Royce White and travel problems.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Bullshit or the real deal?

1. Is his anxiety the real deal, or a bullshit item to get on another team?

2. Would you, as his coach, want any player who didn't travel with the team?

Answer to 1. If he traveled in college, then he should be able to travel in the pros. I'm also a 'white knuckle' flier, and haven't been on a plane in about 4-5 years. I'm not afraid of crashing, but I just absolutely hate being in a crowded area like on a plane. So, in this context, I'm would be just as uneasy in a bus or even traveling in a back seat versus being on a plane.

Answer to 2. I don't want any of my players doing their own travel planning. If we play New Orleans, San Antonio, or Dallas, I want all my team together versus all 11 plus one player who will arrive when he can. Also, the drive to New Orleans is around 5 or so hours, while San Antonio is around 3-4, and Dallas around 5 hours. The flight to any of these 3 cities is usually under an hour. No way would I believe the my player would be fresh and ready to play after a 3-5 hour trip, versus a flight under an hour.

As a coach, I don't think he's worth the extra worry and problems. I do have compassion for his travel anxieties, but IMHO the bus vs. plane difference isn't worth the problems. If I were in Rocket management, I would assist with a shrink or meds that would settle his anxiety, but no way would I approve him traveling on his own bus, not even for Texas or New Orleans games.
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 10-26-2012, 04:42 PM
1. Mental illness, in all its manifestations, affects individuals in wildly differing ways. One person's experience does not necessarily speak to the way another is impacted by the same condition. Further, symptoms such as anxiety can increase or decrease with age, so what may have been possible years ago may be nearly impossible now. The ONLY person who really knows the true degree of his anxiety is Royce.

2. This does not mean that I would necessarily want him on my team. That would depend on the dynamics of the players and how he was with the team. It could be a very divisive issue, or the players could band together to form a more solid unit. It depends on the locker room dynamics.

As to the travel time to SA and Dallas, if you count travel time to airport, check in, waiting in the airport, etc, I can drive to Dallas and actually reach my final destination faster than fly. I am not sure how much of the BS time is changed when you are on a charter.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
1. Mental illness, in all its manifestations, affects individuals in wildly differing ways. One person's experience does not necessarily speak to the way another is impacted by the same condition. Further, symptoms such as anxiety can increase or decrease with age, so what may have been possible years ago may be nearly impossible now. The ONLY person who really knows the true degree of his anxiety is Royce.

2. This does not mean that I would necessarily want him on my team. That would depend on the dynamics of the players and how he was with the team. It could be a very divisive issue, or the players could band together to form a more solid unit. It depends on the locker room dynamics.

As to the travel time to SA and Dallas, if you count travel time to airport, check in, waiting in the airport, etc, I can drive to Dallas and actually reach my final destination faster than fly. I am not sure how much of the BS time is changed when you are on a charter. Originally Posted by Molay
I agree with both 1 and 2. I know for a fact as I've gotten older, my anxiety when on a plane has gotten worse. Back in 2000-2006 I made around 6 trips to Costa Rica.

I would like to think on a team charter, the players and staff could park in an off site area and board their flight from their cars, hence very little waiting time. It seems like a flight with just players and staff should ease his anxieties.
pyramider's Avatar
If he wants to make the money then he better overcome his fears.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If it has to do with the NBA, who gives a fuck.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-27-2012, 01:00 AM
If it has to do with the NBA, who gives a fuck. Originally Posted by The2Dogs