New Tactic "Barring navigators from county health departments"

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U.S. Rep. Castor: Barring 'navigators' from county health departments is 'absurd'

More Democrats decry 'harmful, spiteful' ban on 'navigators' as Scott avoids issue

Quote: On Monday, the Florida Department of Health announced that health care outreach workers known as Navigators will not be allowed on county health center properties to help educate uninsured people about their health care insurance options available in the new marketplaces opening for enrollment on Oct. 1.

“Navigators are specifically designated to help people understand their health insurance options and their goal is to reach as many uninsured or underinsured people in Florida as possible. County health care centers provide health care services to the uninsured, making them a logical location for Navigators to achieve their goals.

I am a little confused by what they are doing. What is the purpose of keeping people in the dark about the ACA?

It appears like they are purposefully trying to keep any information out of the hands of the public, and it appears like they are keeping these groups from helping those citizens get signed up for ACA. Is this legal??

Someone enlighten me on this.