Who is lying?

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden

"There will be no circumstance, none whatsoever, where you see people being lifted off the roof of an Embassy of the USA from Afghanistan"


Senile Biden's clean up crew

The Intelligence Agencies

"Being told the Intel community was on board for May 1 withdrawal. Meant US could withdraw during winter season when Taliban couldn’t mobilize. Biden blew it by making withdrawal for Sept 11. Allowed Taliban to mobilize during summer season."

"In a series of meetings leading up to his decision, military and intelligence officials told Mr. Biden that security was deteriorating in Afghanistan, and they expressed concerns both about the capabilities of the Afghan military and the Taliban’s likely ability to take over major Afghan cities."

General Milley

berryberry's Avatar
Everyone in the Pentagon and White House is now laying out how they warned the president, and that he refused to heed their warnings.

berryberry's Avatar
Well clearly senile Biden is lying

Biden, today: "The idea that somehow, there's a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don't know how that happens."

Reporter to Biden, July 8: "Your own intelligence community has assessed that the Afghan government will likely collapse."
Biden: "That is not true.
berryberry's Avatar
Not only is senile Biden lying, he is in deep denial

Today from ABC:

ABC: "You don't think this exit could have been handled better in any way, no mistakes?

BIDEN: "No... the idea that somehow there's a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don't know how that happens."


One month ago - senile Biden saying he *didn’t* expect withdrawal to be chaotic


The video tapes are devastating for senile Biden
berryberry's Avatar
Why is Milley saying we had no idea this would happen and Biden saying today this was inevitable but yet telling the American public the complete opposite a month ago?

And now this news just out: Milley is considering falling on his sword for Austin and retiring post-evacuation, per Pentagon official. Milley also privately telling officers he wishes Trump was back despite the bad blood
berryberry's Avatar
Ask yourself this question

If Senile Biden knew this was inevitable and it had to be chaos, why did he go on vacation?

What fucking leader does that other than a cowardly senile half-wit?

If President Trump stranded tens of thousands of Americans in arguably the largest hostage situation ever, went on vacation and did so with the utter incompetence we are all seeing from the entire senile Biden administration Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would have Articles of Impeachment filed by lunchtime.
berryberry's Avatar
This is how bad it is

Senile Biden - the so called commander in chief doesn't even fucking know what countries we have troops in. Pathetic and disqualifying

Biden tells ABC: “We don't have military in Syria"

Pentagon: We have 900 U.S. troops in Syria
bambino's Avatar
It’s like watching a monkey fucking a football. Nobody knows anything.
berryberry's Avatar
Joe's loses his grip on reality: President claims 'no one is being killed' in the Kabul airport chaos despite 12 confirmed deaths and says he can't 'recall' if he was told to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan

President Joe Biden insisted his military advisers did not tell him to keep a U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan. 'No one said that to me that I can recall,' he told ABC News in his first interview since the Taliban take over

He said his top brass did not argue that all troops would be pulled from Afghanistan 'in a time frame'. There were multiple warnings, however, and The Wall Street Journal reported this week that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley wanted to keep 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan

He also insisted 'no one is being killed' in the chaos surrounding the Kabul airport despite 12 confirmed deaths

Biden also said in the interview that he would have withdrawn troops from even without Donald Trump's deal – in a stark reversal of blaming the situation on his predecessor

Biden chose former Bill Clinton aide Stephanopoulos for the interview and hasn't taken questions from other members of the media for nine days
