No response from providers

  • Etrsk
  • 12-14-2014, 08:15 PM
I am a little new to the hobby but do have some experience. I sent private messages to 3 providers over the weekend about a lunch date but received no response.

I listed the limited references, said I would like a lunch date in the near future, and asked if they needed anything else for verification. If they do, fine. Just let me know.

Is there something I am missing?
Maybe because it's the weekend? Most people don't like to answer work emails on weekend, do you?
snowking2010's Avatar
You might try weekend lineup. I have heard that some providers work on weekends. It's not a cure all, but if you can get p411, its a great first step to make contact. Good luck.
This happens to ALL of us guys here. Just keep trying. I went weeks once and couldn't get an appointment for one reason or another. Pick out the girls that have lots of reviews; they are the ones answering requests. P411 will enhance your odds.
Maybe if you put up nearly exactly what you wrote to them, I could help. Change names and exclude numbers of course ...

Sorry your weekend wasn't naughty!
Don't fret, once again, nothing new under the happens a lot on weekdays as well, and by provider's who advertise that they are available, are running a special and are hurting for money (or say they say).

With most providers on this site, this is their livelihood and she can set her own hours of operation, but unlike a real job that has a day/time schedule of not being in the office and able to answer the phone, answering her email or PM is very easy and really should be checked at least once a day and given a response. Even if it is to say she is not available until ____________, which only takes a few minutes of a day they took off of working. It is called common courtesy/TCB and could also land a provider a new client who may become a regular in the future, but if she fails to respond, he should just move on and give his money to someone else and smirk later on in the future when he reads her whoa is me post/ad about not making any money.
billw1032's Avatar
Maybe because it's the weekend? Most people don't like to answer work emails on weekend, do you? Originally Posted by samantha thom
When I worked for a major corporation most professionals checked email at night and on weekends, and if a critical email came in they responded. The production part of the business ran 24/7 and if there was a production problem it was important.

Now that I am an independent contractor / consultant with a billing rate not that far off from a provider's hourly fee, I answer emails from clients and potential clients whenever they come in. It doesn't matter if it's morning, afternoon, or night or whether it's a weekday or weekend. If it means keeping my current client happy or possibly snagging a new client, I respond.

(Edit) Oh, and I too answer a number of time-wasting inquiries that never lead to a client engagement. Unfortunately it is a part of the cost of doing business.
When I worked for a major corporation most professionals checked email at night and on weekends, and if a critical email came in they responded. The production part of the business ran 24/7 and if there was a production problem it was important.

Now that I am an independent contractor / consultant with a billing rate not that far off from a provider's hourly fee, I answer emails from clients and potential clients whenever they come in. It doesn't matter if it's morning, afternoon, or night or whether it's a weekday or weekend. If it means keeping my current client happy or possibly snagging a new client, I respond. Originally Posted by billw1032
Well, this business is a bit different than your business Most of your clients most likely do not tell you about their health issues, financial issues, loveless marriages etc.. You don't have people calling you that may want to put you in jail or murder you...
There are many people that use this as way to fill not just their physical needs, but also their emotional needs. While I enjoy my work, I have to separate myself from it occasionally or it can become too draining. 90 percent of my "job" is customer service. If I don't take a step back and create healthy boundaries, I begin to get burnt out and that is reflected in the way I treat clients.
I ALWAYS tell friends that are providers, take 2 or 3 days a week when you just turn off your computer. This can't be your whole life or you will burn out. And fast. I see it all the time, providers coming on this board and having breakdowns or exploding on people. The stress is too much to handle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I say take at least 2 days off a week and spend perhaps spend 10 minutes returning mails in the morning and then take the day for yourself.
I follow this advice and the result is while I may not make a ton of money, I really do love what I do. I am not tired and burnt out, I still get excited to meet new people and I am a genuinely happy person.

To the OP: Please post the email and I will let you know if there is anything odd about it! You seem very nice and I do believe it is as someone said, they just took the weekend off. I would not be surprised if you get a response from all three today.
Nice post and I agree with this...very few Providers can do this 24/7 without some level of burnout....
  • Etrsk
  • 12-15-2014, 07:23 AM
Here's the message. I edited out names.

I may be interested in a lunch date sometime. Only recent reference I have is xxxxxxx. A while ago my wife and I met xxxxxxx and xxxxxxx.

A few questions:
Do you need anything else for verification? Have you or do you see couples?


Looking back I probably could have put more detail in there regarding verification. A simple response from the providers in question would have been appreciated. I see they have been online and even posted ads.

Why post an ad if you aren't going to reply?
Keep in mind as well this may not be a provider's only job. They may have family to take care of on the weekend.Did you check their showcase to see if they have hours of availability posted?

That said, the tools are there for providers to use. The real pro's use them. And there are a number of good responses above
Grace Preston's Avatar
With the exact message you wrote....

Had I happened to glance at it while on the go during the weekend, I likely would have just made a mental note to respond on Monday since there was no mention of an actual date/time you wished to see me, just a "lunch sometime". Some weekends I have the time to answer everything, other weekends I just answer those that are time/date critical.

Had you said "Hey, what are the chances of lunch today or tomorrow", I would have taken the time to at least let you know that it didn't work with my schedule this weekend, but if you'd like to schedule in the future, blah blah blah....
Chung Tran's Avatar
it's easy to figure out the problem..

3 reasons why a Provider wouldn't give your request a second glance..
Well, this business is a bit different than your business Most of your clients most likely do not tell you about their health issues, financial issues, loveless marriages etc.. You don't have people calling you that may want to put you in jail or murder you...
There are many people that use this as way to fill not just their physical needs, but also their emotional needs. While I enjoy my work, I have to separate myself from it occasionally or it can become too draining. 90 percent of my "job" is customer service. If I don't take a step back and create healthy boundaries, I begin to get burnt out and that is reflected in the way I treat clients.
I ALWAYS tell friends that are providers, take 2 or 3 days a week when you just turn off your computer. This can't be your whole life or you will burn out. And fast. I see it all the time, providers coming on this board and having breakdowns or exploding on people. The stress is too much to handle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I say take at least 2 days off a week and spend perhaps spend 10 minutes returning mails in the morning and then take the day for yourself.
I follow this advice and the result is while I may not make a ton of money, I really do love what I do. I am not tired and burnt out, I still get excited to meet new people and I am a genuinely happy person.

To the OP: Please post the email and I will let you know if there is anything odd about it! You seem very nice and I do believe it is as someone said, they just took the weekend off. I would not be surprised if you get a response from all three today. Originally Posted by Maggie_May
Thank you...I've been at the gym and invested energy on the ab glider instead of detailing logic on why ...

And OP, I would've responded, I was thinking you were a bit vulgar or explicit in your pm, but you were not, thus a response was indeed warranted.

Hope this thread helps others!
Nice post and I agree with this...very few Providers can do this 24/7 without some level of burnout.... Originally Posted by Prolongus
That's why they need a personal assistant to answer all their messages promptly! You see what I did there? Lol