Gents. How forgiving are you?

Just a question out of curiosity. Sometimes I get bogged down in emails, ads, phone calls, text messages, appointments, etc. and some inevitably slip through the cracks. I haven't quite nailed my system of operation down yet, and I do make mistakes from time to time. My question is: When a provider drops the ball (forgets to email you back, call you back, etc.) how forgiving are you? Do you try to contact her again or write her off? If she realizes her mistake a week later and sends you an apology and an invitation to try again, will you accept? Ladies' opinions and observations encouraged as well.
I'm forgiving if it happens once or twice, but anything over that I normally won't waste my time and will not contact her again. Having said apology does have merit and carry a certain weight. If she decides to buy me another synthesizer and/or more toys for my ninja kitties, then I may reconsider.
If I contact a lady via Phone/Email/PM/Txt and receive no response then I usually don't bother. If she contacts me back a week later then I REALLY don't bother. If she contacts me back a week later, is apologetic, and has a decent reason for being a week late, then I give her a chance. We all make mistakes but some people make a habit of making mistakes.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
If I don't hear back from a lady, I move on. When a window of opportunity develops, I prefer to go ahead and get something scheduled, and it's just easier to move on to someone else than to spend time waiting for a reply that may never come or following up. And besides, even though I am desperate, I don' want to appear that way!

Now, if I were to receive a belated response, particularly an apologetic one, I'd welcome the opportunity to make an appointment if my schedule allowed, or at least put the lady back on my list of potential visits.
I'm pretty forgiving. Shit happens and nobody's perfect. It all depends on how you handle it though. If your contact a week later is personal and offers some form of an apology for forgetting about me, then of course I'd understand. If however your contact is in the form of a mass e-mail or just says something like, "See me tonight for $XX", I'll "lose" your e-mail or text just like you lost mine.
daddyo67's Avatar
It's easy to say that I will mark them off if they don't respond, but having said that there are a couple of providers that have done this to me a lot and I mark them off but every time they whistle I can't stay away.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
If I don't hear back from a provider, I will try and contact another provider. There are many beautiful provider's to choose from in the Dallas area. Now with that being said if a provider sent me a sincere email, I would definitely consider seeing her again.
More important things to worry about than not getting a response to each and every email I send out. It's not a matter of forgiveness but it can be bad manners if someone is trying to reach you and you fail to respond altogether.
If I don't hear back from an e-mail etc. I don't worry too much about it.I will normally try a couple times.I know the ladies can busy and may not be able to respond.If she replies later with an apology so much the better.
Now if she does not respond after scheduling an appointment with me thats a different matter.I am definitely less forgiving.NCNS's and cancellations will get you marked off my list very quickly and some sort of negative feedback on this site will follow.
Int3rested's Avatar
Things happen, differant reasons, I do what is best for the play at that time.
Bobster36's Avatar
I'm w/looie. Non-responses don't bother me. I usually contact 2-3 at a time and deal with the 1-2 that actually respond. NCNS's however are deadly. Unless she offers to make it up to me like 60 for the 30 rate or 90 for the 60 rate....the provider will never hear from me again. And if I ever NCNS'ed a provider, I wouldn't expect her to ever consider seeing me again either!
Yep, I agree with many of the comments above that it's all about approach.

I understand that providers have a ton of email to keep up with. But when I send an initial email, it's usually through p411. So at that point I feelblike I'm sharing my screening info and am a serious potential client. If I slip through the cracks a sincere email or at least the illusion they are really interested in meeting goes a long way.
I'm very forgiving. If you don't respond, I don't get mad about it and, if I've never seen you before, it doesn't even bother me. Sometimes I try again. Sometimes, I just move on. It all depends on how much I want to see you, what my other options are, what mood I'm in, whether a future visit fits my schedule, etc. Any sincere apology is always cheerfully accepted. But, sometimes the window of opportunity for us to get together has already closed and I won't go out of my way to re-open it just because you contact me a week later.

I will say, if I've seen you before, and I felt the illusion of passion or some sort of connection and ask to see you again, then failing to respond to my emails or voice messages is one of the quickest ways to make me feel like just another nameless, faceless client.
Sudzny's Avatar
I've lost e-mails/txts/messages myself so I'll give her a second shot. I do most of my communication via e-mail and PM, and I like to book early. So if it's an initial contact and I don't hear back in a couple of days, I'll try another method. If we've been e-mailing back and forth and she drops one, I'll wait a couple and then just e-mail her again to check in. If it's chronic though, I'll move on.

One tip I would say is tell us if you don't like one way or the other. Like, Please txt or call me, I don't check e-mail often. I've e-mailed a provider through p411 and then gotten a response like 2 weeks later after I've left Dallas saying. "Oh I don't really check my e-mail, call me and let's set something up" Very frustrating.
luv2luv's Avatar
You know, if I make an appointment with a provider and then have to cancel, I call and let 'em know. Some of them are really surprised. All appreciate it. I do not get the same courtesy most of the time. In fact, I would hate to say how often I have been stranded at an intersection or a hotel parking lot waiting for that second phone call to be answered, only to get the answering machine or elevator music.

If I have seen a provider before and it happens, I wonder why and will probably give her a second chance. If not, I probably will not. She would have to be especially hot.

I am struggling right now. I was stood up last week by a Fort Worth provider I have seen before; one that is just about as good as it gets. But she left me stranded in a hotel parking lot. I sent her an email (from the parking lot) that was pretty sarcastic, I suppose, but then again, I was pretty upset. She did email me back and say that she had gotten very ill and offered to make it up. I'm still trying to make up my mind on that one.

We are blessed in DFW. We have more beautiful providers than we are ever going to be able to see. Were this somewhere else, you might find it necessary to try again and again to see a gorgeous GFE. Not the case here. So forgiveness is a function of alternate availability in most cases.