Would you with a provider you know

Hobbyfun's Avatar
They is a very well know provider on here that has great reviews and seems to be a great person and I have wanted to see her for over two years.

The problem is I think I know her from outside the hobby.

That don't bother me much either, the problem is I think she knows my sister in law and I don't think they have talked in a couple of years do to everybody goes different directions in life.

If I did go and see her and she did run into said sister in law that might get touchy.

So who would take the chance are walk away and just look from a distance?

I think she is classy enough to stay silent and would not have anything to gain by talking but who really knows for sure.

The biggest problem is I have wanted to sleep with her for years I always thought she was hot but I think women are like fine wine they just get better with age.
Don't shit where you eat. Bad idea.
Hercules's Avatar
Listen to your big head on this one and stay clear.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
They is a very well know provider on here that has great reviews and seems to be a great person and I have wanted to see her for over two years.

The problem is I think I know her from outside the hobby.

That don't bother me much either, the problem is I think she knows my sister in law and I don't think they have talked in a couple of years do to everybody goes different directions in life.

If I did go and see her and she did run into said sister in law that might get touchy.

So who would take the chance are walk away and just look from a distance?

I think she is classy enough to stay silent and would not have anything to gain by talking but who really knows for sure.

The biggest problem is I have wanted to sleep with her for years I always thought she was hot but I think women are like fine wine they just get better with age. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
Depends on the lady in question. I have clients that were/are friends or acquaintances in my "real world" life. Hasn't been an issue for me or them at all. This lifestyle (the hobby) requires discretion. See her if she has shown discretion in the past, or if she does not have a history of being indiscreet.. Best of Luck and let us know how it goes.
rcinokc's Avatar
Huge risk, and the reward may not be all you expect either.
fletch's Avatar
i would never let the hobby world colide with the real world.

in theory you would think that because of real world discretion that it would never colide with the hobby world but then again is it worth risking your real world? - and ultimately half your shit??

+1 bizz
Discretion is a must for me I advice to stay clear. I know it must be tempting but its best not to take a chance. I would never play in the city I live in and thats why I come to visit Dallas.
pmdelites's Avatar
Depends on the lady in question. I have clients that were/are friends or acquaintances in my "real world" life. Hasn't been an issue for me or them at all. This lifestyle (the hobby) requires discretion. See her if she has shown discretion in the past, or if she does not have a history of being indiscreet.. Best of Luck and let us know how it goes. Originally Posted by M A X
that's what i was going to say.
it really depends on the woman.
there are some women here who, as best i can tell from knowing them for 3-7 yrs, are ROCK solid in the discretion dept. and there are some who tell me so much info about their private lives in the first 30 mins that my head spins.

also, it depends - "he knows my sister in law"
wife's sister or brother's wife??
and what is the sister-in-law like?

but to be safe, admire from a distance or pm/chat with her.
only if the probability is so low as to be in the micronoise, stay safe.
FishGuy13's Avatar
That's a tough one, but I think I am with Max. True I belive more women tend to gossip more than men and I think some women tend to have a hard time keeping secrets, BUT that does not mean all. It also sounds like you are not even sure it is the same person and you could be missing out on a great provider. I guess in the end I'd say think, think, and THINK some more, IF it is your SIL and she does not talk to your side of the family much anyway AND you think she could keep it to her self, I think I would go for it. Let us know how it goes please.
BigPurdy's Avatar
Sounds like you're a bit smitten. Take it from first hand experience, if that's the case and ya'll hit it off (as in ATF), it can turn sour in a heartbeat. Once that happens you can't reel it in. But then again, it does depend on the girl and her ability to be discreet. Is it worth it? That's the question only you can answer.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
What's the worst that could happen? If you're willing to accept that worst of all consequence, dive right in. But I'm guessing you really don't want to chance it.
when in doubt....don't
elgato111's Avatar
This is a hard question to answer. If she is well known provider who has excellent reviews and knows the meaning of discretion then yeah I would go for it.

But if reviews indicate that she is very open about her personal life with clients then I would be worried about her level of discretion.

There are so many fine girls in this area to see. If you are really certain that she knows your family, even though she has not had contact with them for a long time, I think it would be safer for you in the long run to pass her on by.
Every person can turn on you under the right circumstances. Trusting your livelihood to someone based on their fucking board persona is laughable.

Have fun with the first conversation where she tells you she's having a tough time paying her bills and could sure use some help, and then casually asks you how your sister in law is doing.
Dude, if you have to ask us...don't do it.