For the lib that wanted the USA article linking al Qaeda to the Syrian rebels. You know, the ones we are arming and going to send our brothers to fight next to.

LovingKayla's Avatar

They are directly responsible for 9/11 and this president is FIGHTING FOR THE BAD GUYS. Any American that still thinks this guy isn't everything we've said is a traitor and ranks as high as a Muslim in my mind.
Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda
Mona Alami, Special for USA TODAY 9:04 a.m. EDT June 14, 2013
(Photo: AP/Edlib News Network ENN)
Al Nusra leader announces alliance with Ayman al-Zawahri
Group has seen significant victories against Syrian military
Rebels say they have one common enemy: Bashar Assad

BEIRUT — A Syrian rebel group's April pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda's replacement for Osama bin Laden suggests that the terrorist group's influence is not waning and that it may take a greater role in the Western-backed fight to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The pledge of allegiance by Syrian Jabhat al Nusra Front chief Abou Mohamad al-Joulani to al-Qaeda leader Sheik Ayman al-Zawahri was coupled with an announcement by the al-Qaeda affiliate in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq, that it would work with al Nusra as well.

Lebanese Sheik Omar Bakri, a Salafist who says states must be governed by Muslim religious law, says al-Qaeda has assisted al Nusra for some time.

"They provided them early on with technical, military and financial support , especially when it came to setting up networks of foreign jihadis who were brought into Syria," Bakri says. "There will certainly be greater coordination between the two groups."

The United States, which supports the overthrow of Assad, designated al Nusra a terrorist entity in December. The Obama administration has said it wants to support only those insurgent groups that are not terrorist organizations.

Al Nusra and groups like it have seen some of the most significant victories against Syrian government forces in the course of the 2-year-old uprising in which Assad's forces have killed about 80,000 people. Rebels not affiliated with al-Qaeda have pressed Washington for months to send weaponry that will allow them to match the heavy weapons of the Syrian army. They've urged the West to mount an air campaign against Assad's mechanized forces.

President Obama refuses to provide any direct military aid. Foreign radical Islamists streaming into the fight from the Middle East and Europe are making headway with the Syrian population by providing services and gaining ground in battles.

Tamer Mouhieddine, spokesman for the Syrian Free Army, a force made up of Syrian soldiers who have defected, said the recent announcements would not change his group's attitude toward al Nusra.

"The rebels in Syria have one common enemy — Bashar Assad — and they will collaborate with any faction allowing them to topple his regime," he said.

He confirmed that al Nusra is generating loyalty in Aleppo, a region battling for months with Assad, by providing financial support as well as setting up charities.

Aaron Zelin at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in Washington says al Nusra's ability to provide security and basic needs such as bread and fuel to Syrian civilians, as well as to reopen shops and restart bus services, has won gratitude from people who would not usually adhere to its strict ideology.

Zelin says some Syrian people have criticized al Nusra for banning alcohol, forcing women to wear a full veil and whipping men who are seen with women in public.

"This illustrates the need for American leadership in the Syrian conflict, particularly with regard to helping non-Qaeda-aligned rebels contain the growth of (al Nusra) and similar groups," he said. "Washington should also try to take advantage of cleavages within the rebellion and civilian population, since al Nusra is outside the mainstream and more concerned with establishing a transnational caliphate than maintaining the Syrian state."

Groups such as the Islamic Liwaa al Tawhid, which collaborates with al Nusra on military operations, worried that Assad would use the announcement from al Nusra as evidence for his claim that he is fighting terrorists, not Syrian citizens who wish an end to his dictatorship, Mouhieddine said.

"We are willing to fight alongside any faction targeting the Assad regime, as long as it does not have a foreign agenda, which seems now the case" of al Nusra, he said.
Better check with your man McCain he was there and indicates we should arm them Was on Leno .
Better check with your man McCain he was there and indicates we should arm them Was on Leno . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
McCain is a Democrat...jeeezeus
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I must have missed something. Are the "libs" claiming that some of the Syrian Confederates are not al Qaeda?

We know, YR, but Glenna's foolishness is a break from Corneyhole's foolishness.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Foolishness nonetheless.

Do you think she hates herself as much as the others hate themselves?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 07:00 PM

They are directly responsible for 9/11 and this president is FIGHTING FOR THE BAD GUYS. Any American that still thinks this guy isn't everything we've said is a traitor and ranks as high as a Muslim in my mind. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Of course he does in your mind!
McCain is a Democrat...jeeezeus Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Only in your mind. If anyone isn't a foaming at the mouth rabid right winger are they a dem or lib. sick puppy.
LovingKayla's Avatar
This is something y'all don't seem to understand. Rep and dem are the same exact thing.
Conservative has nothing to do with republicans.

I love it that the die hard Obie dicks can do NOTHING but hiss like kittens. Got you by the balls did I?

