Where are the police?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Under the heading of "you can't make this shit up"! The city council of Minneapolis, wants to know, where are the police?


Minneapolis City Council Asks: Where Are the Police?

The meeting was slated as a Minneapolis City Council study session on police reform.

But for much of the two-hour meeting, council members told police Chief Medaria Arradondo that their constituents are seeing and hearing street racing which sometimes results in crashes, brazen daylight carjackings, robberies, assaults and shootings. And they asked Arradondo what the department is doing about it.
"Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police’?” said Jamal Osman, newly elected council member of Ward 6. He said he's already been inundated with complaints from residents that calls for police aren’t being answered.

“That is the only public safety option they have at the moment. MPD. They rely on MPD. And they are saying they are nowhere to be seen,” Osman said.
Just months after leading an effort that would have defunded the police department, City Council members at Tuesday’s work session pushed chief Medaria Arradondo to tell them how the department is responding to the violence.

The number of reported violent crimes, like assaults, robberies and homicides are up compared to 2019, according to MPD crime data. More people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than were slain in all of last year. Property crimes, like burglaries and auto thefts, are also up. Incidents of arson have increased 55 percent over the total at this point in 2019.

For his part, Arradondo told council members that the department has instituted several measures, including adding more officers to patrol and investigative duties and cracking down on robberies.

But council members told Arradondo that residents are hearing a different message from officers.
Council President Lisa Bender, who was among those leading the call to overhaul the department, suggested that officers were being defiant. Her constituents say officers on the street have admitted that they’re purposely not arresting people who are committing crimes.
“This is not new,” Bender said. “But it is very concerning in the current context.”

Arradondo told Bender this was “troubling to hear,” and that he would raise that issue with commanders and the heads of each precinct.
“We need to make sure that our communities know that we are going to be there,” said Arradondo. “That we’re going to be responsive. We’ve taken an oath to do that.”
Other council members said officers are telling residents that they are overworked and understaffed.

Arradondo said around 100 officers have left the department or have taken leave since the beginning of 2020. That’s more than double the usual number of officers who either step down from the department or who are inactive each year.

Council members in wards which usually don’t see high levels of violence say their constituents are feeling “terrorized.”
Jeremy Schroeder represents the 11th Ward, which covers a section of far south central Minneapolis. He said a recent spate of robberies of businesses at 48th Street and Chicago Avenue scared and frustrated residents and business owners.

Arradondo said the suspects are a group of high school students. He said beat officers were assigned to the area and were able to arrest the teenagers. Another group of juveniles has also committed carjackings in that area, Arradondo said.

“Arrests have been made,” he said. “There are still some pending charges. Both our juvenile units are pursuing those.”

Much of the violence has been concentrated in neighborhoods on the city’s north side. Council member Phillipe Cunningham represents the 4th Ward, where a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed Monday afternoon. Cunningham said two of his constituents were also recently wounded by stray bullets while sitting in their home.
Despite the uptick of crime in his ward, Cunningham, who supports the creation of a new community safety agency to replace the police department, said it’s particularly important now to start instituting some of those public health-based approaches to violence prevention. Recently, the council took more than $1 million from the police budget to hire “violence interrupters” to intervene and defuse potentially violent confrontations.

“If we have these systems in place we are getting ahead of the violence,” said Cunningham. “That’s why I have advocated so strongly for the violence interrupters, because if they are interrupting the violence before the guns are being fired, then the MPD doesn’t have to respond to that violence.”

Cunningham also criticized some of his colleagues for seeming to waver on the promises they made earlier this year to transform the city’s public safety system.
“What I am sort of flabbergasted by right now is colleagues, who a very short time ago were calling for abolition, are now suggesting we should be putting more resources and funding into MPD,” Cunningham said.

Geezzz, who could have seen that coming, huh?

  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2020, 12:04 PM
Once the city council marxist DPST homes are terrorized - things will change.

May OBLM and Antifa burn their homes down - give the cit council a dose of their own stalinist marxism.

Terror- for its' own sake!
I say no crawfishing allowed

Minneapolis needs to stick with no police

They’ve already ruined and destroyed any motivation individual police personnel had to help Minneapolis any way

You going to risk your life so that these idiots either very possibly can put you in prison or just stand there and let the perp pop you?

