Which Dallas Mod moved my alert?

Shep3.0's Avatar
Which Dallas Mod moved my alert?

Shouldn't the mod notify the OP why it was removed?
Duke of G's Avatar
A) Me
B) No

It's been moved to staff for discussion, specifically over the PM issues and what's kosher on that.

We received your RTM. You taking matters into your own hands with an Alert is a little odd.

I'm sure we'll discuss it and have it moved back to either Alerts or Co-ed, but the issue of private communications in public is worth a look.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Well...there you have it.

Thanks for clarification.
So, does that mean you mods take the time to deliberate over EVERY alert or just Shep's? I thought the alert section was here to help get needed info out on individuals that may not know how to play nicely. How do you deem an alert posting as good or bad? Things that make ya go hmmmmm?
A) Me
B) No

It's been moved to staff for discussion, specifically over the PM issues and what's kosher on that.

We received your RTM. You taking matters into your own hands with an Alert is a little odd. Originally Posted by Duke of G
uh oh

I am happy to see the Eccie rules applies to EVERYONE.

Shep3.0's Avatar
I agree with Duke's post. I did post a word or two you are not allowed to post on this site.

The alert was on LolaBrea01 http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=102724 . She threatened to out me in PM...

From what I understand...it will be modified and moved back.

Thanks for your concern CG
What offense can she think you committed that would motivate her to do something that could get her banned here and on P411?
A provider that threatens to out a hobbyist is pretty frigging low. Same is true for a hobbyist that threatens a provider with the same thing. Sucks for everyone.
Shep3.0's Avatar
What offense can she think you committed that would motivate her to do something that could get her banned here and on P411? Originally Posted by Aether
I posted a neutral comment on her "No" review. It was immediately afterwards I received the PMs.

A provider that threatens to out a hobbyist is pretty frigging low. Same is true for a hobbyist that threatens a provider with the same thing. Sucks for everyone. Originally Posted by SD2011
Yupp....the alert I posted should be back. Without rewriting the alert...I ll just say she is a hothead and threatened to post all of my personal information on that other site.

I have report both PMs she sent me.
daddyo67's Avatar
he he glad I've got her email address!
Weird, that sort of happened to me once (here) when I did something similar and indicated in a thread I wasn't that attracted to/interested in meeting a very well known ECCIE provider who was in her main thread fermenting drama and loads of sickening white knight asswipery.

She wrote me immediately and indicated she knew me, my family etc and implied I was in trouble. Of course, she didn't really know me, had never met or spoken with me before, so there was no real risk and it was a silly threat, however it told me a lot about her mindset at that time. I just stepped back and chalked it up to the provider (her) being overly sensitive in the heat of that moment and just moved on (I don't hold grudges). Ironically, due to our close geo-location, I actually do know her, see her around, and yet I would never ever do that to her. It's just not how I am.

She knows who she is (who I described above) and it's been awkward for her (regarding me) ever since. Given I'm probably one of the more reasonably decent people here, it's kind of sad actually. Despite it all, I still like her and think she's a great mom to her kid and just want her to have a happy and secure life.

Ah, live and learn. It's a small world afterall.
HA HA! If i had said I was going to OUT you then where is your proof? where did I say I was going to out you? Why did the MODs not take your claim serious? cuz there is not such proof....

Bitch Im mexican I do not OUT people I take people OUT!

I in no way threated to OUT anyone just another one of Sheps little voices in his head talking again, don't you have enough enemies on this board? Shep is just mad because I have started my own social group and now his social group is hurting for people..... thats what happens when you don't treat people with respect.... sorry bud!

Name calling and threats are not allowed on ECCIE.
Shep3.0's Avatar

I have PM's. All mod staff have been notified dear.

What social group are you referring to?
Shep3.0's Avatar
HA HA! If i had said I was going to OUT you then where is your proof? where did I say I was going to out you? Why did the MODs not take your claim serious? cuz there is not such proof....

Bitch Im mexican I do not OUT people I take people OUT!

I in no way threated to OUT anyone just another one of Sheps little voices in his head talking again, don't you have enough enemies on this board? Shep is just mad because I have started my own social group and now his social group is hurting for people..... thats what happens when you don't treat people with respect.... sorry bud! Originally Posted by Lolabrea01

Very classy!
HA HA! If i had said I was going to OUT you then where is your proof? where did I say I was going to out you? Why did the MODs not take your claim serious? cuz there is not such proof....

Bitch Im mexican I do not OUT people I take people OUT!

I in no way threated to OUT anyone just another one of Sheps little voices in his head talking again, don't you have enough enemies on this board? Shep is just mad because I have started my own social group and now his social group is hurting for people..... thats what happens when you don't treat people with respect.... sorry bud! Originally Posted by Lolabrea01
I'm only curious and not meaning to create more problems, but I have to ask:

What do you mean by: "I do not OUT people I take people OUT!"