I think McCain should be locked up too or at the very least fired with no benifits.
  • Laz
  • 09-01-2013, 09:38 PM
Any reasonable person looking at the human misery in Syria immediately wants to help. The problem is how to help in a way that does not result in your helping hand being bitten off. If McCain was right and there was a resistance group that was not radical we could help it might have been worthwhile. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that anything they say to get help is actually true. The actions they take are all that matter. Are they defending people of other faiths in their area? Do they publicly oppose radical groups? I do not trust anyone in that region and we should not get involved. All of that being said I am not in the intelligence loop and only know what I read and remember from past events so we have to trust those that are getting the necessary info. The problem is that they have not proven to be trust worthy. (Republican or Democrat) All I know is that wasting a few million dollars on cruise missiles to send Assad a message is stupid. If you want to send him a message make Assad the target. If we miss tell him the next time he gives us a reason he will be the only target and we will keep going until we succeed and we consider anyone near him, or where we think he is, is at risk. If we want him gone, that has the best potential of getting rid of him or changing his behavior. What difference is it to him if we blow up a few of his peons and or buildings.
This is something y'all don't seem to understand. Rep and dem are the same exact thing.
Conservative has nothing to do with republicans.

I love it that the die hard Obie dicks can do NOTHING but hiss like kittens. Got you by the balls did I?

I think McCain should be locked up too or at the very least fired with no benifits. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

There use to be liberal repubs and cons democrats and moderates in both parties.Now there is just left and right and no compromize. Now with the tea bags anyone left of them is to be purged from either party. Wonder when Hitler will reappear?
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
You have to understand that liberals are not going to read anything. They will attack you and not provide any facts or research. They are told what to believe and do not have a thought process. RINO's are also a big problem. McCain needs to go!

This is something y'all don't seem to understand. Rep and dem are the same exact thing.
Conservative has nothing to do with republicans.

I love it that the die hard Obie dicks can do NOTHING but hiss like kittens. Got you by the balls did I?

I think McCain should be locked up too or at the very least fired with no benifits. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
This explains a lot

The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments. Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.

While Assad is definitely a tyrant like any head of state, a US invasion of the country is a worst case scenario for the people living there.

By pointing out that the mainstream media is orchestrating their entire coverage of this incident, we are not denying that there is a tremendous amount of death and violence in Syria right now. However, we are showing that the mainstream media version of events is scripted and staged propaganda.

The following video shows him contradicting himself while off air, and even asking crew members to “get the gunfire sounds ready” for his video conference with Anderson Cooper on CNN.

“Syria Danny” has also appeared on many other news programs, and every single time his story on specific events has changed.

This is not the first time that mainstream media has been exposed as propaganda, it happens all the time, especially during times of war.

Some of the most hyped up news images of our time surrounding war were not actually real but were simply public relations stunts, designed as psychological warfare operations.

No one in America can forget the image of Saddam Hussein’s statue being toppled and covered with an American flag, yet few people realize that this was a hoax, a staged psychological operation coordinated between the military and the media. In July of 2004 journalist Jon Elmer exposed an internal army study of the war showing that this whole statue scenario was indeed a set up.

In the article Elmer writes “the infamous toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in central Baghdad on April 9, 2003 was stage-managed by American troops and not a spontaneous reaction by Iraqis. According to the study, a Marine colonel first decided to topple the statue, and an Army psychological operations unit turned the event into a propaganda moment… The Marines brought in cheering Iraqi children in order to make the scene appear authentic, the study said. Allegations that the event was staged were made in April of last year, mostly by opponents of the war, but were ignored or ridiculed by the US government and most visible media outlets. “[1]

The statue hoax was just one example in a long list of lies and psychological operations surrounding the multiple wars in Iraq. At the onset of Operation Desert Storm in 1990 a public relations firm by the name of Hill and Knowlton spent millions of dollars on the government’s behalf, constructing news pieces that would sell the war to the American public. One of the most moving pranks to come from this push to war was the testimony of a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only by her first name of Nayirah. In a videotaped testimony that was later distributed to the media she said “I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital, While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where . . . babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.”

Sounds horrible huh? Well, luckily it never happened, this too was a fabricated event designed to dehumanize the Iraqi people. The whole thing was exposed when the journalists discovered that the witness Nayirah was actually the daughter of a US ambassador who was being coaxed by military psychological operations specialists. If the government and media cooperate to deceive the American public during times of war then there should be no doubt in your mind that the same techniques are used during times of peace, and especially elections.

The following clip is another classic staged news segment that was aired by CNN:
He already has. His name is spelled O-B-A-M-A!
There use to be liberal repubs and cons democrats and moderates in both parties.Now there is just left and right and no compromize. Now with the tea bags anyone left of them is to be purged from either party. Wonder when Hitler will reappear? Originally Posted by i'va biggen