Let the good people who can, leave

Start go fund me’s for good people who can’t afford to move so they can move, after investigating to be sure

Let the leftists hire community violence interrupters if they can get enough tax money to do so
Those stupid fucks wanted to defund the police, called them a bunch of racists, and now all of a sudden, they want them to start pushing back against the bad guys with no support?

Fucking DPST's!
Under the heading of "you can't make this shit up"! The city council of Minneapolis, wants to know, where are the police?


Minneapolis City Council Asks: Where Are the Police?

The meeting was slated as a Minneapolis City Council study session on police reform.

But for much of the two-hour meeting, council members told police Chief Medaria Arradondo that their constituents are seeing and hearing street racing which sometimes results in crashes, brazen daylight carjackings, robberies, assaults and shootings. And they asked Arradondo what the department is doing about it.
"Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police’?” said Jamal Osman, newly elected council member of Ward 6. He said he's already been inundated with complaints from residents that calls for police aren’t being answered.

“That is the only public safety option they have at the moment. MPD. They rely on MPD. And they are saying they are nowhere to be seen,” Osman said.
Just months after leading an effort that would have defunded the police department, City Council members at Tuesday’s work session pushed chief Medaria Arradondo to tell them how the department is responding to the violence.

The number of reported violent crimes, like assaults, robberies and homicides are up compared to 2019, according to MPD crime data. More people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than were slain in all of last year. Property crimes, like burglaries and auto thefts, are also up. Incidents of arson have increased 55 percent over the total at this point in 2019.

For his part, Arradondo told council members that the department has instituted several measures, including adding more officers to patrol and investigative duties and cracking down on robberies.

But council members told Arradondo that residents are hearing a different message from officers.
Council President Lisa Bender, who was among those leading the call to overhaul the department, suggested that officers were being defiant. Her constituents say officers on the street have admitted that they’re purposely not arresting people who are committing crimes.
“This is not new,” Bender said. “But it is very concerning in the current context.”

Arradondo told Bender this was “troubling to hear,” and that he would raise that issue with commanders and the heads of each precinct.
“We need to make sure that our communities know that we are going to be there,” said Arradondo. “That we’re going to be responsive. We’ve taken an oath to do that.”
Other council members said officers are telling residents that they are overworked and understaffed.

Arradondo said around 100 officers have left the department or have taken leave since the beginning of 2020. That’s more than double the usual number of officers who either step down from the department or who are inactive each year.

Council members in wards which usually don’t see high levels of violence say their constituents are feeling “terrorized.”
Jeremy Schroeder represents the 11th Ward, which covers a section of far south central Minneapolis. He said a recent spate of robberies of businesses at 48th Street and Chicago Avenue scared and frustrated residents and business owners.

Arradondo said the suspects are a group of high school students. He said beat officers were assigned to the area and were able to arrest the teenagers. Another group of juveniles has also committed carjackings in that area, Arradondo said.

“Arrests have been made,” he said. “There are still some pending charges. Both our juvenile units are pursuing those.”

Much of the violence has been concentrated in neighborhoods on the city’s north side. Council member Phillipe Cunningham represents the 4th Ward, where a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed Monday afternoon. Cunningham said two of his constituents were also recently wounded by stray bullets while sitting in their home.
Despite the uptick of crime in his ward, Cunningham, who supports the creation of a new community safety agency to replace the police department, said it’s particularly important now to start instituting some of those public health-based approaches to violence prevention. Recently, the council took more than $1 million from the police budget to hire “violence interrupters” to intervene and defuse potentially violent confrontations.

“If we have these systems in place we are getting ahead of the violence,” said Cunningham. “That’s why I have advocated so strongly for the violence interrupters, because if they are interrupting the violence before the guns are being fired, then the MPD doesn’t have to respond to that violence.”

Cunningham also criticized some of his colleagues for seeming to waver on the promises they made earlier this year to transform the city’s public safety system.
“What I am sort of flabbergasted by right now is colleagues, who a very short time ago were calling for abolition, are now suggesting we should be putting more resources and funding into MPD,” Cunningham said.

Geezzz, who could have seen that coming, huh?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
"Violence Interrupters" ? That's some more stupid shit coming from the Left.
texassapper's Avatar
They are SO ANGRY they are gonna go out and vote for different Democrats this time!!!

The people of Minneapolis are getting what they voted for.

