I disagree with the practice of allowing an OP to request their thread being closed if there is some controversy brewing as it is an easy loophole to allow someone that just stirred up some shit to evade the shit storm they bring on themselves.
Not necessarily what happened here and I, at times, have requested threads I started to be closed for other reasons. But those are the policies in place....... I'll use them if it is convenient. Can't fault those that do.
That being said. The thread has a valid point being made that has the right to be discussed.
kSoze is obviously a re-creation of someone here for some reason. Time will tell but for now you can't fault the message he is delivering. Trying to discredit him based on the posts in the closed thread is not reasonable.
For some, a lady storing ANY of their information poses a risk. IF LE were to bust a lady for solicitation wouldn't it be a rather common assumption on their part that the men stored in her contact list comprised a client list of sorts? Wouldn't it be reasonable to think they might set up a sting using the Provider's phone and those stored numbers? Send everyone a text to meet at some place for a discounted session and then have some fun with the ones that show up?
Am I worried about it? Not really. I handle my own security fairly well and don't put much blame on others for something like this...
But I don't discount ANYone's right to be concerned.
It's kSoze's right to raise that as an issue or ask questions.
CoEd is NOT simply a place to flirt and have fun. It is a place where information relevant to the hobby can and should be presented and discussed by both sides without interference.
ohhh..... Yeah..... and I gotta chime in that RocketRide has definitely been on the WK Bandwagon lately. No question about that. I agree that he oughta step away from it and let the ladies handle their own business.