Impulsive CLient, John_Tx. Dangerous!

Hey, I just wanted to bring this to attention for other's well beings. I had scheduled a meeting with a friend and was uncomfortable with seeing him. Even before he arrived he was being extra pushy over the phone and texts. But still I agreed to visit with him, due to him already being on the way. He was still pushy when he arrived. I wont go into full details on why I had him leave at the beginning of the session, because I would like not to call him out. After this gentleman left I had recieved a call stating that there was illegal activities taking place in my room from the manager. Nobody had known where I was staying because I had just moved to the location. If you have any questions about why, or what happened please PM me and I will be more then willing to tell you. I am new to the and this really kind of scared me. So I figured that I would give a thread about what happened and possibly let other providers know that this guy is very impulsive. When I told him I didnt want to see him he threatened to right a bad review. John_TX. Please contact me for any questions.

sixxbach's Avatar
This has been moved to the proper forum....

Sorry to hear that this has happened, and that is sad! Have you got access to the infoshare babe? That would be a better place to put this for all the ladies to see, since it is a ladies only section Need help just shoot me a PM hon!
Well damn that sucks! I will post it for you than love
way to try to get back at me when I told you I would be posting a negative review, which I hadn't yet done but now think I should.

guys who have ROS access please refer to post 8 on this thread:

I wasn't the only one who saw her there. i didn't speak to anyone so evidently someone else did after she did something to them or she made the entire thing up. or maybe the hotel employees saw people coming and going and figured something was up? or maybe they saw a pimp? who knows.

you have no evidence that it was me who contacted whomever "the manager" is...i guess you just admitted you have a pimp? or are you referring to hotel management? did you even verify that the person you were speaking to was even a hotel employee? without any direct evidence i demand you retract your false accusation. you cannot prove anything, you are merely spouting out a bunch of assumptions with no direct evidence. and then you called me four times in a row after i walked out of your session? get a grip girl...

and i wasn't pushy on the phone. we agreed to her standard advertised services that I will gladly post for everyone to see that she is making that whole thing up. if I was so pushy and you felt uncomfortable why didn't you simply cancel? also i was not pushy when i got there. your clothes never came off and i gave you a hello kiss which you reciprocated. even when i got there i told you what we had agreed to which is all the services clearly spelled out on your ad. you not only agreed to these on text message but also verbally in the room. then you changed your mind and when i asked why you did not provide a reason. "just because," were your exact words.

i did feel the need to clarify what you were offering. because it has been posted on ECCIE that your services vary client to client and i was not going to see you and waste your time or mine if your menu deviated from your advertised services. my advice to you is to avoid this in the future do not advertise things like bbbj if you aren't going to do it.

also after Heather Holliday assured you about your concerns, AFTER i left, which for some reason you still felt the need to call her and speak to her about a session that (1) never occurred and (2) will never occur...... you still hadn't changed your mind. why call another provider as a reference if you don't trust what they have to say? now you've wasted their time too.

the masses will decide. your reviews and Mens Lounge feedback in Austin and Dallas show pretty clearly what you're like. not just from me, look at the bad press you're getting by others.

on top of that, you're not even a registered provider yet. and by the looks of it, i doubt you'll ever be.

let's get the facts straight too. i left...and after i got in my car and was on the road i texted you that i would be posting a bad review of you because you got me in the room and then after all that screening, agreement for services, agreement for donation amount, you then decide while i am already there to cancel the session. never once did i talk about a good or bad review in the room. i left and after i left i advised you of what i'd be doing. notice i hadn't even done that yet, but you felt compelled to type these false accusations?


tell you what, would you feel compelled to write something bad about me if the tables were turned? meaning, i got to the room, saw you, and then decided i no longer wanted to see you and walked out the door? of course you'd post something bad about me, unless it was an issue of bait/switch, fake pics, or something else. but without those issues, if i had come up to your door, and wasted your time, you'd expect a cancel fee or some other type of compensation? i simply left. you wasted my time and then felt the need after i left to call another provider for a reference which you evidently did not check to begin with (so why ask for references), and then call me 4 times, and then post this false accusation?

who is this "alert" really for? now im confused.
Well damn that sucks! I will post it for you than love Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
let me get this straight, you're going to post information that you know nothing about whatsoever? wow.......i hope you don't get mad when people post things about you that they cannot substantiate as true.
First of all I don't know either of you and I am not one to start drama, so please don't start it with me. I do not know what took place only the two of you know the true story. However if a provider or hobbyist post an alert of some sort I feel either side should be able to view such aligations and decide on their own what they think, thats all. By the way I have kept a nice rep and have always been friendly and nice, so there is nothing bad to start about me. Wish you both the best of luck!
First of all I don't know either of you and I am not one to start drama, so please don't start it with me. I do not know what took place only the two of you know the true story. However if a provider or hobbyist post an alert of some sort I feel either side should be able to view such aligations and decide on their own what they think, thats all. By the way I have kept a nice rep and have always been friendly and nice, so there is nothing bad to start about me. Wish you both the best of luck! Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
and that is what this discussion is for - for both parties to speak their sides. if you feel the need to post only her side of the story in a girls-only forum, which is what you offered, then im sorry, that is bullshit, and i hope people who have thought about spending their hard-earned money on you will take that into consideration before booking with you.
I've been away forever but I guess these types of boards will Always include some form of drama. Nature of the biz. There should be a Soap forum or "He said, She said" forum so people can argue and fight to their heart's content. Those who want to watch the show will know what to expect when they tune in and have popcorn and juju beads ready. Those who don't can simply avoid it like bad reality tv.
thanks Cody,

