Ladies, please...

NipLover's Avatar
This is hobbyist protection 101. Do not call back 2 1/2 days later. If you cannot call back promptly, then don't call back at all. Unless the message advises you otherwise!

Here is what happened. I read a weekend ad on Friday evening, around 6:30PM. I called the provider at almost 9:00PM Friday evening. I got a recording. I left my name and number and asked her to call me back. Now, in her defense, I did not tell her any specific time to not call me back. I did not get a call back on Friday. Nor Saturday or Sunday. I got a call back at 10:45AM today.

How many times does it have to be said, don't risk someones anonymity days later. OK, as I said, I didn't tell her not to call after a certain time, but come on. Don't be stupid!

OK, ok, I know, invest in a hobby phone, etc, etc. Look, I didn't risk anything. I am single. No one monitors my calls. I am just posting this as advise for some of you who continue to make this mistake!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
In that vein when the guys leave a message please say the time of day not to call after... for example "Hi this is joe blow, phone number I would like to set up an appt sometime today please do not call back after 5p. Phone number again."

NOT "please call back in 15 min or not at all." (15 min from WHEN?)

I have had them give me a 5 min. window. (Now if I hear the pager, not in an appt and hear the message and can understand the phone number w/o replaying it for 10 times to get that last number--- I have made that window)

but saying a time is more helpful than so many minutes.
Powderhound's Avatar
If you are going to hobby at all, even if it's just once every month or two, then you must invest in a hobby phone. It costs about $20 to get a Tracfone at WalMart. You don't have to give them any real information to get it hooked up and you are TOTALLY anonymous. I've had this one for almost 3 years and it has never let me down. Get some kind of hobby phone or dont hobby. Just my .02
REB, White Night here, IMHO she did nothing wrong, you did not specify when she should call you back

1 hour or 1 week,,to me makes no difference, unless you say, "do not call me past this or that time and date"
Id rather be accused of blowing off a call than to call back later and take a chance on ruining someone's life. I don't want an angry wifey calling me just like you guys don't want to get busted. If I can't return a call within 20 minutes and the client didn't specify a safe time then I'm not calling back. If I absolutely know they are single I may. If I know who they are I would rather pm or email them. I don't think its a good idea to leave your voice on the vm eithier. At least if a client's so calls me she won't hear anything on my vm. That's not fool proof, but it helps. @ dagney +1.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
That's why when I leave a message (pretty quickly) I don't say his name. Then they can say "wow, did I get a wrong number today LOL"

If a woman answers (and this happens more than it should) I have a gals name... "oh Helen Brady?" I do not hesitate on this at all. she says no and I say oops I must have a wrong number. I just hope he gets the message and calls back again when he can take the call. I guess it would be better to say....... "Dagny? Dagny Walker is that you?" and he would at least know it is me. But I do not want to give away the name.

NipL, sorry this happened to you.
Dick Diamond's Avatar
Id rather be accused of blowing off a call Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Thanks for blowing off my P411 request!But you wouldn't know you just deleted my email.
I believe if it's over thirty min DO NOT CALL back...

hoorah for britney and victoria who absolutely have it right.

no hobby phone is needed imho. vm tells you the time of day the call came in, therefore, you should know when the vm was left and it would seem appropriate not to call back three days later.

imho i believe this is just like the donation. dont mention it (the donation) us guys shouldnt have to say hey dont call me back three days later duh.

ok beat me up now.

Well good evening dick. It looks like you sent me a pm inquiring about my whereabouts on a certain date. I didn't receive a request, but I do apologize. It sounds like I really missed out by not meeting you.
Beagle's Avatar
Guys who play it safe just get a hobby phone since they know better than to expect all providers to not make "mistakes" like this. Don't even need to keep 2 phones around. Just take out the SIM card and insert only when you need to make calls or are expecting calls.

I'm fine with providers calling back by the next day. Any longer than that and I'd probably have set up an appointment with someone else and stowed the phone away until needed again.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I believe if it's over thirty min DO NOT CALL back...

COMMON COURTESY! Originally Posted by VictoriaLove
I would like to ask the guys about this 30 min rule.

If a gal is in an appt when the call comes in and not due out for another 45 min does that mean that we should not call that guy back? That doesn't sound like it gives the lady enough time to get that next appt. to me.
harkontume's Avatar
I would like to ask the guys about this 30 min rule.

If a gal is in an appt when the call comes in and not due out for another 45 min does that mean that we should not call that guy back? That doesn't sound like it gives the lady enough time to get that next appt. to me. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
Good Point Dagny

Do some of you guys actually sit at home with your SO and make fantasy dates with fantasy chicks on your personal cell phone while watching Wheel of Fortune?

" You can fix a lot of things but you cant fix Stupid"
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Single with a hobby phone. I don't worry about it. Call back anytime - I usually state this if I leave a VM.

If I'm not looking for a date, I don't always keep up with charging the phone, so it may be off and go straight to VM.
If I get left a VM and it does not say when I may call you back or the latest (like I request on my VM), I just do not call back(even if hey say call me whenever, cause you're whenever and my whenever may be different). I don't want to take any chance of catching that person in an awkward situation(such as wth co-workers, the SO, or whatever). I will just wait for them to call back if they intrested in meeting.