
Miztaken's Avatar
Was walking through a Casino waiting on a visit, she texts me mentions she will be late. I decide to wait and play a table game, I loose and the guy next to me is winning and betting big. I loose my starting money and decide to stand up, then he slides over a few chips my way and says don't move. I was like wtf. I look down and keep what I started with and he hands over more chips so I don't change the way the cards are being dealt. I look at my phone and my visit cancels one me, kid sick so she cancels. All a sudden I was disappointed and try to get up again, the guy then says hey I give more money just don't change the flow of the cards and he is wining big. Pulls out a few $ and hands it over. He then asks what I was looking for and I tell him, he mentions he has a few contacts and will take care of everything. I sit back down and get handed drinks , food and more $. 2 amazing looking girls show up and talk to this guy. He introduces them to me and they both say they have to freshen up, he collects his winning and we talk. he gets a text and the girls cancel as one of them did like how I looked. One girl shows back up and mentions she can get another person if we wait the guy had my back and he said nevermind. He hands her a few $ for gas and thanks her for being honest. He mentions I was his lucky charm and wants to try another casino, let us say he ended up paying back his his casino debt . He thanks me and we go our own ways. i text another person and get canceled on again, Never been canceled on so many times. I guess in one way I did not get lucky but in a another way I did. Guess I will be looking to try another visit, if can recommend anyone
HazelHayesVip's Avatar
I never cancel
Miztaken's Avatar
it was around 4am after all the drama. With all the luck I had that night I decided to go to sleep. I did see your tweet about Kitty and you and I was very much interested. I did sent her a message but never heard back. I decided to look another day but I think you were traveling, I am guessing she is already gone by now. But if not let me know
ParisLove's Avatar
Ouch , sounds like vegas with the cancellations sorry this happened to you but glad there was a up side to the evening !