theatrical scripts also always repeat.
Also, occurs in music, poems, literature, etc.
Usually heavily disguised, but the reason for copyright laws.

Edit add....
Jackie, it's your fault for me being serious this am.
You and the cup of coffee the cowgirl put in front of me.
OK, I need a distraction...
Screw politics, a sun blouse with tight jeans just walked by...
TechPapi's Avatar
why would they?

Joe Stalin, a real champion of the “socialist utopian collective”, had a simple solution to this problem.

Do what we say, or you will be put against the wall.

Millions died. Originally Posted by Jackie S
One of my favorite sayings is that history always repeats.
Applicable to politics, wars, economies (local and worldwide), etc.

Amusingly, theatrical scripts also always repeat.
Also, occurs in music, poems, literature, etc.
Usually heavily disguised, but the reason for copyright laws.

Edit add....
Jackie, it's your fault for me being serious this am.
You and the cup of coffee the cowgirl put in front of me.
OK, I need a distraction...
Screw politics, a sun blouse with tight jeans just walked by... Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

I'm not seeing what self-proclaimed history buffs or cowgirls walking by have to do with an economic policies thread. I seem to get a lot of bullshit from mods about keeping on topic. Maybe you could try it out?

Farmstud, from the part of the speech you could manage to pay attention to, which policies will lead to being lined up against a wall and shot?

It ain't about policy getting you shot, it is when they want to exercise their power and put fear into the masses so others won't try and go around their policies.

Here is an example from Stalin from the 1920's to 1930's time frame with a world wide depression. Stalin hired Nikolai D. Kondratiev to prove that Capitalist economic systems were going to collapse and Communism was by far superior. Kondratiev showed that capitalist systems would self correct and get stronger. Stalin shot him because he didn't like the answer.

What Is a Kondratiev Wave?

A Kondratiev Wave is a long-term economic cycle in commodity prices and other prices, believed to result from technological innovation, that produces a long period of prosperity alternating with economic decline. This theory was founded by Nikolai D. Kondratiev (also spelled "Kondratieff"), an agricultural economist who noticed agricultural and industrial commodity prices experienced long-term cycles. Kondratiev believed that these cycles involved periods of evolution and self-correction
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm not seeing what self-proclaimed history buffs or cowgirls walking by have to do with an economic policies thread. I seem to get a lot of bullshit from mods about keeping on topic. Maybe you could try it out?

Farmstud, from the part of the speech you could manage to pay attention to, which policies will lead to being lined up against a wall and shot? Originally Posted by TechPapi
Yeah, I feel foolish for actually putting an objective thought in my initial post in this thread. I should have read the previous posts before I even bothered to do so.

The fact of the matter is that whatever Harris says will get bashed by MAGAs because they have no objectivity when it comes to any opposition to their master.