Good and hard.

Maybe they'll think twice the next time they're in a voting booth. I doubt it, you can't fix stupid.
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2020, 05:47 PM
"Violence Interrupters" ? That's some more stupid shit coming from the Left.

And - just how will these proposed 'violence interrupters ' operate ???
Walk up to felons throwing molotov cocktails armed with pistols and rifles - and - Ask - "How do you feel about this"???
Oh yes - typical DPSRT racist, marxist delusions.

well - let the west coast and minneapolis disband all their cops - run them out of town - and see what happens

OBLM and Antifa will run riot - and burn down the towns.

DPST's deserve the fruits of their own delusional stupidity.
"Violence Interrupters" ? That's some more stupid shit coming from the Left.

And - just how will these proposed 'violence interrupters ' operate ???
Walk up to felons throwing molotov cocktails armed with pistols and rifles - and - Ask - "How do you feel about this"???
Oh yes - typical DPSRT racist, marxist delusions.

well - let the west coast and minneapolis disband all their cops - run them out of town - and see what happens

OBLM and Antifa will run riot - and burn down the towns.

DPST's deserve the fruits of their own delusional stupidity. Originally Posted by oeb11
Karma is a bitch - stupid fucking DPST's!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Brett Baire had an interesting projection tonite putting each state in a blue or read column and adding up the electoral votes. He got down to one state left with 10 electoral votes and Biden had 260, he takes Minnesota and he wins.

Trump has 268, he takes Minnesota, Trump wins. Trump gets Texas and Florida in this scenario.


Why Minnesota Could Be The Next Midwestern State To Go Red


The political implications of the Minneapolis protests for Minnesota, explained

Minnesota barely stayed blue in 2016. If there’s a backlash to protests, could it turn red?


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"Violence Interrupters" ? That's some more stupid shit coming from the Left.

And - just how will these proposed 'violence interrupters ' operate ???
Walk up to felons throwing molotov cocktails armed with pistols and rifles - and - Ask - "How do you feel about this"???
Oh yes - typical DPSRT racist, marxist delusions.

well - let the west coast and minneapolis disband all their cops - run them out of town - and see what happens

OBLM and Antifa will run riot - and burn down the towns.

DPST's deserve the fruits of their own delusional stupidity. Originally Posted by oeb11
I hope they operate unarmed. When they get their asses kicked or shot at they'll realize how difficult Police work really is when it comes to dealing with combative suspects.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 08:48 AM
And when rioters come for the minneapolis City Council members homes - I hope their social justice violence interrupters are right there to ask rioters enabled and fomented by the same city council members - "How do you feel about this"???

Answer - "Hey man, long as i be paid, I no care. "
HedonistForever's Avatar
"Violence Interrupters" ? That's some more stupid shit coming from the Left.

And - just how will these proposed 'violence interrupters ' operate ???
Walk up to felons throwing molotov cocktails armed with pistols and rifles - and - Ask - "How do you feel about this"???
Oh yes - typical DPSRT racist, marxist delusions.

well - let the west coast and minneapolis disband all their cops - run them out of town - and see what happens

OBLM and Antifa will run riot - and burn down the towns.

DPST's deserve the fruits of their own delusional stupidity. Originally Posted by oeb11

They held a round table discussion on just that topic and the consensus was "we ask them to please stop doing that"!
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 09:03 AM
HF - Truth - and what will the liberal snowflakes do when rioters assault them as they did Kyle Rittenhouse???

Sounds as a good way for natural selection to take action in the West coast DPST preserves.
Natural selection within the DPST party - sounds good to me.
The police aren't coming except for you.

The police came when called and where butalized.
If they arrested a "protestor" the protestor was likely let go under no cash bond.
The DA likely wouldn't charge them.
The judge likely wouldn't convict and jail them.
If they were unlucky enough to be convicted and jailed, they may have been let out due to COVID converns.

I read yesterday where an officer shot and killed a crazy guy who rushed at him with a knife. This happened a few months ago. The usually DA refused to press charges against the cop. Then "they" hired a special prosecutor who used "evidence" from the cops social media account to get a grand jury to indict him. The video evidence from the cops bodycam was convincing that it was self defense. The special prosecutor will not say what the evidence is.

Criminals are now a protected class.
winn dixie's Avatar
Eugenics could help in these scenarios