Piracy - USA style!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
everyone knows china is into piracy, but guess what.. they learned that from USA!!!! USA was also not shy about using tariffs too but that's another story.

In trade wars of 200 years ago, the pirates were Americans


interesting read. I had always thought the technology we got was purchased from Britain which was an economic power house at the time.

apparently, the brits didn't want to sell the technology and kept the people and tech in the home country. As history went, the Brits couldn't stop the technology transfer whether it was obtained illegaly or by brain drain.
I B Hankering's Avatar
everyone knows china is into piracy, but guess what.. they learned that from USA!!!! USA was also not shy about using tariffs too but that's another story.

In trade wars of 200 years ago, the pirates were Americans


interesting read. I had always thought the technology we got was purchased from Britain which was an economic power house at the time.

apparently, the brits didn't want to sell the technology and kept the people and tech in the home country. As history went, the Brits couldn't stop the technology transfer whether it was obtained illegaly or by brain drain. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yep. Immigrants with knowledge of Britain's Industrial Revolution technology brought that knowledge to this country as enterprising capitalists.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yep. Immigrants with knowledge of Britain's Industrial Revolution technology brought that knowledge to this country as enterprising capitalists.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

And the rest as they say .. is HISTORY! Uh .. WORLD HISTORY!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Chinese do it a little different and with the help of our government. 200 years ago a man would master a piece of equipment or process. He would learn it inside and out. He would then hop ship to the colonies or new country hoping make himself rich.
The Chinese force companies to give up proprietary information in order to build or trade in China. The government under Clinton, Bush, and Obama stood back and let happen. Mao was right when he said that capitalists would sell you the rope you use to hang them. Pure government contracts were not much better allowing the Chinese to bid on military contracts for the US.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Fuck I thought this was about the irs , and tax s
ICU 812's Avatar
I thought our first ever foreign "war" was against the Arab pirqats from north Africa. Today we would call it "state-sponsored-terrorism".