What the %%#$$^^^$$^ is this world coming too??? If there is any government official that is gonna stand by and let this happen for real????? U think we have had bombings in this country???? Just wait till a hard working, military family, that has to sit and watch there loved ones be treated in a 10 man hospital room because we don't have the funds to treat the men and women that serve this country properly due to some broke ass bitch that doesn't want to get a job because its easier to let us taxpayers buy them mcds gets wind of this ...... I wish they would!!!!!!!!! { They are already to lazy to get a job now what to lazy to cook??? Y its not like u work.....Or better yet is this a ploy that our {WONDERFUL} president wants to do some the families have had clogged arteries and us tax payers can pay for that too with free health care!!!!!!! and then what instead of giving 500 a month we r gonna give 5,000 because i bust my ass to pay bills and i cant eat out!!!!! And i am ashamed to say i was born and raised in ky!!!!! GET A JOB!!!!