notice i hadn't posted anything in a public forum...but since she is airing the dirty laundry.....
So do you think just because it is in the ladies area that they can't smell bullshit even if its a provider claiming it? I know for a fact plenty of ladies have been called on their bullshit in the ladies area. Just like I am sure for the same in the mens area...
If nothing happened don't stress, people will see through bullshit. I have said all I have to say, I am not being in this drama of this thread anymore. Good luck to the both of you. BTW..when you post the link from coed, the ladies can still see you're side and her's. so it is not just one sided.
FYI...John_tx was the first friend that i saw at that location due to me just MOVING to that location.. and fyi again there is no PIMPS or any such thing involved i am an INDEPENDENT provider and i am very new to this and like this. But things like this tend to scare me.. again he was the only one who seen me at this location and knew my room number. The manager called me and said that there was illegal activity taking place in my room,, not to mention it was minutes after he had left the session we were supposed to have! Watch out ladies. Staff Edit..Forbidden subject...Spacemtn..AustinModS taff
my apologies on my behalf. Now please i would really not like all this drama. I was just trying to let people know that he is IMPULSICVE on the act and threatend to write a bad review because i wasnt comfortable with seeing him.. after having him being pushy and all the bullshit i had been through with him.. and the only reason i didnt cancel was because he was already on his way and i was hoping for a good session. This arent no alligatios.. the only ppl that had came in and out of my room was him and myself and that was IT. Not to mention again he was my first friend at that location.. and the manager pinpointed my room exactly! THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR TIME. This is all im going to say because this is exactly what happend.


Her past review cred + his board behavior cred = Enough Already. Like Afghanistan this is not a winnable conflict. General McCrystal are you here anywhere? Tell these folks please.
FYI...John_tx was the first friend that i saw at that location due to me just MOVING to that location.. and fyi again there is no PIMPS or any such thing involved i am an INDEPENDENT provider and i am very new to this and like this. But things like this tend to scare me.. again he was the only one who seen me at this location and knew my room number. The manager called me and said that there was illegal activity taking place in my room,, not to mention it was minutes after he had left the session we were supposed to have! Watch out ladies. Staff Edit..Forbidden subject...Spacemtn..AustinModS taff
my apologies on my behalf. Now please i would really not like all this drama. I was just trying to let people know that he is IMPULSICVE on the act and threatend to write a bad review because i wasnt comfortable with seeing him.. after having him being pushy and all the bullshit i had been through with him.. and the only reason i didnt cancel was because he was already on his way and i was hoping for a good session. This arent no alligatios.. the only ppl that had came in and out of my room was him and myself and that was IT. Not to mention again he was my first friend at that location.. and the manager pinpointed my room exactly! THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR TIME. This is all im going to say because this is exactly what happend.


Roxxane Originally Posted by Roxxane on Demand
i certainly doubt that. the way the room appeared, you had definitely been there for some time. food wrappers, clothing, etc. it is convenient to blame me for it but you really don't have any idea how the manager knew. additionally, you still haven't told us how you verified that the person who you were speaking to even was a hotel employee. as far as i am concerned you are making this whole thing up simply to pre-empt me from writing a bad review of you, which, i will be doing today.

did the manager state what kind of illegal activity? maybe he thought you were doing something else illegal in the room. your allegations are nonspecific. besides, if you don't have a pimp, how is it an 18-year-old can rent a hotel room in her own name? i believe it is the policy of many hotels not to rent unless you are 21.

you have yet to prove with any evidence that it was me who had anything to do with this phone call from an alleged hotel employee. you keep stating that you are warning people that i am "dangerous" and "impulsive." you have yet to prove that i am either. dangerous in what way? impulsive in what way?

that is no different than me accusing you of being flaky, bait and switch (regarding your services listed), and utterly unreliable. members have posted that you have no-showed on them after booking appointments. how do you explain that? other than being a newbie, but even a newbie knows that if you make an appointment you are supposed to keep it. its like if you are new at a job, there is still an expectation to show up at the job at the time you are supposed to start your work day.

again, i told you i would be writing a bad review AFTER i left and made no mention of a bad review before or during the appointment. i simply left and then i told you AFTER i left that i would be writing the bad review. you even agreed to it. there was no "threat" of writing a bad review because i had already left and so how could that have changed anything? you weren't under any pressure to change your mind, since i was long gone.

if you weren't comfortable with me during the screening process you should have simply declined the appointment. regardless if i was on my way or what not. you had a three call system - once to book, once to confirm, and once when i got there. that gave you three opportunities to decline or simply not answer your phone (wouldn't be the first time for you). you didn't and then changed your mind once i was inside the room? and you still dont think that merits a bad review?

Roxanne your "proof" is nothing but allegations. very nonspecific at that. you have a very "edited" account of what happened.

also why don't you admit that you contacted Heather Holliday AFTER i left and blew up her phone to the point she had to call me to figure out what happened? what was the sense of contacting another provider as a reference after i had left and you decided not to see me?

sounds like you have alot to learn in this business - or maybe this isn't your cup of tea.

now stop making false allegations........
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
if you feel the need to post only her side of the story in a girls-only forum, which is what you offered, then im sorry, that is bullshit, and i hope people who have thought about spending their hard-earned money on you will take that into consideration before booking with you. Originally Posted by John_TX

This is a bit hypocritical, isn't it?