cui bono! -- Assad says chemical attack was a fabrication

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Assad says "were the children even dead?"

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a poster made this comment:
Gary Aronsson
13 Apr 2017 9:18AM

This incident should be subjected to the most basic test of logic, Cui Bono.

This process was invented almost 2000 years ago and literally means "Who Benefits? ". Now in this case we have an allegation that President Assad made use of banned chemical weapons to murder a few women and children, a use that would be of no practical military value and which would invite massive international condemnation and military reprisal.

The violence in Syria is very near to ending and Assad is going to be the victor, all he requires is a few more weeks and he will have defeated his opponents and expelled them from his country. His opponents are now desperate, they need a miracle to avoid defeat, and they need it NOW !

And then, for no obvious military reason we are supposed to believe that Assad decides to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, to turn himself into an international pariah and do something that will result in either his death or imprisonment after a War Crimes Trial !

This scenario is just too ludicrous to be taken seriously. and the idea that Western Governments are taken in by this is way beyond unbelievable, their urge to immediately start bombing Assad into the Stone Age rather than risk waiting for ANY sort of investigation stinks of complicity.

The Western military powers have a track record of proven military ambition, ever eager to add another scalp to their bloody belt. Situations like this one allow for all sorts of posturing oafs like Boris Johnson to prat about trying to look like Patton or Mac Arthur, if they were not so often taken seriously it would be amusing but all too often these maniacs get their way and other people end up living in rubble.

Simply ask yourself if you truly believe that Assad would be stupid enough to throw away total victory when it is so close ?

Equally ask yourself if a foe as rabid as ISIS who have repeatedly beheaded people or set them on fire to burn to death inside cages would, when this close to utter defeat, set Assad up to look like he had done this so the West has the excuse it is itching for to do to him what they have previously done to Gaddafi and Saddam, Cui Bono !