I want My Vote To Be Counted!

ICU 812's Avatar
I want to be sure that my vote is actually counted. For this reason, I will go to the poll location where I have cast my ballots for forty years and vote in person on election day.

I live in a neighborhood that historically votes one way. All this talk about mass mailing of ballots or encouraging everyone to vote by mail has me seriously concerned that mail bags of ballots will be found well after November third dumped in a landfill or some abandoned storage unit.

So for me, voting in person on election day is what I will do to make sure that my one vote is actually counted.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 02:09 PM
Depends on the voting propensity of the polling - mail-in votes of republican areas will be discarded,
mailed votes of fraudulent DPST precincts will be sure that 200% of the population votes - including all those deceased for the last 50 years.

Just the way the DPST's did it in chicago for decades
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I live in NY, deleted all places to vote in my county , start over all new n fewer. and keep changing where to vote. mmmm C19 fewer for more at mmmm only in NY, Its like kill off at nursing homes all over again LOL
Now its kill the voter
I want to be sure that my vote is actually counted. For this reason, I will go to the poll location where I have cast my ballots for forty years and vote in person on election day.

I live in a neighborhood that historically votes one way. All this talk about mass mailing of ballots or encouraging everyone to vote by mail has me seriously concerned that mail bags of ballots will be found well after November third dumped in a landfill or some abandoned storage unit.

So for me, voting in person on election day is what I will do to make sure that my one vote is actually counted. Originally Posted by ICU 812
That's the appropriate attitude, which I also share.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 03:36 PM
I live in NY, deleted all places to vote in my county , start over all new n fewer. and keep changing where to vote. mmmm C19 fewer for more at mmmm only in NY, Its like kill off at nursing homes all over again LOL
Now its kill the voter Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Cuomo and comrade Dumblasio want those votes for biden - er - Harris.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Disregard Their Previous Hysteria, Democrats Now Say In-Person Voting is Safe

Bronson Stocking|Posted: Sep 17, 2020 8:15 PM

The Democrats' hopes of having the November election completely ballot harvested by mail are in tatters, following a string of court losses and a strategy that appears to have backfired. Democrats are now scrambling to reassure their worried base that voting in-person during the coronavirus is safe after all. Disregard their previous hysteria over the past six months.

Democrats, ever confident in the media's ability to gaslight the American people, are now telling voters that it's completely safe to cast your ballot in-person come November. Democrats spent months accusing people of not caring about human life if they opposed Crazy Nancy's plan to mail 160 million ballots out and allow paid campaign operatives (harvesters) to go around collecting them. What could possibly go wrong with the Antifa mob showing up at your door to make sure your ballot is filled out correctly?

Of course, science has always suggested that voting in person poses little risk of spreading the Wuhan coronavirus. About 413,000 people voted in-person during the Wisconsin primary and a very small number, a few dozen, of coronavirus cases were linked to the election. There were no deaths. South Korea also held its elections and not a single coronavirus case was linked to in-person voting. Even Dr. Fauci has said there is no reason people can't safely vote in-person this November.

While there was no spike in COVID cases after the Wisconsin election, there was a spike in absentee ballots found lying around in the streets of Milwaukee. The same was true in Nevada, where ballots stacked up outside apartment complexes and other areas in and around Las Vegas.

Voter rolls are notoriously messy. People die, move out of state, and register to vote over and over again, which is why the rolls need to be cleaned in order to prevent voter fraud. Moving a national election just months away to vote-by-mail was never a tenable option, but Democrats insisted the ballot box should be secured by nothing more than the honor system.

Democrats never believed their own hysteria over voting in-person. In early May, Democrats added three polling centers in Democrat-rich cities in California in a last-minute effort to keep the state's 25th congressional district blue in a special election to replace disgraced former-Rep. Katie Hill (D). Democrats purposefully set up a polling center in the most diverse part of the district, even knowing the coronavirus disproportionately kills minorities. If they believed in-person voting would be a super-spreader event, why would Democrats risk the lives of their constituents? And let's not forget the media also greenlit the leftist riots for months.

Democrats never cared about the health of Americans one way or the other. All they care about is politicizing the pandemic to regain power in November.
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2020, 10:29 AM
Amen - DF!!!!
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 09-20-2020, 09:40 AM
Thank u - star nose
Please forward that to your friendly local DPST office.

Let's have some 'splody heads' - in Outrage~!
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 09-20-2020, 12:55 PM
usual BS Lying propaganda -

Thanks for the education in DPST ways and means,
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
do you have a point to make mole? all ur telling everyone is how ugly you are.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Go vote in PERSON
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2020, 09:15 AM