CNN’s Brian Stelter Wonders…….”Who Let This Kid In The Room”?

What do you do when you are called out for being the lying political hack that you are.

This is classic.
bambino's Avatar
I wonder why Potatoe Head has a shown on cable.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
brian stelter and carrot top identical twins separated at birth ...

Jacuzzme's Avatar
He totally avoided the question. The kid should’ve asked if he apologized to President Trump for CNNs years worth of lying about Russia and the rest of it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Actually, I thought the soon to be former news reader for CNNLoL tried to acknowledge a little overt complicity between the various propaganda departments, of course laying no blame or shame on himself. He seemed to acknowledge a bit of self-aggrandizing does occur, but overall very weakly.

Let's see how this young man fairs after 4 years of indoctrination on campus.
it is very rich how these perps have the temerity to hold "disinformation" conferences

talk about having a blind spot

after being purposefully wrong about every issue of contention or national interest for at least the last 6 years and they hold a conference to talk about others????

i guess they think the best defense is a good offense and they are offensive