Review: Rebecca Hotley

Date: 09/27/2012
Provider: Rebecca Love
Phone: 228 265 4534
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: jackson area
State: Mississippi
Address: jackson area
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: convo, lfk,dfk, bbbj,bls, daty, fiv, fuha, greek
Session Length: 90+
Fee: advertised
Hair Length and Color: Short blonde
Age: 32
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: as described on her site... 5'2" firecracker, tattoo over left breast, smoldering eyes
Recommendation: Yes
biomed1's Avatar

I like to plan things, and my Hobby sessions are no exception.

You noted that the date of the appointment was 9/27/2012.

Since today is 9/26/2012, inquiring minds want to know.....

Did this appointment already happen and the date is incorrect,


Is this what you are planning to do with Rebecca tomorrow?

Just teasing!!

Just PM one of the MODs and they can correct the date on the review for you!

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Biomed1 ,
HAHA... i had so much fun i lost track of the date and time... def not a clock watcher
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I'm looking forward to meeting her someday. And her are those nipples you mentioned:

vicinms's Avatar
And while we are fixing the date, what was her rate? Using the term "advertised" is no help to prospective clients, who don't know where to find her ad (or are too lazy to look). Just list it!
elcid180's Avatar
Just let either Vic or myself know about the date and rate and we can fix it. Have fun be safe