OMG, I checked it out and this is a real thing: Asian women 'worshipping' white men...

... and I am speechless. Deeply disturbing too as people who for any reason despise their own ethnicity are definitely in need of help. But I Googled and so on and yes, this is for real. The books cited are real and not humorous. The girls writing this stuff are dead serious. Disturbed, but serious. This is why I do not bother reading fiction. Truth is much stranger.
normalguy21's Avatar
people are strange huh ?

Human kind is into all kinds of weird shit like paying taxes and wearing seat belts and even liking other races and sexs other than there own .

I checked it out too and then i moved back into my moms basement scared .

No really i did check into it and i found a educated asian women who only likes [WESTERN} men as she puts it prefers german auto,s and is attractive and also get this did i say a FEMALE !

Kinda funny how i like asian women and asian women like WESTERN Males .

Oh well .

She wont be to the states for another year so ...................

New york times you say ?
Wow, she's pretty hot, and she says she will worship white dudes like her prince. What's her number?

I gotta take a trip to Asia, I was beginning to think my white privilege card was a myth, because all these years it hasn't done jack shit for me. I'mma gonna take a far east trip and cash in all these unused points on pussy. KA-CHING!