Being a gentleman with providers

carkido45's Avatar
I've been noticing lately a lot guy's seem to not understand that providers are Ladies and therefore deserve our respect as gentlemen.
I know I'm an ass at times on the board but I'm never an ass during a session.
I believe that's the quickest way too get a bad session along with bad hygeine.
I have received some very memorable sessions by just being nice and clean and never complaining about the donation or over staying the ladies time.
There have been session with providers where I have recieved an extra bell and other's who have given me a BBBj with CIM included which were nice surprises considering I didn't ask, also a lil extra cuddle time was also included.
Yes I know there are those providers who would take your kindness as a weakness but you don't have to let them take advantage of you
JUST SAY NO!!!! and be nice about it.
You were treated well when nice, respectful, and clean?? Hmm.. what a novel idea!!
pyramider's Avatar
You were treated well when nice, respectful, and clean?? Hmm.. what a novel idea!! Originally Posted by island_beau
Sounds like a lot of work.
dearhunter's Avatar
I thought this was a fantasy site, not a nightmare site.

If I shower, shave and treat her nice, I can get laid at home..........and I can shit in her restroom.
I thought this was a fantasy site, not a nightmare site.

If I shower, shave and treat her nice, I can get laid at home..........and I can shit in her restroom. Originally Posted by dearhunter
yeah, but do you flush and put the seat down?
dearhunter's Avatar
If I did, I wouldn't be here.................well, that's not true. But, it sounds good.
I've been noticing lately a lot guy's seem to not understand that providers are Ladies and therefore deserve our respect as gentlemen.
I know I'm an ass at times on the board but I'm never an ass during a session.
I believe that's the quickest way too get a bad session along with bad hygeine.
I have received some very memorable sessions by just being nice and clean and never complaining about the donation or over staying the ladies time.
There have been session with providers where I have recieved an extra bell and other's who have given me a BBBj with CIM included which were nice surprises considering I didn't ask, also a lil extra cuddle time was also included.
Yes I know there are those providers who would take your kindness as a weakness but you don't have to let them take advantage of you
JUST SAY NO!!!! and be nice about it. Originally Posted by carkido45

Could not have said it better myself!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!

The Golden Rule applies in the hobby as well.
carkido45's Avatar
I thought this was a fantasy site, not a nightmare site.

If I shower, shave and treat her nice, I can get laid at home..........and I can shit in her restroom. Originally Posted by dearhunter
So what your saying DH is since your paying that it should be okay to come in like a slob and treat a provider rudely like a paid for piece of meat.
You mean we are supposed to be nice to you guys in order for you to be nice to us... Damn, and to think I've been doing wrong this whole time!!!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
You would be surprised how far a smile and being a gentleman will get you in this. There are several ladies who like me because Im not an asshole and know how to treat a woman. You can be the ass who just pays and thinks he should be able to do what ever and get the mechanical session. OR You can treat her right and have a ground shaking, earth shattering, mind blowing experience. The choice is really up to you.
Poppy, we don't like you because you are nice, we like you because of your soft hands!!!
So what your saying DH is since your paying that it should be okay to come in like a slob and treat a provider rudely like a paid for piece of meat. Originally Posted by carkido45

Those are the ones US good providers WILL NOT SEE!!! ...Attitude is everything. We read what you guys post and get a feel of your personality on how you treat women or what you say on reviews etc....Some of you just dont care how it makes you look to the providers.


You would be surprised how far a smile and being a gentleman will get you in this. There are several ladies who like me because Im not an asshole and know how to treat a woman. You can be the ass who just pays and thinks he should be able to do what ever and get the mechanical session. OR You can treat her right and have a ground shaking, earth shattering, mind blowing experience. The choice is really up to you. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota

dearhunter's Avatar
There are several ladies who like me because Im not an asshole and know how to treat a woman. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
There are more than several ladies who like to see me, and know I am an asshole...............but, I don't shit at their incall.

We have to draw the line somewhere.

......and if I cared about what the providers thought of me, I wouldn't be me.

I would be someone kind and gentle. I would like to play with fluffy bunnies, and I would let little puppies lick me on the mouth after they clean their peepee.

But thankfully, I don't care