Members bans?

I'm not SUPER active here, but I am active enough to recognize a few members, and recently noticed a handful were recently banned. I am wondering if anyone has any clarification/info on these situations for the following people:


Chung Tran

Wile E Coyote|

Ok, I just caught myself up on Chung Tran and Wile E Coyote's reasons. I can guess why BLM was banned, but still totally in the dark on Grail.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Speculation on member bans is not something we do here-- best bet if you know the guy is to ask them yourself.
Speculation on member bans is not something we do here-- best bet if you know the guy is to ask them yourself. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Oops! I wasn't aware. I will refresh myself on the rules. Thanks for the clarification!
Bans are typically by accumulation of points for violating the rules of the board.
Bans are typically by accumulation of points for violating the rules of the board. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Or just violating one really big one at once.
Well, I'm not crying too many tears over it ....
if you get my drift ....
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I got it , but you know they will be back in full force after the banned
Well, I'm not crying too many tears over it ....
if you get my drift .... Originally Posted by Torre Tames
TinMan's Avatar
In almost every case mentioned anyone paying attention could see it coming. What baffles me is when it’s obvious and the points are adding up these guys keep doing the same old thing. Maybe when they come back they will explain why they keep banging their head against the wall. I’d really like to know.
billw1032's Avatar
I've been around here for a good long while now and I know where the forum rules are, but I still have no earthly idea how this point business works. Oh, I understand that you get points for infractions, but how many do you get for what infraction? And I know that a certain number will get you banned for a while, but how many gets you how long? 10, 100, 1000? Is all of this explained anywhere? Not that it matters too much, as I don't plan to venture into that territory. But it remains a mystery to me.
billw1032's Avatar
Speculation on member bans is not something we do here-- best bet if you know the guy is to ask them yourself. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
There have been a few occasions when I noticed that someone was banned, and I looked at a few of their most recent posts and saw nothing obvious. I guess we're destined to be in the dark unless we run afoul of the "law".
TinMan's Avatar
There have been a few occasions when I noticed that someone was banned, and I looked at a few of their most recent posts and saw nothing obvious. I guess we're destined to be in the dark unless we run afoul of the "law". Originally Posted by billw1032
Yeah, pretty much. I used to complain about it, too, but eventually realized it really isn’t any of my business so I stopped complaining.
winn dixie's Avatar
I've been around here for a good long while now and I know where the forum rules are, but I still have no earthly idea how this point business works. Oh, I understand that you get points for infractions, but how many do you get for what infraction? And I know that a certain number will get you banned for a while, but how many gets you how long? 10, 100, 1000? Is all of this explained anywhere? Not that it matters too much, as I don't plan to venture into that territory. But it remains a mystery to me. Originally Posted by billw1032
Infractions/points go from 2, 5 and 10 pointers. Its up to the staff member to decide the actual infraction and point total. Points have an expiration date of 6 months/180 days. 25 points gets a member a 90 day vacation.
You can also get banned for 3 days for a cooling off.
Or for a week for violating the image rules.
A member can get banned for a year for outting or repeatedly violating the core nuclear rules, or can get an outright lifetime ban for the same violations.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
A few guys were excessive in their posts, but most seemed ok. Since the mass banning in early May, the boards been a bit quiet and boring. I think we're missing out on Intel on the new girls (Studio) from those guys and just having the same old people bumping reviews of girls that have been reviewed excessively already. My .02¢
Grace Preston's Avatar
In some cases-- some of these studio guys got bans for multiple accounts and those multiples will never come back (you're only allowed one account here-- if they catch you with others-- kiss em goodbye).