Early Bird

Question to Providers: what time is it NOT too early to call for an appointment ? I'm new to hobbying and an" early bird" so I'm just trying to get a good idea without pissing you off!
I take calls starting 5am cuz I'm up at 3am but some like to sleep in....usually most girls will have it listed on there showcases ...
I take calls starting 5am cuz I'm up at 3am but some like to sleep in....usually most girls will have it listed on there showcases ... Originally Posted by Sexyangelbaby

Jesus Christ girl when do u sleep??

I get up at 5am if I have a 7am set the.night before, if not then im up at 7 to start at 9am.. I was waking at 5am everyday but wasnt getting calls that early, then when I moved my schedule back I.got some calls, but ppl call all night long too and I dont meet after 9 pm.. I don't like to see anyone drunk or inebriated ..
I usually get calls so I don't mind. Plus my body doesn't need alot of sleep normally....
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I start as early as 7am on days not including my first day touring.
Pretty similar to Kira if a guy wants a 7am appt though he needs to contact (email, text or pm in order if preference) me about it the night before.
Madame X's Avatar
I would think that any time is fine provided you arrange everything with your lady of choice before hand...

I myself tend to be up late rather than early... but usually late enough that it looks early to most people, lol.

~Mme X~